For some reason, it seems to us that in modern design metal is practically not used, and that it was successfully replaced by synthetic materials, such as plastic, polyvinyl chloride, artificial stone. Photos of forged halls clearly indicate that forged elements can play not only the secondary role of accessories, but also become a dominant feature of design.
How the metal is used in the interior?In fact, we never stopped using metal. Today it is presented in the form of details of equipment, kitchen decorative and functional products, accessories of plumbing objects.

If you visually imagine the interior metal, then a item or surface with intense shine or matte overflow of a pleasant silver or silver color appears before your eyes.

Without chrome shiny metal parts, it is impossible to fully embody the loft or techno, hi-tack or modern style into reality. But the fantasy of the designers does not stop there, so one of the characteristic trends of interior fashion 2019. There are forged elements.

And in this case, we are not talking about chrome modern metal, but about forged products that are appropriate in any room, and especially in the halls of ordinary apartments and country cottages.

This is very important, since the corridors of city apartments are minimal in size, in country houses they are also not given a large area, so each centimeter is really invaluable!

Forged furniture in the hallway and the same accessories are unusually durable and durable = their operational period is calculated for years of impeccable service. At the same time, such products do not even need minor current repair.

It is very easy to take care of forged elements - just wipe the dust and rub intensively a couple of times a rag, returning a natural shine. They are not amenable to corrosion, which destroys the metal, since they are additionally processed with a special coating.

And finally, they are distinguished by environmental purity and naturalness - they do not emit toxic compounds into the air, being absolutely safe for children.

As already mentioned, it is not enough to install a shelf hung up in the hallway - everything can be forged, without exception elements of furniture. If you think that the room will immediately become a “cold”, cluttered and gloomy, resembling a medieval fortress, then you are mistaken.

Using forging processing, the metal becomes like lace, only instead of fabric in a thin elegant pattern, “strips” of iron are intertwined.

Metal "lace", on the contrary, give the impression of lightness and airiness. Such furniture weighs a lot, but it seems that it is practically weightless. This effect is “transferred” to the territory - the entrance hall visually expands, it seems more free, voluminous.

The impression that metal racks and forged sofas in the hall can be strengthened using a bunk glossy stretch ceiling, in the center of which there is a convex circle or square, and around the perimeter - diode lamps.

Forged shelves in the hallway, racks and key holders, hangers and ebrids, designers advise to install with the embodiment of a classic style with historical coloring. The room will immediately remind you of the era of chivalry, crusades, tournaments for the gaze of a beautiful lady, so you can decorate all elements with a tuition edging from a tag.

You can supplement the classic historical design with the help of two wall lamps stylized for candlesticks or racks for umbrellas, created in the form of a “standing” sword on the handle.

The cabinet will successfully replace an ergonomic hanger with shelves for storing trifles and a small stool, where you can sit down, putting on shoes. The mirror will require a hung, edged in the forged elegant frame.

Victorian style is the style of "good old England", which can be successfully implemented in the hallway. To do this, you need to use wallpaper in a large cage in the spirit of the famous checkered brand: ...Barberry..., or wallpapers with a printer of small roses are a “business card” Victorian.

There should not be a lot of furniture - it is enough to install forged shelves in the hallway (hats can be folded on the upper, and on the lower shoes), a hanger, a small wooden cabinet with a mirror enclosed in a forged frame.

You can emphasize the interior adherence to the Victorian direction using decorative models of the first brands of cars or houses placed on the horizontal surface of the nightstand.

There will be several wall photos depicting the old streets of London, a view of the Thames, the legendary Big-Ben or, say, the profile of Sherlock Holmes, representing this era in the literature.

And finally, remember the large forged key, which will become the center of the composition and will be a semantic load, directly or indirectly manifesting in the figure of the ornament.

Loft style can emphasize not only chrome shiny metal, but also forged mirrors for the hallway, hangers in the form of a store bar, spectacular shelves for shoes, a storyteller.

Metal should be artificially aged so that it looks organic and stylish, but it does not need to be painted. The background for accessories will be the wallpaper in the form of asphalt coating, brick or glass wall panels, as well as matte pryphones made of acrylic, supplemented by forged details.

Despite the emergence of a mass of modern high-class and high-quality materials that can fit into a variety of stylistic directions, the metal surface remains out of competition.

This material can manifest itself in detail, gently reminding itself. In a dominant role, it looks no less excellent, especially if you choose the right accessories, which, like a good retinue, can "play the king".

Choosing metal structural units for the design of your hallway - you will not be mistaken. So, you will form one of the most fashionable interiors of this year, pay tribute to eternal values, emphasize your preferences and express individuality, even the nature of your family.