Orphanage in the interior today is not honored. In the house with "living" bright rooms and life is more saturated.
Why not start with the bathroom? Turquoise color - a great solution. He fills with any interior extraordinary freshness and captivating luxury.

This soft color is able to transform ordinary water procedures into an exquisite encouraging ritual. In addition, the turquoise bathroom will certainly become a stylish corner of your house.

Psychological influence
Once in the power of turquoise color, willy-nilly, the imagination draws a sea breeze-it seems to penetrate into every cell of the body and gives genuine weightlessness, from which it takes a breath.

Turquoise color has a fairly rich palette. Using various “look” in the interior, you can get the effect of color therapy.

According to scientists' research, turquoise gamut increases spiritual harmony, fills the body with energy, strengthens faith in its forces.

Turquoise color is great for the main background in the design of the bathroom. However, it should be borne in mind that the predominance of dark shades visually reduces the room, while light tones increase.

Cold turquoise color goes well with warm shades. This gives the room more comfort.

Lighting makes you play color in a new way. Experimenting with various materials and shades of this magical color, you can get many options for an extraordinary interior of the bathroom in turquoise color.

Do not use the color for one decor element - complement several accessories of a similar shade.

Color in different styles
When giving preference to the design of the bathroom in turquoise color, take care of choosing a style in which it will have to make an attractive to your taste to the maximum. Each style has advantages in its own way.

Art Deco
The style is characterized by the presence of elements of steel, glass and ceramics, marble. Black turquoise gamut is appropriate.

Fans of style dwell on expensive, exclusive interior items.

Furniture painted in turquoise - the accent of the room. The snow -white walls and the bathroom along with cranes under the antiquity emphasize the significance of this color.

Geometric outlines in the interior predominate here, the elements of glass and metal are replete, while turquoise walls bring harmony into the "cool" atmosphere.
For admirers of a calm measured life of the best style cannot be found. The attractive force of deliberately rubbed objects and as if the turquoise walls faded from time to time - the highlight of the “provincial” decision.

Furniture without excess, enough spaciousness in the room and special attention to details - the key to a light modern interior.

Laconicism and ease in execution is characteristic of the style. There is no place for decorations and patterns - only “air” turquoise walls and full of peaceful light.

Natural materials and many accessories, an abundance of ornaments, “seasoned” with a rich turquoise background - here it is, a spectacular and peculiar eastern style.

Sun and the sea in everything. Just extend your hand to get a pretty shell out of the sea blue - such a mood here should prevail.

The style where it is appropriate to apply most shades of turquoise color at the same time, and this is amazing.

Color combinations
Surprisingly, the turquoise color is universal. Fabulous solutions are born in combinations with other colors.

Home heat reigns in the bathroom, where turquoise and brown color with notes of beige shades merged in equal shares.

By nature, turquoise is very “getting along” with close colors - blue, blue, green. The game of shades allows you to get a fresh energetic room that you do not want to leave.

A unique and bright combination is turquoise with a small amount of soft purple tone.

Turbus with natural wood flowers looks unsurpassed, and their bright shades fill the bathroom with lightness and calmness.

The “magical” color in combination with silver or gray is added to the room of some severity, but they are not deprived of harmony. Other jewelry is simply not needed here.

Unprecedented exotic envelops the modern bathroom in turquoise color, if you dilute the interior with accents of red, yellow and orange colors. At the same time, the juices are the shades, the more unusual the decoration.

White combination
Combinations of turquoise and snowiness in different proportions give rise to many classic options that always remain in trend.

White walls and turquoise accents create a bright completed room.

Tiles in the bathroom, along with white plumbing, emphasizes the depth of the "sea" color and looks fascinating, focusing on the crystal cleanliness of the room.

Turquoise jewelry will make the bathroom bright and "live". Furniture, decor elements, towels, rugs - this is what will set a cozy atmosphere in the room.

However, do not overdo it, a sense of proportion should remain.

The optimal solution is the ceiling, floor and walls in neutral colors diluted with more juicy accessories. Filling the walls with turquoise, follow the tonal balance in the interior.

And do not forget, the expressive bathroom is welcomed only by one supreme accent.

Photo bathroom in turquoise color