Most people consider their room for taking a bath, a kind of island of purity and relaxation in the cycle of our everyday life, many are in the habit of taking a shower in the morning, and in the evening to plunge into a warm bath with aromatic oils and remain alone with their thoughts.
Each person seeks to give this room his personality by filling it with functional elements of the situation, as well as decor items and such solutions can be seen in the photo of the bathroom with curtains.

It is important not only to want - a pretty and practical bathroom, but also be able to properly observe harmony in the materials used and decor elements.

In this article we propose, get acquainted with such an element of decor as the bathroom curtain and what influence it has on the overall picture in the interior design.

The selection of the material of the curtain will directly affect the durability and practicality in operation. At the same time, often replaced by curtains, the visual perception of the design solution of the interior will constantly refresh.

Shower curtains
The very idea of using shower curtains arose in a person at the moment when he found a huge puddle on the floor, formed from drops and spray of water, which bounced off his body during the adoption of water procedures.

Then this idea was modernized by giving not only a practical, as well as aesthetic purpose to this element.

Shower curtains can be divided into two types: Frameless; Frame.

The frameless species include curtains and curtains moving along the guide in the form of a cornice or string.

Depending on the material, they can be plastic, vinyl and fabric.

Polyethylene curtains have a number of advantages and a number of disadvantages, but, despite the last argument, they are quite common and popular. The advantages of these curtains include: Moisture resistance and water resistance; A huge selection of colors and ornaments; Low cost.

To the disadvantages, Fragility; Tendency to relatively rapid pollution.

These curtains change quite often, due to their cheapness, while the picture of the interior is constantly updated, which is boring over time.

Vinyl curtains, almost the same as polyethylene, only with a small difference in price and the possibility of removing pollution in an ordinary washing machine, which significantly extends their service life.

Fabric curtains are mainly used to zoning the room, often they can be found in bathrooms with a combined bathroom.

All the splendor of these curtains can be seen in the above pictures and photos.

Frame curtains mainly in their design have a rigid base in the form of a frame and a canvas. Depending on the material of the canvases of the curtains, they can be: Glass; Plastic; Polycarbonate.

By type of execution: Sliding; Folding; Turning.

This type of curtains has more advantages than minuses, they are durable, waterproof, are easily cleaned of pollution, resistant to cleaning agents, have a huge number of colors and intricate patterns, which in turn will allow them to enter any interior style, while maintaining their separate character against the general background.

This option is perfect for large families, where one of the family members prefers the soul and the other bath, so these curtains will be appropriate in both cases.

Frame curtains in their own way give an additional element in the design of the interior of the bathroom, meeting the modern requirements of aesthetics and practicality, and this can be seen by looking at the photo.

Photo curtains for the bathroom