Brown palette is one of the richest color scheme, starting with soft beige shades and ending with a rich color of molten chocolate.
Photos of brown kitchen prove that it can become a real highlight of any stylistically decorated apartment or country house, most importantly, to know the secrets that this amazing color hides in itself.

The brown shade has a whole list of advantages, among which: practicality - dirt is not too noticeable on such a surface, so the kitchen does not need weekly general cleaning; Universality- the kitchen in brown colors looks great in various directions, especially in classical, African and rustic, Victorian and English styles, in the style of country and loft, eco and ethno; the ability to create a peaceful, positive state; Naturalism - brown color is associated with natural materials that prevail in such an interior and cause people a subconscious sense of security

Brown color belongs to a warm range, no matter what extent its commitment is manifested. He has the property of weighting and removing objects, without changing their size and volumes.

Therefore, the kitchen in brown color will most clearly show its capabilities, provided that it will be equipped in a spacious room with large, extending to the east or north-west, windows.

But this does not mean at all that the kitchen cannot be organized in the perimeter of a small -sized kitchen. Simply, in this case, you will need to bet on others, details and moments.

In addition, do not forget that the kitchen brown is ideal for people with a conservative and calm character, intellectually developed people, representatives of the business sphere. Surely, your family has such members, please them with your attention and care!

Beige-brown cuisine is an ideal combination, since in this space both shades reveal themselves as much as possible and ennoble each other.

Dark brown curtains and furniture with a laminated or wooden facade such as “walnut”, “cherry”, “hot chocolate” look profitable against the background of beige walls.

In a spacious kitchen, you can beat the reverse option-the dark background of the wallpaper, shadeing light elegant furniture made of ash or with milky-sweet lamination.

Such a move is possibly unconventional, but he will fully “pay off” himself with its originality, sophistication and style of “prete-a-port”.

But the yellowish brownish tint, such as linden, requires a slightly different approach. He will not win on a beige background and will not show himself if the walls are dark brown.

With such brown, olive, sand and milk is more combined, which emphasize the yellowness and the golden “spark” of such a gamut.

The design of the brown kitchen can be performed in a bright angle of the tint palette, choosing a milk-chocolate-chocolate as a maximum tint.

But it will become more original if you use one of the darkest variants of the brown palette in finishing materials.

For example, they can become decorative tiles and a cutter, ceiling baguettes, skirting boards, bread baskets, vertical strips, segmenting walls With the embodiment of the style of ski chalet.

But do not forget that drops of water, stains, dust will be clearly visible on the too dark surface.

Excessively dark brown kitchen in the interior will look less strict and official if you combine a dark gamut with several unexpected colors, for example, with turquoise and blue, pinkish, peach.

Such shades will soften and refresh the interior, peering in textile accessories, in a pattern applied to enameled dishes and kitchen devices, in the color of ceramic sets for cereals and sugar.

Light brown color scheme is ideally combined with bright and sunny yellow, red, Orange. They support, but do not compete with each other, but if the main brown color is darker, this palette will be unnecessarily “crush” and cause psychological discomfort, and along with gray-black style-will make the kitchen several times less.

Brown is a shade inherent in many natural materials, which is why they should be used to arrange this space.

This is, of course, a tree from which kitchen and dining rooms can be made, separate shelves, the floor is decorated. Very good in the main context and wooden windows - the profile of wood will more organically fit into the overall style of the room, as if continuing the selected topic.

Secondly, it is a rattan that can become a material for dining furniture and decoration of facades. If oriental stylistics is focused on the country of the rising sun, rattan can be seen with bamboo, and if on Africa - with a cork.

In the concept of natural brown kitchen, you can use rough natural flax - napkins and a tablecloth, Roman curtains can be made from it. Len will perfectly complement the “picture” in the stylist Rustik or Country, and also perfectly emphasize the wooden texture.

If we talk about metal, then only from the point of view of forged products. Khai-Tekovsky chrome metal does not combine with natural materials and brown gamut, but bronze, aged iron, patinated metal-this is what you need.

Do not forget about the stone from which two benches for the dining table can be made, the table, countertop and window sill itself. In Japanese cuisine, stones can be used in the decor, for example, in the stylization of Bansay or Stone Garden.

By the way, orange and yellow brick will also be useful. With their help, you can decorate the decorative wall, as well as use to zoning the space.

With such a wall there will be a stylized hood for masonry and a working apron. The presence of three equally stylized elements in the decor clearly signals that this is not an accident, but a thoughtful idea.

Brown kitchen will also require the presence of greens, which will bring brightness into a strict and serious color scheme. We advise you to choose not flowering plants, but those that have a beautiful curly leaf, palm trees, begonias.

Here it is, the kitchen in brown color is mysterious and open, complex and simple, very warm and somewhat especially homemade and comfortable, and after a minute, strict and cold.

It can be a real decoration of the interior of the whole house, the main thing is to use its possibilities not to be afraid of non -standard solutions and ideas to emphasize the rules, traditions and nature of her family