One repair in the apartment, as you know, is worse than three fires. Therefore, it is better to entrust the conduct of cardinal transformations in your home to professionals.
Where to begin? First of all, it is very important to tune in correctly. Overhaul lasts long enough: from six months to a year and a half. So you will not see the result soon. In addition, in preparation for repair, it is advisable to read the relevant literature. Of course, you should not plunge with your head on this topic, and there is no need to study all the wisdom of construction and final technologies, but you should still know how, for example, self-leveling screeds differ from ordinary ones, what types of flooring, suspended ceilings, etc. D.
The next stage is one of the most important. Now you need to find those very professionals who will not only provide you with a complete repair project in your apartment, but then carry out all the work in strict accordance with the plan.
What is the difference between professionals and hacks? As a rule, real pros propose comprehensive solutions: development of a repair project and its implementation.
Firstly, it is necessary to clarify the presence of a license for finishing work. Do not trust the decoration of your apartment or office to random people. The result is unlikely to please you, and there will be simply no one to make a complaint later.
Secondly, it is worth finding out what kind of facilities the company specializes in, what work has already completed. The portfolio (album with photographs of work performed) of the company should “tell” about this. On the website of the repair and construction company, ASK Trian can be found not only with the portfolio, but also familiarize yourself with the conditions for cooperation on the repair of your apartment.
When decide on the choice of decorators designers, do not forget to document your relationship. This will protect you from overpayments and some difficulties.
The project is the first, one of the most important stages of repair. It should reflect everything: from detailed installation schemes for the electrical wiring and pipes in the apartment to the smallest details of the interior and accessories. Suddenly you decide to hang a shelf or picture on the wall of the room. Start to drive a nail into the wall and accidentally get into the wiring. Such a situation can be avoided if in the project of the scheme of all communications are provided for.
Many interiors are designed to design water supply systems. heating and wiring. Then you need to contact a company that specializes in these types of work.
The design project should take into account the materials used, dimensions and arrangement of furniture, color solutions of the interior, light design, etc. D.
By the way, you can participate in the process of creating the appearance of your apartment, express your ideas and wishes, and vice versa, completely trust the professionals, and then accept or not accept the result.