Exquisite curtains can significantly transform the interior, visually enlarge the space, make the room cozy. Every housewife should know how to bleach tulle at home quickly, efficiently and at no extra cost, because even the most beautiful material can get dirty over time and acquire a gray coating.
As a rule, white tulle made from a thin translucent fabric is used to decorate a window opening, which absorbs dust and other dirt well. It's good that you can easily return her former snow-whiteness even at home.
Exquisite curtains can significantly transform the interior, visually enlarge the space, make the room cozyWe invite you to familiarize yourself with the best methods, as well as consider the advantages and disadvantages of each.

This component is definitely found in everyone's kitchen, so there shouldn't be any problems with preparing a cleaning agent. Pour warm water into a large bowl (the optimal temperature is 30-40 ° C), add 4-6 tablespoons of table salt, 2 tablespoons of washing powder (preferably with a whitening effect), stir well, and then place the contaminated product in it. It should be completely saturated with the solution, so leave the tulle in the basin for at least 5-6 hours. After the specified time has passed, rinse it with plenty of clean water and let it drain.

The advantages of the method include:
There is only one drawback - such whitening takes quite a long time, so it is not suitable for those who want to get the job done quickly.
A great example of how to bleach old tulle at home is blue wash. First, curtains should be hand washed using laundry soap. This will clean the fabric of dust and surface dirt. Collect 8-10 liters of water in a bucket or basin, add half a teaspoon of blue to it and stir thoroughly. The product must dissolve well, otherwise stains may form on the fabric. Place the tulle in the prepared solution and let stand for 1-2 minutes, stirring and turning it constantly, and then rinse under running cold water.

An alternative to this method is machine wash. It is enough to load the product into the drum along with the powder, select the delicate mode, and pour 0.5-1 caps of blue into the special compartment for the conditioner. Thus, you do not have to spend your personal time doing laundry.
So, the following advantages can be highlighted:

At the same time, we must not forget about the cons:

Greenery will help to effectively bleach the tulle at home and give it its original look. This method is one of the most popular and has good reviews. Pour warm water into a glass and add 3-5 drops of ordinary greenery. Stir the solution and let sit for a few minutes. Pay attention to the presence of sediment: if there is none, you can safely pour the contents of the cup into a bowl of warm water.

Otherwise, the product must be thoroughly mixed, wait until it is completely dissolved, and then pour into a bowl through a sieve of several layers of gauze. Before bleaching, the tulle should be properly washed and stubborn stains removed. As soon as all preparations are completed, place it in a container with a solution of greens and leave for 5 minutes, constantly turning. Then you just have to rinse the curtain, let the excess water drain and hang it up.
The advantages of the method are as follows:
If you do everything right, you will not notice a single flaw. Problems can only arise if you mix the solution poorly and the crystals will not melt in water.

Important! Due to such negligence, green spots or streaks may form on the canvas, so be extremely careful and follow the instructions.
Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide
Immediately, we note that this method is provided exclusively for dense cotton curtains. So, fill the washing container with water heated to 60 ° C, add a tablespoon of ammonia and 3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to it, and then mix thoroughly. Dip the tulle into the resulting solution and let stand for 30-40 minutes. Please note that the product must first be washed with detergents to remove dust and other dirt from it. After the specified time, you just have to rinse the fabric, let it drain and gently squeeze.


The only drawback is that this method is not universal, therefore it cannot be used for synthetic fabrics.
Another example of how to achieve an excellent result with the help of available tools. Before bleaching the tulle, wash it in the washing machine to get rid of dust and stains. Dissolve 250 grams of potato starch in a bowl of warm water. Once all preparations are complete, dip the tulle in the solution and leave for 5-7 hours. After this time, let the water drain, and then hang the curtains without wringing out.

The following advantages can be highlighted:

Important! Of course, you will have to set aside several hours for whitening, but the result is worth it.
Potassium permanganate
This method has been known since ancient times, but still has not lost its relevance. Laundry soap will be an auxiliary element in this recipe, so first grate a 100 gram bar on a fine grater. Dissolve a few crystals of potassium permanganate in a glass of water, mix well and pour into a bowl of warm water. Add soap shavings there. Ultimately, you should end up with a pale rose water with a foam. Soak the tulle in it for 20-30 minutes, and then wash in the usual way. Remember to rinse the product thoroughly.

Laundry soap
If you still have not decided how to bleach nylon tulle at home, because you are afraid for the safety of such a delicate fabric, use the following method. Grate the soap on a fine grater, send the shavings to a pot of water and boil. Capron does not tolerate high temperatures, therefore, before use, the soap emulsion must be diluted with cool water. In a warm solution, soak the yellowed curtain for 6-8 hours, stir and turn it over every hour. After the time has elapsed, you just have to rinse the product and let it dry.
Grate the soap on a fine grater, send the shavings to a pot of water and boilThe benefits include:
On a note! The main disadvantage is the need for prolonged soaking, which significantly increases the amount of time that will have to be spent on the procedure.
This is a rather radical, but effective method. It is recommended to resort to it only in severe cases, when it was not possible to get rid of yellowness using the above methods. Pour the required amount of water into an iron bucket, add powder, and then put tulle in it. Bring the solution to a boil, and then boil for an hour over low heat, stirring constantly.

The advantages of such whitening are its low cost and efficiency, and the disadvantages include the need for constant presence at the container. In addition, only thick cotton fabrics can withstand this procedure.
Summing up
Now you know how to whiten tulle at home quickly and efficiently, so that you can "reanimate" the yellowed fabric at any time and return it to its former beauty. By the way, the fight against ingrained pollution requires an integrated approach.

If the described methods did not help get rid of yellowness, then use a number of procedures at once. First, apply boiling, then rinse in blue, and finally soak the product in a starch solution. After such a multi-stage bleaching, your tulle will definitely shine with cleanliness. Good luck!