England is the birthplace of design, so much of the history of the design of the external environment refers us to the images of "Foggy Albion". This room in the English style is a wonderful example of creating an interior that revives the atmosphere of "good old England".
The history of the formation of the English style
This style has a long history. In general terms, it was formed back in the 16th century, and its originality and vivid national expression are associated with the fact that insular England did not experience such an influence of the ancient heritage as the continental countries.

A typical English house combines elements of Gothic and Renaissance architecture, with unchanged oak paneling in the interior and a fireplace in the living room.

The classic English style implies the embodiment of such national character traits of the British as:

In the formation of the English style in interiors, it is customary to distinguish between several periods and the styles corresponding to them:

All these trends formed the "English style", although the Victorian style is considered to be the classic version.

English home arrangement
In a classic English house, the rooms are small, but numerous: everyone has a place for solitude.

The premises must include:

The British have always cared about the convenience and improvement of the home: it was they who, at the peak of the industrial revolution, installed plumbing with cold and hot water in their homes, invented the toilet and many other innovations that made everyday life more comfortable.

An English-style room, a photo of which is not so difficult to find, this is confirmed - a triumph of comfort and practicality.
Meanwhile, each room, depending on its purpose, has a number of features, expressed in the interior as well.

Living room
According to the concept of the English style, this is the main room, it demonstrates the well-being of the owners of the house, their capabilities and aesthetic preferences. The living room is not only a place of communication, it is a kind of "vanity fair", a secular "current". Here brides and grooms were chosen, saw off on their last journey. By the way, this room was intended primarily for family recreation, and then for receiving guests.

Mandatory elements of the room decoration are a fireplace and a soft sofa.
In the days of Victoria, the Chesterfield sofa with numerous pillows became fashionable, very comfortable and cozy. There is a tea table, banquettes and recliners next to the sofa.

On a stone (often marble) fireplace shelf are dear trinkets. The hearth is decorated with tiles. Until now, in many old English houses, the fireplace is the only source of heat.

The living room walls are covered with numerous paintings and decorative plates. Also, it traditionally has a lot of all kinds of slides and tables.
There is often a study next to the living room - an additional living room for the owner of the house. Bookcases are placed around the perimeter of the room.

Walls not occupied by them can be upholstered in leather and trimmed with wood. Typical English-style office furnishings:

Interestingly, in England it is not customary to communicate with visitors at the desk.
This is seen as bad form. Chairs or sofas are intended for conversations.

Dining room and kitchen
The main decoration of the dining room is a large dining table. It is necessarily made of wood, and in England it is not customary to cover it with a tablecloth. The older the table, the better. From the point of view of the British, a respectable age gives furniture a special charm.

The dining room and kitchen are not combined in English houses, but they can be connected by a doorway. In the kitchen you can see:

The bedrooms in the English house are small, but they have huge beds and spacious wardrobes, a kind of "pantry" for all kinds of things.

The bed in such a bedroom is a complex and multi-layered structure. She may be:
The decoration of the bed is very lush: it is often created with gorgeous linen sheets, satin duvets, luxurious plush bedspreads.

An electric heating pad often warms the cozy bed.

Bathroom for the British is a symbol of civilization and progress. It is impossible to imagine an English house without a spacious bathroom. In large houses, the bathroom is often combined with the bedroom.

The bathroom in the English style is exactly the bathroom: the main place in it is occupied by a cast-iron font on lion paws, with a high headboard, a brass or copper tap.

On a note! An English bathroom is very similar to a living room.
In its decoration, not only ceramic tiles and metal, but also textiles and wood are widely used.

Interestingly, one of the hallmarks of the "English style" is still a washbasin with two taps and a large thicket in which water is mixed: the British still ignore the mixer.

Room in the English style for a teenager
The English style is great for decorating a teenage room. With its help, you can create a cozy interior that at the same time emphasizes the personality of a teenager.

Important! Much attention is paid to furniture and accessories.
Furniture items should be wooden, deliberately shabby. The bed or sofa can be covered with checkered rugs, warm bedspreads.

It is good to use symbols of Great Britain as decoration:

The colors of the room for teenagers may include the following colors:

Interior items, decor and accessories
When decorating rooms in the English style, the following materials are mainly used:

On a note! Floors are often covered with oriental, deep pile, rug.
Previously, the walls were traditionally upholstered with wood paneling and textiles.

Now it can be vinyl and other wallpaper with stripes or with exotic ornaments.

Of the textiles, popular are those made in the patchwork technique, which is a symbol of thrift and skill of English housewives.

Furniture made in English style, wooden, solid and deliberately aged. The gloss of novelty was considered bad form in Britain.
Among other items of interior and decor, it should be mentioned:

Interiors in the English style are coziness and comfort, the charm of antiquity and loyalty to traditions. They are equally good for both sedate gentlemen and ladies, and the younger generation.