The owners of such housing are forced to solve the main problems - small -sized rooms, lowered ceilings, a small bathroom and combined bathroom.
But is it solved? Today the design area has stepped forward, and even from the most small apartment there is an opportunity to make a cozy dwelling. What is the design of the apartment 2023?

New layout
The main task is to use every centimeter of the area with benefit. It is forbidden to slap, all zones are involved in functional.

The demolition of the partitions between the rooms is the main thing that arises in the head of each owner, because this is how the opportunity to get an additional area.

In this case, it is worth seeing the plan of the existing apartment carefully to understand which walls are load -bearing - they cannot be demolished!! After you can proceed to the development of redevelopment.

If there is only one room in the apartment, then a great solution to create a studio - partitions are removed, the hallway and kitchen are carried out. The hallway is separated by furniture from the living room. Highlighting the kitchen is possible with a raised floor, another type of flooring.

Studio Studio apartment is a great option for a very creative personality, for a free person. If there are children in the family, then the walls should be, because the space should be divided into zones.

If you do not accept the demolition of the walls, then use the arches, shift a little door opening so that the layout is more convenient with those very separate rooms.

The bathroom, compact, combined, most often connects to the corridor so that the space was noticeably large, and one could place both a boiler and washing machine. The place in the corridor that remains is used under the installation of a wardrobe, so that there is more free space in the room and things are stored in normal form by season.

Modern design in the apartment involves the use of multifunctional and mobile furniture. So, if you have one room, you can’t do without such furniture in principle. Pay attention to compact dressers, on the bed that are stored in the wall.

If there is a closet, then it can be demolished or, as an example, attached to the room, corridor.

The number of rooms in the apartment does not matter, it is worth considering the stylish design of the apartment to do everything in bright colors.

The lighter than the surface of the ceiling, the walls, the visually the existing space seems to be wider. It is best - the use of the same color for all rooms, but in different shades, so that the comfort in the apartment is regardless of the style of the apartment.

The secrets of the room
It is clear that the apartment should not be cluttered? It is worth paying attention to the tables that are laid out on the surface of the folding type. Everything is clear with the choice of color - the smaller the area, the lighter the tone, the warmer.

Living room
To expand the hall, you need to decorate the ceiling lighter than the walls. The ideal option to use the glossy ceiling coating, which will create the effect of reflection.

The bulky chandelier is not at all in the subject, and it is better to pay attention to the built -in lamps.

If there are two rooms, then the sleeping is most often highlighted as a separate room. The novelties of the design of the apartment are also used in the bedroom - a bright finish, the ceiling is mirrored - only this is possible expansion of the space.

A special place is given to the sleeping room - several lamps are equipped. So, they can be located on the floor, on the cabinet.

The corridor
The corridor is very small, and in order to increase the area, you need to add width to the doorways, or turn the openings into arches.

If the corridor is narrow and elongated, then it is often divided into zones - the first part, the entrance hall, and the second acts as the transition to the hall. The use of a wardrobe is acceptable from furniture.

The design of the kitchen in the apartment of 2023 suggests that L-planning is used, when one side of the headset looks at the wall, the window ends, and the second ends with the installed refrigerator. Logical placement of the sink at the junction of the parties.

If it is decided to perform a cuisine association with the hall or other room, then it stands out by a different color of the finish, decor from other materials. The colors should choose warm-sky blue, white.

The design of the apartment should be thought out in advance. Best when the ideal option is in paper form, and not just in your head. If there is a loggia in stock, then it can be used as an office where PC will stand.

So that it is comfortable to be in such an office, the loggia is pre -insulated well. Do not forget to turn on imagination, think over the decor and all sorts of little things in order to achieve the desired result.

On the Internet, on the photo design photo of the 2023 apartment, you can see different options for redevelopment and arranging a compact apartment, leaf through the pages, maybe you will find the best option for yourself?

Photo design interior of the apartment 2023