The successful design of the room depends on the correct design, so it is important to initially form basic zones, distribute furniture and determine the overall design style. The planning project has been formed, it remains small - add a successful decor.
If you think over such moments in advance, you can expect a good result and get a cozy bedroom where the atmosphere of comfort and harmony will reign. Now let's take a closer look at the concept of designing bedrooms.

What should be in a traditional bedroom?
Without a double bed, the standard bedroom cannot be imagined, so we pay attention to its width, which should be at least 160 cm, and the maximum depends on your preferences and area of the room.

It is appropriate to buy a mattress in the bedroom, which does not exceed 180 cm. This size will provide a comfortable rest and save the necessary centimeters, which can be used profitably.

The importance of the cabinet in the bedroom is proved by practice, and the experience is still a great thing. Although modern designers are increasingly developing projects with built -in dressing rooms, but cabinets cannot be discounted anyway. After all, not every room has the opportunity to install dressing rooms, but to store clothes and other things, somewhere you need.

The bedroom involves the presence of a chest of drawers, since it is here that you can store fine clothes and underwear, towels, etc.D.

Clothing cabinets harmoniously fit into the overall furniture atmosphere of bedrooms, except for this they are very functional, since here you can place a book, phone, cosmetics without getting out of bed.

We offer several ways to arrange furniture in the base bedrooms. The proportions of the bedrooms will be different so that you can choose the best option for yourself, and design a successful sketch, given all the nuances of the location.

Advantages and disadvantages
A detailed description of the bedroom layout will be superfluous, as the main ideas can be seen in the photo. We will focus on the pros and cons of the arrangements, as well as pay attention to the nuances that are very important when developing a sketch in this situation.

The symmetrical arrangement of furniture when planning a rectangular bedroom will always look more profitable than another location.

The bed and the wall are too close to each other, there is no place under the TV to put other furniture or TV pieces.

We pay attention: strong installation of the monitor will ensure safety and comfortable viewing of your favorite films; The angle near the entrance can be smoothed out with a ceiling with a beveled angle; Correctly calculate the length from the cabinet to the closet, so that the sash can easily open.

Favorable symmetry, cabinets and storage boxes are assigned an important role. They will solve the problem with the distribution of things.

A bulky composition of several cabinets conceals the space of the bedroom, and if possible, it is better not to load this area with many cabinets. Since there are no other options for storing things, this design will still be appropriate to install.

Before installing furniture structures opposite the bed, you need to choose the easiest color option to expand the bedroom space visually due to the color scheme. It is also worth choosing cabinets with a low depth.

The cabinet that is located, as if in a niche, looks large and roomy; The upper part of the bed is characterized by a beautiful look, which creates a pleasant appearance from the entrance; The successful location of the cabinet evens out the quadrature of the room, and it acquires the correct forms.

Not symmetry of the location of the bed to the chest of drawers makes an imbalance in the general environment. The bedside table and the cabinet are close, so it is important to calculate the distance between them or buy models with sliding sashes, buy non -ado furniture structures to increase this bedroom space.

A lot of cabinets where things are stored, the shelf above the bed is highlighted an important role of storing things and the need for a torture has disappeared.

Visually, the shape of the room is not completely harmonious, due to the location of all cabinets along one wall.

The decor of the wall in front of the bed must be thought out well in order to return the balance of the bedroom shape. It is worth decorating it in dark colors, with an interesting texture. The window opposite the bed lengthens the room and harmoniously wrinkle; places where you can store clothes enough.

There is not much place in the left corner of the bed, and visually the cabinet conceals the space, although if you order a shallow cabinet, you can easily fix such an unprofitable position.

In view of the fact that the window is in this version of the bright detail of the interior, take care of its decor, think over the color and density of the curtains so that the morning light pleases with its softness and lightness, and not shine in the eyes.

It is difficult to equip the bedroom so that the room is perfect, but competently made by layout, the ability to find a balance between necessity and comfort, analysis of their needs and preferences will be able to lead to an optimal option that will delight you with simplicity, comfort and comfort.

Photo layout of the bedroom