Kitchen is one of the most visited rooms in the house. We spend a lot of time in it, gather in conversations with the family, invite friends and just love to sit in silence over a cup of coffee.
In absolutely any kitchen, there are pipes and several types: gas, water, pipe from hoods and heating. If in the bathroom they can be disguised using cabinets and hidden behind the bathroom, then in the kitchen room with this issue, things are much more complicated.

The hosts pay a lot of attention to the interior of the kitchen, carefully select furniture, curtains and dishes. But do not forget about the pipes. So that they do not spoil the appearance of the kitchen, you need to mask them.

If some pipes can be hidden in the wall, then others cannot be hidden in this way. You do not want to disassemble the wall to clean the sewer pipe?

There are many masking methods. There are very simple ones, they do not require large costs and help of specialists. But there are complex ones that only an experienced master can cope with.

When choosing one of the ways of masking, it is worth weighing all the pros and cons and choose the only correct option.

In this article, we will introduce you a photo instruction on how to hide pipes in the kitchen and consider in detail the ways of masking.

A large number of pipes on the kitchen room very spoil the appearance and visually reduces the space. They will spoil even the most expensive repairs, and to place furniture the way you wanted to get harmful.

That is why the owners are tormented by the question: how to mask communications in the kitchen? This problem is quite common and it is very easy to solve. It is enough to contact a special company and choose a masking method.

The most common way of masking is special sleeves. With their help, you can quickly and cheaply close the pipes and, if necessary, easy to access them.

Water pipes can be hidden in the closet, over which the sink is located. Outsiders do not see pipes, and you can easily eliminate the leak (if it occurs!).

In no case should you hide gas, water and sewer pipes in the walls and inaccessible places. They very quickly become unusable.

And if a leak suddenly occurs, you will not be able to find and eliminate it. As a result, you will have to disassemble the wall or take out all the furniture from the kitchen.

The days have long gone the past when the heating batteries were in a prominent place. They are currently masked.

For them, special wooden cabinets are built that pass heat and look very beautiful. They can be painted in any color. Large "battery" boxes are used as cabinets.

Gas pipes are also hidden in boxes from various materials. The box can be ordered in any color solution and decorated with decorative elements.

Without gas pipes - the kitchen cannot exist. They pass in the middle of the main wall and does not look aesthetically pleasing. To give the kitchen room beauty and not spoil the interior with pipes, you need to hide them.

The issue of masking gas pipes is the most relevant. We all perfectly understand that it is strictly forbidden to put them into the wall or hide in an inaccessible place.

But today there are several simple ways of masking that you will definitely like. So, the gas pipe can be hidden in Box. It can be made from a variety of materials; Decorate with different beautiful and unusual things; Cabinet. The easiest and most expensive way to disguise.

This method is popular. The choice is influenced by the low cost of consumables and the simple way to install.

The box is made of drywall. It is very light and it is possible to paint it in any color. In addition, if there is a need, then it is easy to open and repair the pipes.

The following materials are required to create a box: grid. It is advisable to choose self -adhesive; Drywall of the desired size; Putty to eliminate pits and irregularities; Metal profiles of different sizes.

The box is made from any metal. But drywall is considered the cheapest and easy to work. Camoufting boxes are made of: plastics; Plywood; Chipboard.

The hood has long become a necessary element of the kitchen. This functional object cleans the air of the room of unpleasant odors and eliminates excessive moisture.

You can hide the corrugation from prying eyes in several ways, but the most popular are: plastic box; Metal box; Plasterboard box; Upper cabinets; Multi -level ceiling.

Pipes that need to be hidden so that they do not catch your eye and do not spoil the appearance of their favorite room also go to the hood.

Of course, you can not hide the exhaust pipe if your loft style has a loft style in your interior. In all other cases, you will have to order a box and hide the corrugation.

The material from which the box will be made can be selected absolutely any. Metal will cost more, and the most budget option is plastic.

This design looks very good in any interior. If necessary, it can be decorated.

Stretch ceilings look very beautiful in rooms with different area. If you have one in the kitchen or you plan to do it, then the corrugation can be hidden in a stretch ceiling.

The pipe from the hood can quickly clog and it will have to be cleaned. In this case, the stretch ceiling will have to be disassembled to eliminate the problems. And only the master will be able to restore the ceiling, and these are additional costs.

Cabinet - can be considered the easiest way to disguise. It is very convenient to use and does not spoil the appearance.

In addition, such cabinets can be used as additional compartments for storing dishes or kitchen textiles.

Hide pipes coming from the boiler and to the boiler, you can in a closet or a special bedside table. They do not have a back wall and are easily mounted. Furniture is made to order and strictly according to individual drawings. Therefore, the cost of such a disguise can cost a penny.

This method is considered one of the most convenient. The owners will always be aware of what condition are the pipes and, if necessary, they will quickly eliminate the breakdown.