Rococo style bedroom always looks expensive and sophisticated. This is due to the fact that this style originated in the 18th century in France. The direct meaning of the word "rococo" is "decorative stones", "shells". Style implies sophistication in everything and sophistication.
The main features of this trend are that the designer always uses a printed finishing material, which has asymmetric and dynamic forms, as well as precise lines. It can be a large and graceful pastel-colored ornament. Most often, white and pink materials are used in the decoration, while they must be accurately combined with each other. There is no way to do without golden shades, which are found in decoration, furniture, and even textiles.
The Rococo style is characterized by rich decoration, sophistication and sophisticationIf we talk more precisely about what a rococo bedroom looks like, then it should be noted that this room resembles a room in which a carnival or an exquisite ball is taking place, with exceptionally respectable guests present. Luxury, sophistication, wealth - these are the main criteria that you need to rely on when choosing finishing materials, furniture and textiles for a bedroom in the Rococo style.

Features of room decoration
To decorate walls in this style, finishing materials with curved shapes, with a fractional pattern are always used.
The ornament looks very elegant with various curls and weaves, they can intertwine with each other, creating real masterpieces of art.

It is acceptable to decorate walls and wallpaper that are made of fabric. If the designer decides to make the walls for painting, then you need to use a few secrets to make the walls look shiny and smooth. For this purpose, use a special glossy fabric or silk.
Important! We must not forget that stucco molding must be present in the room, and there must be a lot of it.
It can have a wide variety of shapes. But it is important not to overdo it with the decor, otherwise the room will look cheap and tasteless. Usually they use stucco moldings of white or gold color.

In general, it should be noted that a Rococo bedroom is a room in which people live with an excellent sense of taste and accurate knowledge of what luxury, sophistication and wealth are.
As for the design of the ceiling, here you need to take into account the fact that it should be exclusively monochromatic, although it should have stucco molding, which is covered with white or gold paint.

Designers often use various techniques that assume that the ceiling will be an extension of the wall. This can be achieved by applying certain transition patterns. In reality, this can be achieved using smooth transitions that have semicircular shapes. They are decorated with a very delicate print, they have the name of the paduga. Also in this case, a special thematic fresco will be appropriate.

The floor is also made out according to the style. To lay this surface, you can use:

If the budget does not allow using marble flooring, then you can take ceramic tiles that are made to resemble marble. Today, the choice of floor coverings is so wide that even with a minimal budget, you can achieve a good result. If you use a parquet board, you will be able to get a really chic interior.

Important points
As with the design of any other room, in this case it is also important to adhere to the advice of specialists. If we talk about the choice of finishing material, then you need to know the exact amount that will be used during the repair. In case of an error in the calculations, you can buy less than what is supposed to be, in this case there is a risk that as a result of the finishing material there will not be enough and it will have to be urgently bought. But it so happens that the newly purchased material differs in shades, or it is not available. Then the designer will have to change his idea, and this is a waste of time and money.

When it comes to laying the floor, you should know in advance the size of the parquet board, as well as the number of strips of this material or tile. It is equally important to accurately determine the color of finishing materials that are used to decorate the room. Any inaccuracies in the selection can violate the basic color scheme.

As for textiles, carpets are appropriate in the Rococo bedroom. They must be the correct size. A small carpet on the floor with a glossy surface looks beautiful.
An interior in the Rococo style requires strict adherence to all the rules, of which there are many. It is better to entrust the decoration of this room to an experienced expert.

How to choose furniture for the room?
The most basic rule that must be followed when choosing furniture for a bedroom in the Rococo style is that all structures should be as comfortable as possible, but at the same time, be small in size.

It is also important that all furniture does not have straight lines - these can be cabinets with an arched wall or top surface, a bed with a round front wall or a curved back.
It is also acceptable to use soft sofas of small size, which are in the shape of an ottoman. Such upholstered cabinet furniture as:

All designs must have curved legs or any other curved decor.
As for the upholstery, it should be noted that it should be with a primitive ornament. For example, a vine or a diamond-shaped net looks good, and various kinds of flower garlands are also common.
Attention! We must not forget about gold: it must be present in the upholstery of upholstered furniture.
There should be a lot of it in the interior, so it is better that the color of this precious metal is present in the upholstery of furniture, and in textiles, and in finishing materials.

As for the materials from which furniture for such a bedroom is made, then most often it is a walnut or linden-colored tree. It was from these types of wood that products were made in the 18th century. This is due to the fact that they lend themselves better than others to carving.

But that's not all. Often there is a cardboard box in the Rococo style; paper is stored in it. But the secretaire is used to connect the chest of drawers to the desk. You cannot do without a table on which a small vase, ashtray or figurine is installed.
Ottomans are installed by the bed, a chest of drawers with a lacquered surface. It is better to choose a bed with a beautiful headboard, which is decorated with carvings and wavy lines.

Expert advice
Almost all experts unanimously argue that a Rococo bedroom should be decorated with all sorts of accessories, this is easy to see if you look at the photo of such an interior.

Regarding accessories, it is important to note that they must be made of porcelain and natural fabrics, and decorated with gold. It can be:
Attention! Such a bedroom should have a lot of mirrored surfaces.

Mirrors can be finished with fabric, silk or velvet looks beautiful. But you can also use a wooden frame, only it must be carved and covered with gold. All pillows and bedspreads are embroidered, silk is preferred.
The chandelier is selected from crystal with all kinds of pendants, it is better to choose light bulbs in the shape of a candle. Also, we must not forget about the sconce, which is installed at the head of the bed.

There should always be flowers in the rococo bedroom. A vase with plants can be placed on a special table or placed at the head of the bed on the other side of the sconce.
Experts say that the main attention when decorating a bedroom should be paid precisely to stucco. In this case, it is found almost everywhere: on the door, on the wall, on the ceiling and even on the windows.

We also must not forget that a fireplace must be installed in the room, you can use an electric analogue, only outwardly it should resemble a true old hearth, bringing comfort and romantic notes into the interior.
It is better to choose copies of paintings from the Rococo era. If financial possibilities allow, then you can use original paintings.
The Rococo style is very similar to the Baroque style, and in both there is luxury and wealth. Only in the first case, you do not need a lot of space and high ceilings.