Having decided to ennoble the terrace or equip the garden paths, you are most likely, first of all, paving slabs will come to mind, because this material is relatively inexpensive, quickly fits and with proper quality serves for a very long time. The important advantages of paving slabs are also a pleasant appearance, a variety of shapes and colors, the possibility of independent delivery and styling, ease of preparatory work and resistance to temperature extremes and precipitation. But it is worth remembering that all of the above advantages of paving slabs are relevant only in the case of buying a quality material of a suitable size and shape. Today we’ll talk about how to choose high -quality paving slabs, and what else needs to be paid attention to when buying.
The most popular and widespread sidewalk of concrete is produced by two methods: vibrating and vibration pressing. Vibro -pressed tiles are characterized by increased strength and more accurate geometry of each tile, as it is produced at enterprises using expensive equipment. Since tiles can be produced in large batches, at a price it differs favorably with vibrolyte. The disadvantages of such tiles include some limited shapes and colors. It is vibro -pressed tiles that should be used to pave the access roads along which cars will move, such tiles are suitable for organizing parking lots, it can be used in places with great cross -country.
Vibroly tiles are easier, so its manufacture is possible even in artisanal conditions, so when buying such paving slabs, you need to show special caution. The advantage of vibrolyte tiles is a huge variety of colors and shapes. It has a smooth, sometimes even glossy surface, on which the most intricate patterns can be applied. The strength of high -quality vibroly tiles is not much inferior to vibro pressed. Although it is a little more expensive, it is much more common, you can buy it in any region, choosing a manufacturer that provides maximum quality. For the paving of garden paths and yards, vibration tiles are an ideal option.