Where and how to find the best real estate object in Pavlovsky Posad?
How to choose an apartment for yourself and your family?
Buying an apartment is always a pleasant event in the life of an adult. However, because of their own haste and indiscretion, people sometimes acquire not at all what they dreamed about. Of course, the quickness will not damage: really “sweet” offers that appear on the market from time to time, fly apart like hot pies. But if you have a sufficient amount of money and want to buy a 2-room apartment in Pavlovsky Posad for yourself for decades, then do not rush: carefully analyze all the options to choose the best alternative. It is necessary to take into account many parameters, among which the price is far from the most primary. After weighing all the pros and cons, you will certainly achieve the goal.
New building or "secondary"? One of the favorite disputes of realtors is the choice of real estate market. Some experts believe that only a new apartment is able to fully satisfy family requests, others believe that housing in old houses is more acceptable. There are both their pros and cons of their advantages. If the apartment is purchased for the future, it is better to buy a 1-room apartment in the Pavlovsky Posad in a new building. Nothing prevents the repair for several months, or even leave it without finishing for a couple of years. Living in such a house for the first 2 years after its commissioning is inconvenient: constant construction dust, interruptions in the work of elevators, noise - this affects the quality of residence. However, in old houses it is difficult to make repairs, since the neighbors often resist this.

The presence of infrastructure. Finally, another important aspect when choosing residential real estate is the development of the area where it is located. Today, many people also want to buy a 3-room apartment in the Pavlovsky Posad in a good area where there are shops, schools, pharmacies, clinics: all this is necessary for easy being, and you should not neglect it in the name of dubious economy. Small children need to go to kindergarten, and older children should attend a good educational institution.