At the entrance to the apartment, it is important to immediately feel the flavor of the family situation. As the theater begins with a hanger, so the apartment begins with the hallway. The design of the hallway, things, furniture - located in it, will say a lot about the owners of the apartment to an experienced person. Therefore, it is so important to properly arrange furniture.
The importance of the correct arrangementFor the correct arrangement, the following conditions must be observed: convenience of use; furniture, a thing should not interfere; safety. If all three conditions are respected, then approximately all in different variations of things, objects in the hallway occupy their functional place.

Many have a photo of the mirror in the hallway. In the hallway they meet guests, relatives. They also escort there. This is a place of meetings and partings. Therefore, photographing, as an accompanying element of communication, often occurs in the front.

Everything should be comfortable and close here. To undress where to undress. Where to put shoes. So that there is where to look, combing the hair. This is explained simply.

A person leaves the apartment. He needs to dress. Where the clothes should hang so that it does not interfere with anyone? Or here's another inconvenient moment if it is not solved right away. Man put on a tie, suit. Leaving, he doubted: is a tie hanging correctly?

If you install a cabinet with a mirror in the hallway in advance, problems will be solved in two scores. And if this furniture item is not nearby? Then you have to get off, go to the bathroom. There, see if a tie hangs correctly.

It turns out that every furniture item, an important thing at the entrance or output should be in the accurately selected functional places. For this apartment and this interior, design. For example, a large mirror in the hallway.

It should be where its location is convenient and safe. And it must be. For convenience without leaving the door.

Without its presence nearby, time is lost at the necessary moments. Excess vanity occurs, nervous. When people are in a hurry, they are somewhere late.

When people leave their apartment on business, they must be collected. The habit of looking in the mirror before leaving is accustomed to discipline. In order to check if the hair was disheveled or something else to examine, there must be a mirror with a shelf in the hallway.

Women, leaving outside, preenate. Often they remember at the threshold that they need to paint the lips and bring the eyelashes. Therefore, a mirror, in any form - must be in the hallway. A shelf for cosmetic accessories, combs and other household trifles - it is necessary. Near the mirror.

The nuances of using the mirror are pushed by the stringing owner of the apartment to have two mirrors here. One is in a small cabinet, the other is on the wall opposite the door, if the area allows. Since the mirror on the wall in the hallway often has to be hanged not for a complete review, and at the level of the face.

For security. Little children can smash a large mirror. And adults have to strain once again. Afraid of smashing inadvertently this fragile subject of everyday life. Passing the door from the room to the room. Mirror in the closet behind the door, almost to the floor - solves the problem of complete inspection.

During where there should be furniture items at the entrance, one must also think that the design of the mirror in the hallway should harmoniously coincide with the overall design of the interior. And the overall design begins with the hallway. This is an important circumstance. We can say: the correct location of household items in the apartment should set the direction of the entire design in the apartment. So the design of the hallway: must reflect the nature of the owners; comply with aspirations; be in harmony with the environment.

Mirror - a reflection of the human soul. It can be inlaid with patterns, add homemade color in its framing. Then both a person will enter the kitchen and other rooms with a raised mood.

Of course, other rooms should have their own solutions. There is no dispute. But the tone in design should be objects and furniture near the entrance to the apartment. For example, the corner mirror in the hallway. If the layout of housing allows, you can’t find the best solution for the mirror.

When it is in the corner, the issue of safety is almost being decided almost solved. If a roomy corner next to the door. Then you can place a glass fragile object covered with amalgama, with a large size. Not afraid to break.

The simplest solution: buy and install. Almost the right decision. But one purchase is not possible. It is necessary to attach diligence, skill, desire. And so that everything works out as it should, you still need to stock up on. Such a problem as the design of the hallway - from the condach is not solved.

When installing a mirror with a shelf in the hallway, you can, of course, buy a mirror. But it is better to make a shelf on your own. Since only a person himself can choose the desired shape, texture. In the store you can not always find what is needed.

Moreover, this is not too difficult. To perform such an idea, it is only necessary: several small boards, tools, fasteners, decorative film. Perhaps plywood will need. But this is an amateur.

Half a day of leisurely work on a day off - and a brand new beautiful shelf with compact departments for women's cosmetics, combs and other things will hang on the wall. Near the mirror.

Delight people. And the design of the hallway will be realized for a long time. Here you have to think carefully. And this is for the best.