The hallway is a place in each house where not a small number of times each of its residents passes. How to keep it clean and convenience in conditions of constant walking? After all, this carries a lot of problems from the street - damp, slush, snow, garbage. An excellent solution to this problem is the floor tile in the hallway.
Properly selected tiles of quality material will help not only protect this significant place in the house, but also create a harmonious interior of the entire dwelling.

Varieties of tiles
First we decide on the tile material. It must be universal and environmentally friendly. Physical properties should fully meet our requirements - not to miss moisture, resistant to chips and erasing the drawing, fire resistance, as well as serve more than a dozen years. We will analyze all types in order.

Ceramic tiles
This is an ideal, might say, universal option in choosing tiles. She diversifies the design of the entire apartment/house, is not whimsical in cleaning, wear -resistant, the color does not wash out and does not burn out due to the founding clay.

The assortment of ceramic tiles for the floor is very large and diverse. It will not be difficult to choose the right in size, texture, form, with various interspersed and design fantasies.

Tile coating is also diverse - there are smooth, embossed, matte and roughness (excellent option to avoid slipping). Along with the advantages, of course, there are disadvantages - tiles are quite cold, but has high thermal conductivity. So if the "warm floor" system is carried out under it, then the problem will disappear.

Another drawback is the high probability of chips and cracks when hitting a heavy object, but proper masonry without cracks and void significantly reduces the risk.

Porcelain tiles
Granite baby - so that porcelain tile deserves attention when choosing tiles. Due to its material, it becomes much stronger and more durable. Also, the quartz sand, field spar and the method of firing at high temperatures also make tiles resistant to wear, frost -resistant and minimize the probability of moisture absorption.

Porcelain tiles have become widely used relatively not long ago, but is already in great demand among specialists, builders and designers.

The disadvantages of such tiles are due to its increased physical properties of a high price tag, weight in weight and more demanding on transportation conditions. It is difficult to ruin such tiles with dirt, moisture, blows and years.

The tile is not sliding
In the variety of types of tiles suitable for use in hallways, there are with a non -slip surface. Great for reliable movement on it and protection against falls. Due to its rough surface and raw materials from small particles, the tiles remains reliable even with a wet surface. They are produced in different ways: A special protruding drawing is used; special coatings with an anti -slip effect; They are made on the surface of the tiles of the zaruba, notch.

The range of such types of tiles is very large. And with different ways to achieve this effect, and by color palette. And according to a visual representation, you can choose the option that you can not distinguish from natural wood, sand or stone. It all depends on imagination and desires.

Here are examples of several tricks used to design tiles in the hallway. If the hallway is not large sizes, then you can solve this problem with white and black tiles in a checkerboard pattern. This visually lengthes and expand the boundaries of the room.

You can also use the reception of the "transition" from the boundaries of one room to part of the other, t.e. Places that share the living room, the bathroom, or the kitchen with the hallway, lay out with tiles.

The combination of tiles with other materials in the hallway, for example with a laminate, will increase and delimit individual zones - a corner with shoes and hangers separately, a zone for meeting friends separately.

It is important to consider that for a working corner it is better to use strong tiles, and at a place to meet guests it is better to think about aesthetics.

Tiles of light and dark tones
Many do not risk using light tiles in the interior of the hallway, since it needs additional care and it more often needs to be cleaned. But despite this, it is still used quite often, due to its amazing ability to create the effect of visual expansion of the room.

A tree and a decorated hallway in a classic style are perfectly combined with light brown, cream, bodily flowers. If you add any ornament to the milk tile, it will come out very beautifully.

Tiles of dark color, on the contrary, are more in demand, especially among lovers of luxury, importance, solidity and restraint. It is recommended to use it if the dimensions of the hallway are quite spacious, t.to. dark color "eats" their part.

There are a lot of options with a dark palette - and matte, and corrugated, and glossy. The combination of tiles of light and dark tones looks great.

If it is necessary that the Diesel Living with Iris tile has been serving the right decades, then you need to responsibly approach the preparation of the gender itself - it should be aligned, dry and clean. You can approach the laying of tiles in the hallway in two ways. Either measure the size of the tile itself and level on the surface, or start from the front angle.

You can use both glue from the store and prepared independently, having previously bought a dry mixture and mixing it with water, as written in the instructions. Glue is applied to the tile with a flat spatula, then align with gear. So that the solution does not dry out, we apply to the floor in a radius of no more than one meter of square. If the glue is applied to the tile and the floor in different directions, then the gluing effect will be much higher and stronger.

With the help of special crosses, the seams are made even, and the tile lies parallel to each other. A rubber hammer will help to adjust the tiles more tightly to the floor.

As soon as the solution is completely dried, it remains to level the seams and the work is ready. It is not so difficult to put the tile yourself if you know these small tricks. Well, assistants in the choice, with this variety of options, can become designers, they will offer a huge number of photos of tiles in the hallway, which will facilitate its choice. And then the matter of fantasy and desires.

Photos of tiles in the hallway on the floor