One of the most important stages of any sale is a competent presentation of your product. How often did you light a professional seller, telling about his product or service?
Presentation is an important component of successful advice on an examplePresentation An important component of success
Did you want to buy what he told you about right there? Was he able to remove all doubts at the presentation stage and warn against unnecessary issues?
I am sure that such masters can be counted on the fingers. Whether you thought about the fact that in any business, even a beautiful, even theatrical presentation of your product, you simply could not do? If your business has become slipped. If sales began to melt, most likely such a question never came to your head.
In the field of real estate, a presentation of himself as a leader of a successful team, and his business, as a reliable investment system, is extremely important.
Real estate franchise will help you start not from scratch. You incur expenses only for renting an office, office equipment and personnel wages. If you open an office based on the current agency, the size of the investment will be from 250,000 to 2,000,000 . In this case, the franchise will pay off in 13-17 months. The main thing to light up partners and like -minded people with your enthusiasm.
Even one person who owns the skill of a vivid presentation can bring a solid profit to the company. It is the presentation that can transfer the potential buyer to a regular customer. Especially if the quality of the product is on top. And everything that the manager told so colorfully about will correspond to reality.
Practical tips
How to learn to hold a bright presentation? The most important rule is that you need to believe in your product, love and know that the product that the company promotes, people need, solves some problem their problem. Otherwise, the presentation will turn out to be sluggish and unconvincing.
Each client is a psychologist for himself. Without even realizing this, often intuitively at the very last moment suddenly does not want to purchase a product or service. What prevented? Doubts about the truth of the statements of an employee of the company. And here even a frightened seller’s eyes or some uncertain gesture can play a cruel joke.
To train their employees as Canadian boys, at the dawn of perestroika who filled the streets of large cities, confidently sinking all sorts of gullible citizens, of course, do not stand. But to instill in them confidence that the company produces the most popular service to the market. Or the most necessary product, important at the beginning of activity. If one of the managers still doubts this, the minus of the whole team and management primarily.
So that a person believes that the product is of value. He needs to use this product himself, let him pass through himself, get a lot of positive emotions. Only then his presentation, his assessment will be enthusiastic, incendiary, motivating others to buy.
A striking example
A striking example of the inconsistency of expectations of customers of a tourist company. Managers selling unique elites tours for wealthy customers themselves never went beyond the village of Gadyukino. What can they tell their potential buyers about, except for mechanical phrases from a local booklet? You will believe that the tour will give a lot of impressions, paint life in fantastic colors?
For comparison, foreign real estate in Montenegro, the sale was struck by a surge of emotions after a perfectly presented presentation "lesson". The affordability of the price has faded into the background. Bright sun, warm sand and peace. In the paradise of the Earth, the starting point in a solid decision served - we are going to Montenegro!