Nowadays, with the growth of computer technology, teleworking from home is becoming more and more popular. And it is no coincidence. Thanks to this, problems with the loss of time due to traffic jams in big cities, stress due to hours of traffic jams are solved. That is why there is a demand for the arrangement of a home workplace, where furniture for an office in a classic style (or otherwise at the discretion of the owners) plays a key role.
Increasingly, modern business people began to equip their homes with separate offices or small work areas
Furniture is selected according to the design of the office and its purpose. Who is the classic interior for?? First of all, to business people, whose status used to be talked about by cars, watches, fountain pens, suits and shoes, but now offices have been added. The classical style of the interior reflects the solid conservatism of a successful, self-confident and wealthy person.
But the ever-living classics for the office is used not only by business people, but also simply by conservative people who prefer the classic decoration of their home to various newfangled phenomena.

Even if the office is used not only for work, but also for meetings with friends or classes with a child, it should still not get out of the general interior, so as not to look inappropriate and foreign. In this case, you need to choose modular furniture for the office. It is lighter, more mobile, but also functional. The components included in it have enough space to place a computer, books, collections or toys.
On a note! Modular office furniture is also good for small apartments, where there is little space, and you need to make, if not a full-fledged office, but at least a working corner.
After all, you do not need to buy it in a whole set, but only the necessary, which is very convenient. You can equip a mini-office on heated loggias and balconies or in the attic, after having repaired it.

But if the area allows you to make a real office, then, of course, the choice of furniture for arranging the office in a classic style and the interior design must be approached thoroughly, since the created image will be your business card.

Home office design
First, a little history. Classicism originated in the 17th century and became the standard of elegance and good taste. Despite the long century of its existence, it is still relevant today. And, apparently, it will never go out of style. Why did he take his fans for the soul??
It would seem that residents of modern megacities should look towards modernism or exoticism, but prefer the classics. Although there is nothing to be surprised at - people are tired of the dullness and ordinariness of everyday life, and the classic style with its simplicity, moderation, intelligibility gives a feeling of warmth, calmness, security and comfort.

Important! In classic design, there must be harmony, greatness, nobility, zoning and symmetry of forms.
This is how the classics compare favorably with their counterparts - baroque, empire and rococo. Chaos and asymmetry will destroy the spirit of the interior in the bud. The main features of the unfading classics:

It would be nice to sheathe the walls of the office with wood, but this is for those who are affluent, since natural wood is not available to everyone, and its imitation will look vulgar.

Here, many make mistakes, placing additional lighting incorrectly, which is why glare appears on the monitor, or the light blinds the eyes. Less often it happens when it seems that the lighting was done according to the instructions, but, nevertheless, some discomfort is felt during work. Check on your desktop or nearby for souvenirs, figurines, cups and other decorative items with a shiny surface and put them away.

With well-organized lighting in the office, work will be effective, fruitful and enjoyable.
Severity of forms, clarity of lines and nothing more. Sophistication and beauty in everything from the wood texture of beech, ash, oak, cherry, ebony and mahogany to carved elements. Plus positive energy from wood, which is so necessary when working.
Velvet, leather, jacquard are used for furniture upholstery.

How to use space correctly: classic style tables in the office
The usual set for furnishing an office is a desk and an armchair, a small sofa and a wardrobe. If the office is spacious, you can add a couple of lounge chairs and a coffee table.
The center of the cabinet furniture is a table, when choosing which one should pay attention not only to the design, but also to take into account the design features. Is it possible to adjust it in height, does it have side pull-out units that allow you to change the working surface of the table at any time.

Is it possible to install a computer thanks to additional modules or will you also have to buy a computer desk, which, you see, will not be so easy to do, if we are talking about furniture for an office in a classic style?.
That is, the table should be as functional as possible, taking into account the type of activity of the owner. It is one thing to lay out a collection on it or some kind of pictorial canvas for evaluation, and it is quite another to carry out drawing work, which already requires a tilt of the tabletop, and the tabletop itself must be large. And, of course, the presence of small compartments in the desk for office supplies.

Summarizing the above, let's highlight the main criteria when choosing a table. It should be:

Attention! It is important to choose the right working chair for the table, which should also be as comfortable and functional as possible - ideally, when it can be easily modified at any time to fit the features of the figure of the person sitting in it.
For the preservation of documents, a bookcase is selected in the same style as the table, open or with glass doors in a carved frame. The cabinet can be replaced with shelving if documents are stored in beautiful folders.

But it is not enough just to choose the right furniture for the office, it is equally important to arrange it correctly. She should divide the office into zones: for rest - a sofa, a coffee table and armchairs for visitors, a work area - a table, a wardrobe and a work chair. If the office is large, then a separate area for negotiations is set up, where a table with the same chairs is placed.

And don't forget about the color. Black furniture for an office in a classic style will add solidity, but also visually reduce the space, therefore, it is suitable for large rooms. For arranging small workplaces, it is better to choose furniture in light colors.
We advise you to look at the photo gallery in order to orient yourself as best as possible in a variety of options.