There are many design solutions about wall jewelry with various methods. But recently, the most original tool has become the decoration by the method of stencil.
This is not only about ordinary patterns. We are talking about flowers, which is very beautiful, and lately it is very fashionable. Naturally, drawing yourself or hiring a professional artist is quite expensive in time and money.

But to apply flowers to the wall using stencils helps to jump over the barrier of previous factors. The drawing of flowers on the wall is something new and original. In this way, you give your room more than life and funny motives for every day.

It doesn’t matter if it is a simple apartment, or chic apartments, flowers on the wall with their own hands will decorate any room, and emphasize the stylish taste of the owners.

As an example, you can decorate the walls of the living room or bedroom with flowers, butterflies and other plants. But butterflies are ideal for the bedroom, as they give it lightness and airiness, which clearly contributes to a good rest.

What you need to know?
There are two types of stencils in total: direct and reverse. The first option is very often used in comparison with the second.

The bottom line is that the use of two variants of stencils depends on the scale of the wall. If this is a small children's room, here you can choose a straight stencil.

With it, you can quickly and conveniently create many beautiful drawings in the form of flowers or butterflies.

The process of working with a direct stencil is that it is applied to the wall, and in the carved area begins to paint or apply other means of painting.

With a reverse stencil, everything is completely different. As it is designed for large volumes of painting, the pattern is cut purely along the contour. Then it is applied to the wall, and then engaged in all painting.

When the work is finished, a large stencil is cleaned to the side, and a beautiful pattern remains on the wall. It is worth remembering that the larger the area of the wall, the more profitable it will be to use the reverse stencil.

Simple and difficult
Using a stencil, you can easily leave an attractive pattern on the wall. But the level of complexity of some stencils allows you to recreate something more masterpiece. For example, a light performance of a picture is in one color and the usual shape.

A more complex level involves the use of several colors and complex shapes.

Large drawings are obtained due to volumetric stencils. The process of applying on the wall with applying a cut figure to the wall (stencil is fixed with special tape).

Further, it goes after putty (decorative plaster is used). Put on a large template, and after the work is finished, you need to wait a bit.

When the applied layer dried, the stencil template is neatly disconnected. The surface of the picture is polished by a skin.

To add greater efficiency of drawings, professionals advise using acrylic paint. You can paint each area with different colors.

Type of stencils
The stencil template is intended for one -time work, so it can be used several times. If you set out to fill the walls of the room with only one pattern, you can safely stop on a disposable stencil.

You can purchase such a stencil at any construction store. By the way, using a disposable template is very convenient, since its base is built on the gap.

This means that there will be no problems in order to glue a stencil, paint on the model, and get rid of an unnecessary part.

A reusable stencil can also be purchased at the building materials store. But the level of convenience of its use differs from the first option.

Unlike the first case, this template will have to be fixed with double -sided tape. In general, the principle of operation is no different from the previous. True, you can apply drawings several times.

Some people like to create a spade with their own hands. In our case, this is also possible. The prospect of this method is complete originality. In fact, you can cut the pattern or picture that you like.

If you choose options for stencils in the store, you will not always find exactly what you need.

Photo design of flowers on the wall