In the recent past, when it came to the design of the head's office, in 98 cases out of 100 the choice of design was made in favor of the classics with some elements of the Empire style. Today, the “portrait” of the head of the company has seriously changed, and its main quality has become an active life position, creativity in business and thinking, assertiveness and ambition, as well as youth.
Modern office in modern styleTherefore, in the current realities, company leaders often choose an office in the modern style as their workplace. Why? Because they consider heavy furniture, pretentiousness of decoration and excessive cost of materials unacceptable for themselves and for their worldview.

Modern is the older brother of hi-tech and minimalism. From the first, he "took" glass, plastic and metal as frequently used materials, from the second - the minimum amount of furniture in the room, ergonomics and reasonable convenience.
On a note! But unlike high-tech, modern is characterized by natural motives, the presence of natural materials, smooth lines. This is a less categorical style, in which convenience and comfort have some shade of home coziness.

Executive office in modern style general points
If you start your acquaintance with the Art Nouveau style from photographs, you may get the wrong impression of a predominance of straight lines and angles. In fact, behind the functionality lies the smoothness of the lines and reasonable simplicity.

There are the main features inherent in a modern setting:

When choosing a color palette, you need to adhere to certain rules:

Doors and furniture in the Art Nouveau office are often dark and made of wood. The executive table is massive, but without pretentious decoration, carved legs, with smooth lines, rounded corners and a color that matches all the rest of the furniture. For armchairs and chairs, bent metal frames, chrome handles are allowed. Often in the office there is a soft area for informal communication with a small glass table.

On a note! Chrome is very much welcomed by the modern.
Not only furniture elements can have chrome finish, but also ceiling and table lighting fixtures, photo frames, door handles. For folders, documents, literature in a modern room, a narrow cabinet or a whole ensemble of cabinets, shelves, niches is installed. Most often they have glass, plastic sliding or hinged doors with engraving elements.

Lighting is provided by point elements, which sometimes play the role of zoning elements. A modern director's office is impossible without office equipment. Here style requirements are unconditional: only the latest technical developments - panels, flat computer monitors, desktop gadgets, wireless devices.

Art Nouveau furniture
Furniture is the main element with which the Art Nouveau style is revealed to the maximum. The main rule of style is strictly at work here: the lack of correct geometry and right angles. Despite the unconditional business spirit, modernity absolutely does not tolerate turns by 90 °. Therefore, all the edges of the furniture should be rounded, the lines should be wavy and curved, and the immediate seating areas should have concave semicircles.

The modern executive office kit usually includes:
Modern was originally a highly artistic style, therefore, furniture ensembles for offices in this style are often made to order, individually, and are by no means cheap. But even factory kits rarely have the characteristic features of conveyor stamping. You can often find forged chrome trim, elements from bone and natural stone (author's products).

Soft corners in the office are upholstered in leather, expensive textiles, and other natural materials. Expensive varieties of wood are chosen for furniture, often of red, cherry, burgundy shades. Doors of cabinets and shelves are glass, plastic. Mirror surfaces are not uncommon.

Light, color and decorative elements
The manager's office is, first of all, a workplace. And for high-quality work, it is required that the lighting meets the standards, and is economical and comfortable for eyesight. The office should be well lit with even, slightly diffused streams. However, if we are talking about a modern cabinet, spotlights are not quite the right choice. Here, the presence of chandeliers and table lamps is allowed with the only requirement that these are ultramodern models, that is, these are energy-saving elements, metal, chrome-plated bodies, an unusual, somewhat asymmetric shape.

Attention! The choice of finishing palette for a modern office should be held under the motto "only natural shades and colors".
Despite the business atmosphere, the modern palette is warm, soft, comfortable. And this means the presence of beige, purple, gray, blue, green, brown tones. Moreover, with sufficiently dark furniture, the walls, ceiling and floor are performed in lighter, warmer, calm shades. Indeed, for productive work it is very important that the main management unit is in a good mood.

The business atmosphere of the modern office allows the presence of decorating objects. Stylish, unusual vases, abstract paintings and figurines, non-standard clocks, small technical models and stands for writing utensils - all this is quite appropriate in the office of the head. But the number of decorations should be reasonable, and their placement should be focused more on shelving and in the recreation area and free communication.

Landscaping options
The cabinet in the Art Nouveau style, unlike hi-tech and minimalism, almost always has plants and flowers in its furnishings.

Moreover, in an office space, they are simply necessary! After all, they do not just enliven the situation: they are responsible for a normal, stable psychological state. Of course, this does not mean that "batteries" of flower pots should be present on the windows of the Art Nouveau office. Everything should be tasteful and in moderation.

Large plants in tubs are very welcome - palms, ficuses, climbing varieties, cyperus. They are usually installed in the corners of the office. On the table, windowsill, shelves of shelves, cacti, original bonsai trees, orchids, violets are allowed.

Look great in such cabinets and aquariums. Moreover, it can be either a small tabletop round aquarium with one goldfish, or an impressive rectangular underwater city on the entire wall in a recreation area, with appropriate lighting and all the necessary elements.