Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

The refrigerator in the kitchen is perhaps the most important part of the interior, but sometimes it is hard to find a place for it. We will give some tips on how to place a refrigerator in the kitchen so that it is convenient for you to cook.

The article attaches several photos of the refrigerator in the kitchen, which will illustrate our tips. Having examined them, you will find an acceptable option for yourself. All work will be held in three stages.

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Our steps: Divide the kitchen into zones; We study the interior; Install the refrigerator; A few tips in the end.

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options
Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options
Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options
Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options
Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options
Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options
Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options
Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options
Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options
Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options
Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options
Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Divide the kitchen into zones in the zone, interior, we interiorch the refrigerator of the refrigerator you have a large refrigerator refrigerator little Eslings, nothing not the tips of the advice of the refrigerator in the first refrigerator in the kitchen

Divide the kitchen into zones

Kitchen in a restaurant is a workplace of a cook. Ultimately, the quality of food and the speed of its preparation depend on the conditions of his work. And how is the kitchen in the house different? Most often only its size.

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

So, when planning the kitchen, ergonomics science about the effective device of the workplace should come to the rescue.

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Based on the rules, any kitchen can be divided into three zones: working (table, stove), storage (refrigerator, cabinet with dishes and instruments) and sanitary (waste tank, dishwasher, dryer and sink). The same distance between the regions is the most convenient option.

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

We study the interior

Its location depends on the purpose and capabilities of kitchen equipment. Take a gas stove always put it closer to gas pipes. It is advisable to put the refrigerator closer to the outlet so as not to get confused in the wires.

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Secondary importance is the appearance of the entire kitchen attributes. It is desirable that it coincides in style and color. We advise you to pay attention to several standard types of kitchen planning.

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

In a spacious room, you can arrange all the devices in the form of the letter U along the three walls. L-shaped layout on two walls is comfortable in the kitchen, it is better to place a large refrigerator closer to the center of the wall, and built to the edge.

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Install the refrigerator

Answering the question where to put the refrigerator in the kitchen, you should proceed from the size of your room.

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

If you have a large space, it will be very easy to find a place for the refrigerator, in a small kitchen you will have to solve a problem similar to the process of playing in Tetris. However, the size of the refrigerator also matters.

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

If you have a large refrigerator

The easiest way is to put a large refrigerator in the corner of the room. Choose the thickness of the refrigerator on the dimensions of the rest of the furniture so that it does not give forward and does not interfere with walking.

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

By the way, it should either coincide with color or contrast with the rest of the interior, but this is already aesthetic moment.

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

If the corner option does not suit you, then you can put the device at the entrance to the kitchen. It will conveniently divide the room in two.

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

If the refrigerator is small

In this case, there are more options. A small -sized device stores less food, but at the same time it does not take up much place. The first way to hide the refrigerator in the kitchen from the night glutton put it under the table.

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

In this case, you don’t have to go to the other end of the kitchen to take food for cooking: everything will be at hand.

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Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

And if you have a furniture wall for storing small kitchen appliances and seasonings why not place the refrigerator there?

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Only it is impossible to lean it against the wall of the cabinet, or overheating can threaten furniture.

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

If nothing happened

If the space is busy, and the question of how to put a refrigerator in the kitchen remains open, install it in the corridor or in the pantry outside the kitchen. This is done very in many compact apartments.

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

The appearance of the device then does not matter, but still can coincide with the interior of your chosen place.

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

A few tips in the end

Give a couple of tips that will come in handy when installing the refrigerator. Put it away from heating devices and batteries if you do not want to interfere with its work.

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Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Leave a place in front of the refrigerator so that its door can open completely and do not interfere with walking.

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

If you slightly twist its front legs so that the refrigerator is tilted a couple of degrees ago, the tightness of the door will be provided.

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

You can arrange a built -in refrigerator in the kitchen in such a way that you will be surprised at the convenience that there was before: fasten the doors of the closet and the refrigerator with each other to open the headset, you could immediately see food.

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Just be sure to drill opening openings in the back wall of the cabinet. If you do not know how to do it yourself, invite a specialist.

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

We tried to help you solve one of the issues of the layout of the kitchen, and glad if the tips helped you.

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Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Photo refrigerator in the kitchen

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options

Refrigerator in the kitchen - 70 photos of unusual accommodation options
