Nowadays, choosing a vacuum cleaner, the task is not so simple. Internet and retail of household appliances are simply full of offers for every taste and wallet. In this variety, it is no wonder to finally get confused. But there is one site on which you will find such popular vacuum cleaners as Shark NV803 and Bissell SpotClean Pro 3624. Shark NV803 vertical vacuum cleaner is a kind of electric brush that performs the functions of a vacuum cleaner for us. The advantage of this type of vacuum cleaners is high maneuverability.
A huge number of people do not pay due attention to the choice of household appliances, in particular the choice of a vacuum cleaner, and do not do it incorrectly. The choice of any household appliances should be approached responsibly and armed with certain knowledge.
The principle of operation of the vacuum cleaner is obvious: it sucks the air, with it particles of dust; The dust is delayed by the filter, and the air is thrown out. It is clear that the vacuum cleaner will work effectively if the filter reliably delays dust particles. The difficulty of this task is that dust particles in the room have different sizes.
Obviously the behavior of large particles. They cannot go through the filter fabric without hitting the thread on the front surface or without touching its fiber in the channels of the holes. Having hit on the thread, dust particles are held by the forces of adhesion between them and the thread.
Part of the particles in the jets of air that envelop the fiber, due to the inertia of the movement, will continue the path without deviating, and will fall on the thread of the filter, where they will be detained.
But the behavior of the smallest particles (the size of less than one micrometer) obeys other laws. It is obvious that all objects in the air experience the blows of gas molecules that make up the air. The sum of the effects of all blows forms atmospheric pressure. With a large number of blows (that is, when the body itself is large), the average number of blows per second remains with great accuracy of constant. Moreover, this is true for any side of the body. If the surface of the body is insignificant, like a small dust, then the amount of deprivation does not occur and the number of blows on the surface will change all the time, so at some point there are more blows on one side of the dust, at the next moment on the other. Light dust begins to move under the influence of these strokes in the direction with which less, there were blows. This chaotic movement under the influence of unbalanced blows of molecules is called the Brownian movement. Due to the Brownian movement, small particles from the lumen between the fibers of the filter fabric can get to the fiber, thus, the share of small particles captured by the filter increases. All the processes discussed together determine the operation of the filter.