The curtains for the kitchen of 2023 need to be selected not only taking into account the popularity of a particular option. When choosing, it is worth paying increased attention to the characteristics of the fabric and take into account the features of the interior. The conditions of use in the kitchen differ from residential premises, so you should not save on curtains. Inexpensive and demanding care will not last long.
Features of curtains for the kitchenBefore choosing a specific solution, you need to understand the main features of the products. This will help to immediately abandon inappropriate varieties and ensure the choice of high -quality curtains that are suitable for the situation and remain attractive for a long time. It is important to remember the following: It is best to stop the choice on materials that do not absorb odors and fat spray. Usually these are natural fabrics with the addition of synthetics, which provides good operational characteristics. Consider the location of the kitchen. If the window is facing south or east, then most of the day the bright sun will shine. There are quite dense fabrics that can shut up the room. Another requirement for the material of manufacture is resistance to burnout, if you hang not the highest quality option, it will lose color in just a year and a half. Choose unpretentious materials that you can often wash. Do not use varieties that require special washing conditions or are cleaned in dry cleaning. Ideally use a fabric that dries quickly. Interior design is also of great importance. You can use curtains for the kitchen of 2023 both in the modern style and in traditional directions, if this is suitable for the overall design. The window should harmoniously fit into the situation, otherwise it will not look very good. Color design is selected individually in each case.

By the way! Many manufacturers offer special fabrics for curtains in the kitchen. They are saturated with a special composition, so they do not absorb dirt and resistant to fire.
When choosing curtains for a kitchen with a balcony, consider that the light in the room is much worse. It makes no sense to hang dense elements, it is important to ensure normal penetration of light, otherwise it will be necessary to constantly turn on the lighting. New curtains of 2023

Disassembleing a photo of new curtains for the kitchen in 2023, both in the classic style and in modern directions, several conclusions can be drawn. The trends are such that massive and complex designs are a thing of the past. Luxury and deliberate splendor are inappropriate, instead use several techniques: The design of the small length is relevant, the bottom of which is walking along the edge of the window opening. Such solutions are often used in a cafe, but now they are increasingly found in kitchens. This solution gives the interior style. In addition, it is very convenient, since the space under the windowsill is open, which is especially important if the heating radiator is located there. Curtains on the kitchen on one side - an interesting designer find. In this case, an asymmetric version is selected, which covers only part of the opening, which allows you to visually increase a small space. Also, this decision helps to give the situation originality. It is ideal for those who use the windowsill as an additional working surface or table. You can choose short curtains that cover only half or even a third of the window opening. Such a variety is quite rare, so it pays attention and looks original. Elements can be even or fall down the edges, it all depends on the design features. Burgly transparent or translucent fabrics is another innovation for the kitchen, which is applied more and more often. It is best suited for rooms on the western and northern sides. It can also be used in kitchens with a balcony, where there is so little light, and traditional products are not suitable. Option with a cornice in the middle of the window is another solution that has returned. It was used for a long time, but now this variety is again relevant and with a competent choice of fabric will make the room stylish. Another new direction of curtains for the kitchen is shown in the photo. This is an Austrian version, which is a synthesis of the Roman and French variety. The upper part closes the window opening or glass, and the lower edge is collected so that it turns out beautiful folds. In this case, the height can be any, it all depends on the situation.

By the way! You can use traditional Roman curtains, which are decorated with a print or a bright pattern. They look stylish and can be made to order.
Based on the photos of new directions of curtains for the kitchen 2023, we can conclude that laconicism and simplicity are in fashion. It is important to fill the room with light and visually expand the space. It helps to do small curtains. To enhance the effect, a material with vertical stripes is often chosen. What materials will be in trend in 2023

There are no special restrictions and frames, in certain conditions it is permissible to use almost any type of fabric. But you can distinguish several areas that are especially relevant and used by designers in the design of kitchens most often: Natural materials are in fashion. There can be almost anything - from wear -resistant flax or silk to cotton and handmade lace. Environmental friendliness has long been in trend and if you choose such solutions, you will definitely not be mistaken. Since the kitchen is difficult to operate textiles, they often use natural fabrics with the addition of synthetics. This will almost not affect the appearance, but at the same time will provide additional strength and wear resistance. Burgotage materials with good light outlet are very relevant. They can be both natural and synthetic. For windows on the south side, it is recommended to use dense fabrics or two -layer curtains to adjust the level of illumination.
You should not choose models with a large number of jewelry and decor, massive lambrequins, etc.D. Simplicity and naturalness are the main motives that must be adhere to. If possible, the fabric should be moisture -repellent so as not to absorb fat and dirt. Choosing curtains for the kitchen in different styles
Style diversity is just huge. There are practically no restrictions on the design of the kitchen. But this leaves the mark on the choice of curtains. Therefore, it is worth understanding the features of the most popular areas to choose what is best suited Classic

Never goes out of fashion. For the curtains, it is advisable to select natural materials of the average density of neutral colors. If a table is standing near the window, you can use Roman curtains. The most popular colors are brown and its all kinds of shades, cream and beige. Loft

Loft kites for kitchens are distinguished by strictness and asceticism. Most often, most of the window is left undisguised or placed an element on only one side. Give preference to discreet shades or options with an unobtrusive pattern or ornament. This direction involves the use of exclusively natural fabrics. Modern style

Makes the main emphasis on practicality and convenience. Choose those solutions that will provide the greatest functionality and organically fit into the interior. There are no special colors for the coloring, it depends on the surrounding objects. It is permissible to arrange an opening in a neutral way, or you can make it an emphasis to attract attention due to the color or unusual appearance. Minimalism

Direction in which simplicity and conciseness are important. Various elaborate elements, decor and jewelry here are used. Simple or discreet fabrics with a geometric pattern or stripes are suitable. You can use Roman curtains or roll options if they fit well into the design concept. High tech

Modern direction, in it the main accent is the functionality. Materials with a steel tint are well suited, often the window closes the blinds that can be aluminum or plastic. It is worth avoiding folds, an excellent solution - a straight fabric element on a metal pipe or a simple cornice. Provence

Curtains for the kitchen in this style fill the space with comfort and tranquility. Pastel colors are widely used, materials with a pattern of small flowers are an excellent solution. Typically, the opening is complemented by a lace tulle, lambrequins and another decor, suitable for style, can be used. Country

To create the mood of rural life, it is worth using fabrics with prints that can be depicted flowers or various patterns. The option with the cornice in the middle of the window is perfect, it fits perfectly into this style. Materials should be selected natural, neutral tones are more suitable, which look as if they are used for a long time. Modern

A style filled with luxury, so curtains of saturated colors from fairly dense materials are selected for it. They are combined with lighter fabrics to create a beautiful window design. There can be both plain solutions and varieties with a beautiful and expressive pattern.
By the way! If you cannot come up with a design, look at the examples in the photo. So much easier to choose an interesting idea.
Only general recommendations are given, you can use other solutions. The main thing is that they fit into the concept and do not fall out of the interior design. At the same time, it is important to choose the right color or pattern, the appearance of the window opening largely depends on this. What to look for when choosing curtains for the kitchen
If you follow a few simple recommendations, you can choose a good option even without experience in this area. Do not take the first decision that falls, look at everything that is on sale to find what suits best. Remember the following:
For a small room, choose curtains without a large number of folds and decor. The easier the window is perceived, the better. If the window is located near the dining area, the curtains to the floor will interfere. Choose short views, especially since they are in fashion. In the case when the working area is located nearby, use tissues that do not absorb fat and dirt. Do not forget about the cornice, it should be suitable for the situation and combine with the curtain.
It is not difficult to choose curtains for the kitchen if you use recommendations from the review and think in advance in which style the interior will be designed. It is advisable to give preference to options resistant to pollution, which are well washed and quickly dry.