The bedroom is one of the most intimate places in human life. In it we rest from the hustle and bustle of the world, restore our forces. And, in general, we spend about a third of life in it. Here we should surround the peace and comfort. Therefore, it is important to avoid mistakes, the correction of which can lead us, at least, to tangible losses of money.
How to properly arrange a bedroom of the place of hills for the habitat of the style of color solutions for the light object and accessories of the maintenance of a cozy bedroomHow to arrange a bedroom correctly
Each person has their own preferences, habits, temperament. And in general, as they say: "They do not argue about tastes.". Therefore, there are no universal recipes how to make a cozy bedroom that would suit anyone.

At the same time, there are proven recommendations that satisfy most homeowners. Below we will talk about these recommendations.

Choosing a place
The bedroom should be as far as possible from sources of anxiety and noise. For owners of their own houses, it is preferable to place the bedroom on the second floor. Option and insulated attic are suitable.

If the house is one -story or you have a multi -room one -story apartment, then choose for sleeping the most remote from the front door and kitchen room.

An important condition for choosing a room for sleeping is the lack of street noise, gasket on the side, where the windows go. This will make it possible to keep the windows open in the summer.

An additional argument when choosing is a beautiful landscape outside the window. A picturesque view from the window, as the first impression of the morning, contributes to a feeling of comfort.

If the room is also used for other purposes (storage of things, work, rest), then it is advisable to divide the room into zones. This can be done using the finish, the use of color scheme, furniture (rack, sofa). For the same purposes, light partitions, screen are suitable.

Comfortable habitat
We have already said that the bedroom should be quiet. It is also important that it is not stuffy and hot there. Therefore, the room should be well ventilated, or be equipped with air conditioning, humidifier.
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If the windows overlook east or west, then the curtains should be more tight that the rays of the rising sun do not wake you up too early, and the room does not fade before the sunshine in the summer.

Choosing a style
Solutions on the design of the bedroom can be selected from a set of finished styles, such as classic, Scandinavian, Mediterranean, loft, Provence and others.

The main difference is the choice between minimalist, pragmatic solutions, or preference is given to greater luxury and “elegant” interior elements. Fans of classics should pay attention to the design in the style of "neo-classics". He, imitating the classics, involves the use of cheaper materials and is more affordable.

Someone will prefer an eclectic style that combines elements of classics and minimalism, and even elements of industrial design.

Of course, the variety of design options is available, first of all, owners of large apartments. For small rooms, it is advisable to choose a pragmatic style that economically and rationally uses space.

The choice of color solutions
It is traditionally believed that pastel, light color scheme is suitable for the bedroom. Combinations of beige and sand flowers are recommended.

Other options are lilac and pink, coffee-coffee, salad and blue. For an adult, calm colors are more suitable, and the nursery can be arranged brighter.

For a small cozy bedroom, cool shades are recommended, as they increase the size of the room visually.

Owners of large spaces can afford experiments with a more saturated, bright colors or the use of contrasting shades. A fashionable solution - the design of the accent wall, which is highlighted by color and (or) decoration materials.

In the bedroom, it is desirable to have natural light, which is regulated by curtains, blinds.

Artificial lighting should provide soft, unobtrusive light. This is a necessary element of comfort and comfort. The room may have a central chandelier, which will serve not only the source of light, but also the organic element of the interior.

Additional light sources are also used. Floor lamps, sconces, sconces. Modern solution - the use of spot LED lamps. Such lamps are successfully used in lighting small bedrooms.

The choice of furniture for a large bedroom is determined by the chosen interior style and the financial capabilities of the owner. In addition to the bed, the furniture set includes bedside tables, ottomans, and dressing. Closures for clothes, chairs and even sofas may be present.

If the bedroom is small, then they use furniture with built -in boxes, cabinets - a compartment in niches. Smaller cabinets, chests of drawers, more free space.

The main furniture element of any sleeping is a bed with a mattress. There are many options here. The choice depends on the size of the bedroom and the availability of money. But the main thing is that the selected version allows you to fully rest and does not harm the spine.

Items and accessories
Lace and Badakhin went out of fashion today. And for a small bedroom, they are contraindicated because they "steal" already scarce space.

Flowers create comfort and decorate the interior of the sleeping room. But it is not recommended to put flowers with a strong smell in the bedroom, or flowers that intensively absorb oxygen (lily, orchid). Moreover, this applies to poisonous plants (Oleander, Kroton).

The mirrors will add light, but the main thing is not to overdo it.

The rug by the bed will create additional comfort and improve the general view of the bedroom.

Well -selected paintings will decorate your bedroom. But it is necessary to observe the measure. No need to excessively clutter the room with paintings, photos, figurines and other favorite gizmos. It is not comfortable to live in a museum and in a warehouse. #Gallery-7 { Margin: Auto; } #Gallery-7 .Gallery -item { Float: Left; Margin-Top: 10px; Text-align: Center; Width: 100%; } #Gallery-7 IMG { BORDER: 2PX Solid #CFCFCF; } #Gallery-7 .Gallery-Capation { Margin-Left: 0; } /* See Gallery_shortcode () in wp-annudes/media.PHP */

Curtains - an integral element of the design of a cozy bedroom and must correspond to the general color scheme of the interior. Their density and length depends on whether protection from the outer light is supposed.

Dense curtains can be supplemented with a translucent curtain ("tulle").

Bed sheets
This is an element of personal, intimate comfort. High -quality bedding is a necessary element of a cozy bedroom. Natural fabric linen is preferable. Best based on cotton: Poplin, Satin, Byaz. Today there is another option - bamboo linen.

To make your bedroom cozy, you can turn to the services of professional designers, or you can arrange a beautiful cozy bedroom yourself. In any case, you should finally choose the option, based on your preferences, tastes, habits.

But, even doing everything on your own, it will be useful to go to the sites of design firms. On them you will see more than one photo of a cozy bedroom. This can tell you interesting solutions.

Photo of a cozy bedroom