Everyone sooner or later thinks to start making repairs in his apartment or house.
Anyone who already knows what it is, understands that it is a difficult matter and requires a certain responsibility.

And here it is important that you are not only financially configured, but also psychologically to what awaits you ahead.

Of course, every person who has never been engaged in such activities is thinking about where to start repairs in the bathroom. Initially, it is best to think about making a work plan that you have to. Planning.

First of all, it is best to collect information. View photos before and after repair in the bathroom is also quite useful for beginners.

Go through friends and acquaintances. Learn more information from the Internet. You need to evaluate the scale of work, calculate all the financial costs that you will have to.

Ideally, it is best to turn to professionals who can make a future model of your bathroom on a computer. Make a table in which all future financial expenses will be clearly spelled out.

Also, the first thing you need to think about what will be the decoration of the bathroom with your own hands. After all, you will need to conduct it yourself, so there should be no errors in this matter.

There are people who think that only tiles or PVC panels are used in bathrooms, but in fact, there are quite a lot of finishing materials in the modern market today. Choose exactly what will be most important for you to suit you.

The hardest thing that can be in the repair is repairs in the bathroom. At the same time, you need to understand that the cash costs will be considerable.

For example, buying tiles, new equipment, pipes and plumbing will go out into a penny. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that if you need to contact specialists who will make repairs for you, you will also need extra costs. Therefore, if you decide to repair the bathroom with your own hands, then you need to think through everything in advance.

If you still do not know what kind of bathroom you want to see in your house or apartment, then it is best to ask this question initially. First of all, start watching the sites of designers, in which there are photos and videos of exactly those bathrooms that you most like.

You can also circumvent special salons in which bathrooms are represented, and among them you can choose exactly the option that will be closest to you.

During the repair, you can use not only tiles and panels. Today, repair work can be carried out using: special waterproof colors.

But it is worth noting that such a tile is very expensive and it is worth it pointedly, and not for the whole room, as it can quickly damage and lose its original appearance.

With your own hands, the floor in the bathroom is one of the most responsible moments in this work. Initially, you need to make a screed of the floor, which is spent about three days.

After that, having checked the work on quality and strength, you need to put the tile or other floor covering that you have chosen. Laying walls and flooring approximately the same.

The glue itself is originally divorced. Glue is applied to the floor surface. After laying the tile. It is best to insert special crosses into existing seams, which the distances between the tiles were the same.

After that, the excess adhesive is removed with a rag. In the process, the construction level is used so that the tile is laid smoothly. The seams after is rubbed with a special grout.

If you make repairs yourself, you need to be prepared for many difficulties. All this can also be perfectly combined with each other.

To choose a beautiful bathroom design, you need to initially carry out a lot of work to choose exactly the style and design that will be combined with all living space as a whole.

The bathroom today can be made in a wide variety of styles from modern to high-tech, from Provence to Classics. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment and then you can create just such a bathroom that you always dreamed about, and with your own.

Also, we must not forget about the fashion trends that exist today in the modern market. For example, at the moment, the Scandinavian style is very fashionable, which can often be found in many design magazines.

Such a unique style is of simplicity and modernity with innovative technology, without which it is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person. In this style there are ethnic patterns, various rhombs and geometry, which is expressed in any little thing.