Of all the historical styles, the Art Nouveau style is the most famous and demanded. It has not been outdated for over 100 years. An Art Nouveau room - elegant and refined, restrained and pretentious - the decoration of any home, a bright declaration of aesthetic preferences and a demonstration of the good taste of the owners of the house.
Modern is one of the most popular styles in interior designCharacteristics of the Art Nouveau style
Literally modern means "modern". The Art Nouveau style emerged at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries and largely determined the main trends in the development of modern culture, art and, of course, design.
The Art Nouveau style very brightly manifested itself in architecture. Thanks to him, a bizarre asymmetrical composition of buildings appeared. The interiors were widely used:

One of the main principles of the Art Nouveau architectural style was the proclamation of the convenience of the home. Everything obeyed this - the layout of the rooms and their design, the general free and spacious composition.
Modern quickly spread throughout the world, creating its own national variants. It is most vividly presented in the architecture of Belgium, Austria, Norway, Scotland, Spain, Russia.

Art Nouveau style is one of the most significant and interesting interior styles. It is chosen by all those who appreciate:

Important! A modern room should give the impression of being busy, some excess of solid and high-quality things.
This is a fundamental moment. Of course, you need to observe the measure so that the room does not turn into a warehouse, do not litter it with random things. To do this, it is necessary to think over in advance the image of the room, its "legend", even present it as a decoration for some film. This will add mystery and additional attractiveness to the room.

Art Nouveau room design
The Art Nouveau style lives up to its name: the modern interior appeared largely due to this particular style.
The Art Nouveau style in interior design is characterized by:

Attention! Modern style is total. The entire living space of a person, down to the very last detail, should be covered by a single style - this is his philosophy.
Color spectrum
In general, the rooms decorated in the Art Nouveau style should be dominated by exquisite colors and shades:
Organic combination of milk with blue, bright red or dark green.

Furniture and other interior items
The features of the Art Nouveau style, the expression of its main principle, the house should be comfortable, manifested itself in arts and crafts, especially in furniture.
Expensive furniture made of high-quality varieties of wood was richly decorated with inlays, hand-carved, crystal and colored glass inserts. The upholstery and inserts used an ornament consisting of iris, thistle, tulips and other large flowers. But furniture should not only be beautiful, but also comfortable.

Art Nouveau interior design is impossible without lamps. Their smooth shapes, soft "lamp" light emphasize the elegance of modern aesthetics, create a mysterious and intriguing atmosphere.

Other interior items include:

Art Nouveau room interior
Each room has its own purpose. Accordingly, their interior has its own specifics. Consider the features of the interior design of various premises.

Living room
In the living room, you can safely combine the incongruous. For example, bright décor and classic furnishings. With the help of furniture and lamps, the room is divided into a relaxation area and a dining area. Diagonal symmetry in the arrangement of pieces of furniture gives a special sophistication to the room.

The color scheme of the living room is also set by the furniture: if the pieces of furniture are bright, then the textiles and walls should be light. The most common version of the Art Nouveau room interior is designed in rich warm colors: dark chocolate floor, cream walls, light brown furniture with chocolate colored pillows.
Another option: a combination of blue with white, beige and gilding. In monochrome, vintage dark furniture looks advantageous against a background of smoky, beige striped curtains.

The floor is finished with parquet or neutral carpet. In the first case, a sense of the solidity of the whole room is set, in the second, other elements of the furnishings play a leading role. The ceiling in the living room should be light and monochromatic.
It is desirable to decorate the walls of the room in the same color. Walls are neutral in color to highlight the virtues of elegant vintage furniture. Wide striped wallpaper is also possible.

Furniture in the living room can be of two types: classic heavy and elegant, made of light wood. The guest room should include:

A large, richly decorated chandelier serves as a good decoration for the living room. Vintage table lamps will also add bohemian and sophistication. A large mirror in a beautiful baguette, paintings and posters, stained-glass windows are also appropriate in the room.
For window decoration, it is better to use light fabrics, from which complex and airy draperies can be constructed.

This room is remarkably well suited for decoration in the Art Nouveau style: cozy textiles, a variety of lamps allow you to create a comfortable and relaxing environment for a great rest.

The following colors are used in the color scheme of the bedroom:

The most successful option for finishing the bedroom floor is parquet in dark shades. For better, linear illumination, you can use a tiered ceiling. Walls should be monochromatic.
In small bedrooms, a symmetrical arrangement of furniture of laconic forms is appropriate:

Larger rooms can accommodate a chest of drawers and various banquets.
Among the interior and decor items that are usually used to emphasize style, it should be noted:
When decorating bedroom windows, complex and multi-layered draperies, lambrequins, brushes, numerous assemblies are used.

Features of the kitchen interior are largely determined by its size. For small rooms, it is better to choose a pastel color palette, for a spacious kitchen - a rich one. This choice, in turn, dictates its conditions to other elements of the decoration.

The finish of small kitchens should be neutral: on the floor - a homogeneous, stone-like finish; ceiling - plain, with spot lighting. The working area of the walls can be tiled with ceramic tiles, the rest is plastered or painted.

Furniture should be functional and lightweight. To illuminate the kitchen, spotlights on the ceiling, illumination of the working area are used.
Attention! Correctly selected vintage dishes and accessories play an important role in the design of the Art Nouveau kitchen.

Textiles (sheets, napkins, curtains) should also match the created image of a simple but elegant kitchen.
The main principles of interior design in the modern style of the bathroom:

As you can see, the Art Nouveau style is appropriate in the interiors of rooms for various purposes. Perhaps the only thing that is absolutely alien to him is the creation of an overly laconic image, with a lack of chic and elegance. Therefore, a room in the Art Nouveau style for a teenager is rarely made out.

The pretentiousness and elegance of the style sicken the rebellious soul of a teenager and is unlikely to please him. In other rooms, Art Nouveau creates a space of restrained chic, lightness and sophistication.