Repair in the apartment is a disaster. You need to have everything, pick up furniture and meet the budget. But one of the difficult problems that the hosts try to solve is what to do with the ceiling. Which is better: paint it or install stretch ceilings?
Everyone needs to solve this issue on their own, but ordinary paint will quickly become unusable, and stretch ceilings will last you for a long time. They look stylish, decorate any room, and it is possible to choose absolutely any drawing.

Stretch ceiling or design - this is a canvas made of different material, which is pulled above the ceiling. It is fixed around the entire perimeter using metal profiles. Recently, the metal has been replaced with plastic, but this does not affect the durability of the structure.

The materials from which the canvases are made are very different. But the most popular PVC film is considered. It can be replaced with synthetic textiles.

The design of stretch ceilings in the living room can be different. The shade and drawing is chosen, based on the basic concept of designing the entire room.

The canvases are customary to divide into types from the material from which they are made. They are: matte; With photo printing; Glossy; Fabric; Satin. We will consider each species in detail.

This species is great for small rooms. A flat matte surface allows you to visually increase the ceiling and choose any form of lighting of the room.

Matte stretch ceilings are great for decorating a living room in a classic style. The surface is ideal, without seams and any irregularities.

In this case, lamps on a stretch ceiling are not needed. The film reflects any lighting. Therefore, lighting devices can be hung on the walls.

This type of ceiling is also called mirror. It is suitable for small and dark rooms. This will allow you to make it brighter.

But if you decide to place the lamps upstairs, then the effect will pleasantly surprise you because they will create the effect of the starry sky.

A rather popular option. Experts consider the satin ceiling something average. The color of the stretch ceiling in the living room can be different. It depends on the color of wallpaper and furniture. For example, a light tone is perfect for small rooms.

It will make the room lighter and increase the height of the ceiling. Satin coatings are suitable for creating a home environment and additional comfort.

This species is very practical and convenient. Fabrics are not afraid of temperature changes and excessive moisture, which is why they can be installed not only in the apartment, but also in the country.

It is much easier to install it than other types. After installation there are no seams, and special equipment for heating is not required.

Photo printing allows you to apply absolutely any drawing on the canvas. But do not sculpt on him everything that the soul will wish. The main thing is that it is combined with the basic concept of the living room.

Choosing a picture is affected by the preferences of the owners. Of course, a butterfly or skyscraper pattern is not suitable for the classics.

Backlight allows you to create additional lighting. If you decide to install the LED tape, you can completely abandon the lamps on the wall and chandeliers.

This type of decoration of stretch ceilings is the most common. Relief ceilings look especially beneficial. A luminous tape emphasizes the advantages of such a ceiling and creates the effect of weightlessness. If you do not look closely, it seems that the curtains hang in the air.

If you decide to make two -level stretch ceilings, then you should not worry about the lighting. A complex design allows you to hide the wires, but at the same time they will always be available.

But they are ideal for the classic style. If the dimensions of the room do not allow you to choose a large chandelier, then you can buy a relatively small model that will complement the interior.

Starry sky. Such a stretch ceiling looks very colorful. You can create such beauty with the help of a finished pattern on the canvas and small lamps. And you can buy a regular spotlight and turn it on every night.

Two -level ceilings are especially popular. They allow you to visually increase the room and make it wider. In addition, they look very beautiful in any interior.

Installation of this type allows you to translate into reality any design solutions. As for the coloring, the color of the canvas can be any.

The two -level ceiling looks very beautiful and spectacular. The interior of stretch ceilings in the living room should not differ much from the style of room design.

For example, it will look ridiculous if the entire living room is decorated in the high-tech style, and the stretch ceiling is made in a classic style. The main harmony in everything and then your house will attract guests.