If you are tired of the same type of design - it's time to experiment. The combination of wallpaper of two colors in the interior burst into the set of designers not so long ago, but now it is the best way to zoning, diluting and accentuating. The tool is useful, but you need to use it wisely. Therefore, to find out how to combine wallpaper with each other - read in our article!
Rules and guidelines
Let's start with simple combination rules. There are only 5 of them:

Combination methods
Combining wallpaper in a room cannot be thoughtless. Designers have long developed 8 ways that are simple and convenient.

Combination with vertical stripes
Verticals help to make the room taller, which is why they are often used with multi-level plasterboard ceilings. The width of the stripes and their color do not matter - this is already a matter of taste. But the choice of canvases should be accurate. It is better to follow 2 rules here:

Combination horizontally
How to combine wallpaper in a room if the drawing is horizontal? Remember that this direction makes the room visually lower, therefore - only high ceilings.

Combine them too using a horizontal guide. Most often, the wall is divided into two parts. The lower one is covered with wall panels, plaster or wallpaper with a darker tone.

The combination of wallpaper in two colors can be sandwiched with a border or molding.

Accent wall
In the interior, the accent is half of the design. They need to be placed correctly so that each square meter is not accent.

Highlighting with wallpaper is a convenient move, since they help to really allocate a place for rest or work, without building false walls.

How to make an accent beautifully? The main part is glued with ordinary plain canvases - everything is simple here. An accent area is either a highlighted area (bed, sofa, desk, TV), or an area that immediately falls on the eye when entering the room.

Plain and solid
Combining wallpaper of two colors without a pattern is another solution for fragmentation. As a rule, they just take different shades, for example, gray. The wall at the head of the bed is pasted over with a dark gray canvas (because it stands out more), the rest of the room is in a different color.

Pattern or ornament and monochromatic
A combination of this type of wallpaper is the most common. But there is a pitfall here: the background color. You cannot take two rolls with a red base and a pattern, and yellow ones without a pattern. If an accent is not planned, it will start to ripple in the eyes.

But, in large stores they often sell kits. One roll with a pattern, and the second with the same background, but without a pattern.
Pattern + pattern
How to combine wallpaper in a room if both rolls have a pattern? Quite simple and even beautiful. You just need to observe:

With photo wallpaper
In fact, this is an accent, but with one "but". Wall murals are much more flexible in terms of combination. You can only combine them with monochromatic ones, otherwise you will get a mess of images. The tone should correspond to the main palette of the photo wallpaper.

Highlighting niches
Niches are often made in apartments or they are still present from the developer. Do not decorate them with the same canvases as the whole room - it will turn out boring. But a different shade or even a drawing is an interesting move.

Combining wallpaper with different textures
Perhaps the hardest combination. You need to choose a texture so that there is a conflict of a more passive and aggressive relief. Moreover, the second is always in the minority. Mat with gloss looks good, but only if the shiny part will capture the sun from the window.

How to combine wallpaper by color?
How to match wallpaper based on color? If you are not a designer, it is not necessary to know RAL catalogs. It is easier to use a simple color wheel, which is sufficient for these purposes.

Monochromatic combination
Monochrome combination of wallpaper of two colors is the simplest. To do this, take a circle and see which shade you like best. Let's say red. Now you need to choose any of its shades. It doesn't matter, one can be glossy and aggressive, and the other pastel.

The definite complexity of the monochromatic tandem is exactly. In the store, you need to find wallpaper with a specific tonal position, but it does not always work out. In this case, glass wallpaper for painting is better. For paint, you can order computer tinting with subtone accuracy.

Complementary combination
How to combine wallpaper in a complementary pattern? It is built on the opposition of shades. If you look at the circle, then each tone has an antagonist. That's exactly what he needs there. For example, we take red. Its natural antagonist is green. And all their shades are opposite to green.

This combination is universal, but most often used in children. This way you can get bold and fun shades without turning everything into mush.
Simple technology of combining wallpaper of two colors. You need to choose any tone you like on the circle and capture 2-5 neighbors. An analogy will turn out that also looks very good.

The combination of individual colors (table)
Combination errors
Different wallpapers in one room is beautiful, but very difficult. Among the most common mistakes are:

Combination with other finishing materials
Wallpaper is a universal tool and can be combined not only with itself. The design contains:

How to make a transition when combining
How to beautifully make a connection between wallpaper of two colors? Do not forget that wallpapers very often like to peel off and after that they will have to be re-glued. All there are 3 ways.

No transition
Cheap and easy way. You can resort to it, both when combining canvas and canvas, and with other finishing materials. But this method has significant disadvantages:

Working without transition requires experience and skills. In this case, it is better to hire a team. But the combination of wallpaper in the joint looks very impressive.
The molding is made of foam, so it is cheap and easy to work with. It is glued on the border and covers all finishing defects. It happens both ordinary, even and without patterns, and curly. It has disadvantages, but insignificant:

At the same time, working with molding is simple and anyone can handle it.
The easiest method to hide seams. For this, a long and thin paper tape is used. It's easy to buy and it comes with almost all wallpaper collections. Used to combine wallpaper in corridors and nursery.