Girlish grapes in landscape design, the photo of which is presented in a variety of design solutions, has long been used to decorate unsightly places on the site, create hedges and arches. This decorative climbing plant has very large openwork leaves, green in summer and red or yellow in autumn. In Europe, where winters are mild, its whips close the walls of houses, giving a beautiful look to stone buildings and relieving cottage owners from the responsibilities of maintaining the facade. Vertical gardening in landscape design with the help of vines allows you to implement various ideas, creating green gazebos and shady corners for relaxation within the site during the hot season.
Maiden grapes are used to create hedges and archesAdvantages and disadvantages of decorative grapes
When growing maiden grapes on the site, you need to remember that this plant is poisonous. Its black fruits are inedible. The berries contain the alkaloid euphorbin, which strongly irritates the mucous tissues of the mouth, eyes and nose. It is not dangerous to health if a child eats 1 berry, its taste is very tart, and this does not allow to feast on berries for a long time. But children should be warned if girlish grapes grow on the site in order to exclude poisoning that causes burns.

The presence of the alkaloid euphorbin in the leaves allows the plant to defend itself against the invasion of all kinds of parasites. There are no insects that could threaten the appearance of this vine, eating its tender young stems.

Lianas are frost-hardy and unpretentious. Long branches of a climbing plant can grow anywhere, clinging with strong tendrils to any bulges. This type of vines is able to grow a huge mass of greenery in a short period of time.

Due to their ability to grow in the most unpretentious conditions, decorative grapes have been successfully used for landscaping in the Russian climate, which often has severe snowless winters. In summer cottages, you can find 2 types of this plant. They are tri-pointed and five-leafed varieties that are more vigorous than other species.

Growing maiden grapes in a summer cottage in landscape design allows you to solve many problems, and the photos confirm that with the help of this liana you can decorate your site, hiding everything under massive greenery that you do not want to demonstrate to others.

What design ideas are there
Maiden grapes grown in landscaping are used to decorate various vertical walls; the photo will help to imagine what the results of the conceived plan might be. This is a climber who strives upward with tremendous vitality that neither snow, nor prolonged rains, nor premature frosts can stop.

Liana takes root wherever it touches a comfortable surface and grabs the support firmly. It is enough for her to catch on the support 1 time in order to further rise on her own. She can crawl on a metal mesh, a water pipe, a wooden post, a metal bar bent in an arc.

Designers often use the ability of this dart frog to completely braid the support, creating a lush crown. They make beautiful arches, arranging them along

Maiden grapes grow well along a stone wall, regardless of whether it will be planted on the south side or on the north. Where there is little sun, it will grow just as actively, but its leaves will not be able to turn red in the fall. At the end of the season, they will be covered with yellow veins and disappear.

On the south side, the plant at the end of the summer season will delight with the burgundy-crimson color of the leaves, creating a stunning sight for lovers of exuberant colors. Different types of maiden grapes in landscape design are sometimes beautiful in autumn, and the photos show all the beauty of this plant.
Breeders have developed a new variety of decorative grapes, the leaves of which turn completely yellow in the fall. The wall, covered with vines with openwork leaves of a deep rich yellow color, shimmers in the sun in all shades: from light to rich brown. Such a sight does not leave indifferent fans of hedges.

Features of growing a plant
People who do not have experience with vines believe that unpretentious decorative varieties do not require additional care. There are rules to consider when solving a given problem.

When deciding how to arrange a liana for permanent residence, you need to remember that it has active growth, and the total weight of the plant will press on the support until it destroys it.
After 3 years, the shoots will completely encircle the proposed support and continue their growth.

If you give this plant the opportunity to grow as needed, then you can soon find that the decorative grapes have grown like a weed throughout the site. This is due to the peculiarity of vines to take root along the growth of the trunk, which easily take root in the soil and form new bushes.

This plant needs not only to be planted correctly, but also to make timely pruning, to correctly direct young vines so that they move in the right direction. Then the girlish grapes in

When arranging decorative vines on the wall of the house, you need to remember that only brick and stone walls can be twisted with weaving plants. Their mass is so dense that the accumulated dampness will contribute to the destruction of a house with loose walls. If the house is plastered, then after 2-3 years the plaster will begin to crumble, which will require cosmetic repairs, then you will have to get rid of the grown vines.

Lianas are not suitable for decoration of dilapidated buildings. The total mass of plants will help accelerate the aging process, and it will quickly collapse.

Tiles and slate also do not like neighborhoods with vines. Climbing plants can move the roof sheets and the roof will leak.
Reproduction scheme of grapes by cuttingsAntenna and chimney are at risk. If the vines braid them, they can break the structure, and repairs will require costs that can be avoided by caring for the plant and cutting off its lashes in a timely manner.

If you do not make mistakes when growing this plant, then for a long time it will delight the owners of the site with its appearance.