Bathroom remodeling is usually done in order to increase its area, install additional equipment, and also provide more convenience for residents and their guests.
Many standard apartments are much smaller in size than is now required for normal use of the bathroom and toilet. In addition, some homeowners prefer en-suite bathrooms, which are larger than standard ones.
Unusual design of the sink, countertops made of dark material, modern equipment, all this will add charm to your bathroomBathroom remodeling: basic methods
Modern ways of redeveloping a bathroom and a toilet have several common options. So, for example, they include:
At the same time, there are also rare ways to change the appearance of the bathroom, associated with the peculiarities of the layout and architecture of a particular apartment. So, for example, redevelopment of a bathroom in Khrushchev may include joining not only a bathroom, but also a living room to its area. Sometimes homeowners even carry it to the kitchen. By the way, not everyone knows that even replacing a bathroom with a shower stall is a redevelopment.

As for changing the place of installation and location of plumbing, if engineering networks are transferred within the same room, this is not considered a redevelopment, but is called a reorganization. It does not require any documentary evidence or official permission. Thus, you can move the toilet or sink yourself, but if you decide to change the plumbing fixtures to others or change their location in a combined bathroom, you will have to obtain an appropriate permit from the local housing inspectorate.
The glass partition not only looks stylish, but is also more practical than conventional bath curtains The second common redevelopment option is to combine a bath with a toilet in 1 room. In this case, the plumbing cabin is usually dismantled, if it is provided for by the project, which allows you to get a significant increase in living space. As a result, it is possible to bring to life even the most unusual design options.

If we talk about joining auxiliary rooms to the bathroom and toilet, then these are usually a corridor, a pantry, a living room. At the same time, a new entrance to the room is performed, the waterproofing of the floors is strengthened and a permit from the housing commission is required. In addition, the possibility of dismantling the load-bearing wall, if necessary, is determined separately and secured by a special act.

Attention! When engaging in any redevelopment, you should always remember that it can be performed only with strict adherence to all sanitary norms and rules, for example, these rules prohibit the bathroom and toilet above living quarters.
Also, in most cases, an appropriate permit is required from the local housing inspectorate. If the redevelopment is carried out without such permission, the owner of the apartment can expect a very substantial fine.

Redevelopment of toilet and bathroom in Khrushchev
It is worth noting that there are nuances in the redevelopment of small bathrooms. So, for example, the redevelopment of the toilet and bathroom in Khrushchev is carried out so that even in a room with a total usable area of 3.5-4 m2, all modern plumbing equipment and household appliances can be placed: a washing machine, cupboards, a bathtub or a shower. At the same time, work is very often performed on the installation of load-bearing walls and other elements of building structures.

Redevelopment of the bathroom and toilet in Khrushchev should begin with a photo of the room. This is due to the fact that the photo will allow you to visually represent the changes that will occur with the bathroom or the bathroom.
It is worth knowing that Khrushchev houses may already have combined bathrooms, usually three-room apartments or buildings erected in the 60s. In the same rooms where the wall or partition is located, the work will have to start with its dismantling and transfer of utilities.

Redevelopment of a bathroom in a panel house with a photo allows you to pre-select one of two options for its implementation. So, for example, changing the installation location of the plumbing is ideal for rooms with a total area of approximately 4.8 m2. Typically, in these cases, the homeowner does the following:

When combining a bath with a bathroom, the work is somewhat different from the first and includes:

Thus, the remodeling of a 4.8 m2 bathroom has several options. As a result, it is possible to significantly increase the level of comfort of residents of even such uncomfortable housing as Khrushchev. Naturally, in this case it will be necessary to comply with all the rules and regulations, for example, do not place a bathroom above living quarters.

Coordination of the redevelopment of the bathroom and the bathroom
Helpful advice! At the same time, it should be noted that any redevelopment must begin with obtaining permits.
The fact is that otherwise the owner of the apartment can expect a very substantial fine. In addition, the authorities may oblige him to bring the premises into the form that it had before the redevelopment.

Directly to agree on the redevelopment of a modern bathroom and bath, it will be necessary to provide the following package of documents to the regulatory authorities:

If we talk about those bodies and organizations where it will be necessary to submit the assembled package for approval, then this is, first of all, the housing and communal service responsible for the operation of the building where the apartment is located. Direct permission for redevelopment is given by the local housing inspectorate, but this does not always happen.

The fact is that many of the design options for modern bathrooms are only suitable for country houses. In the city, they are practically not feasible, since they are prohibited by SNiPs. Combining a bathroom and a toilet with a living room is allowed only on the ground floor if such a technical possibility is available. If the bathroom is located on the 2nd and higher floors, it is prohibited to combine it with living quarters.

note! Performing work that is not coordinated with the housing and communal services, and not authorized by the housing commissions, you can seriously damage the sewage system and the building, which, in turn, can lead to the creation of a threat of an emergency.
It is also worth remembering that in any case, all changes to the apartment plan will need to be reflected in the technical plan of the BTI.
Subtleties of construction work
Any work performed as part of the redevelopment of the bathroom and toilet is considered difficult, with an increased risk of accidents. Naturally, everything can be done correctly, without the gulf of neighbors, it is possible only by knowing all the subtleties and nuances of such an activity. In the event that you have no experience in redevelopment, it makes sense to involve experienced professionals with extensive experience in construction.

So, for example, before starting to demolish walls, you must first find out whether they are load-bearing. The fact is that the destruction of load-bearing walls can subsequently cause the collapse of the building, therefore, usually they are not touched during redevelopment. In such a wall, you can make a doorway, provided that the supporting structure is reinforced. At the same time, in order to obtain permission to perform an operation of this kind, you will need to draw up all the necessary documents in advance. The fact is that they will require a lot of time and approvals.

In addition, when connecting the bathroom and the bathroom together, it will be necessary to pay special attention to the sealing of the floor, as well as the exclusion of the formation of height differences and thresholds on it. It is also worth re-performing ventilation, since the existing one may not cope with new tasks. It is also worth remembering that it is strictly forbidden to include ventilation niches in the total usable area of the room. There are quite large fines for this.

If, on the contrary, during redevelopment, the installation of partitions is provided for the creation and selection of separate functional zones, it is necessary to perform them quickly and easily, for example, for this you can take drywall. It is not afraid of moisture, allows the use of any finishing materials and, if necessary, can be completely dismantled. Stationary partitions made of bricks and blocks are not recommended for use. The fact is that they take up extra space, and not always their construction can be authorized by the regulatory and supervisory authorities.

Modern design options for a combined bathroom
The design of a modern bathroom should be selected using special computer programs that will allow you to present its redevelopment in advance, even before the start of construction work. You can, of course, try to build a similar model based on ordinary photography, but basically this does not give the desired effect. In addition, it will be imperative to make a sketch of the future renovated premises, on the basis of which all work will be carried out.

In the event that the area of the apartment allows, an ordinary bath and a bathroom can be converted into a full-fledged sanitary and hygienic complex, in which you can not only take baths, but also perform a whole range of sports exercises. As a result, in such a large room it will be possible to put a laundry basket, a washing machine, a toilet, two sinks and the necessary furniture.

If we talk about minimalism, then the least that can be done in the process of redeveloping a bathroom and toilet is to combine it. At the same time, there is an option for performing an arch in a wall in the case when it is a bearing, as well as an option for dismantling such a wall. The latter option is preferable, as it allows you to significantly increase the usable area of the bathroom.
In the same case, when you like versatility, you can try to install a washing machine and a toilet next to the entrance to the room. The shower stall is placed in the far corner, and the sink is in the other corner.