At the beginning of the 20th century, very expressive and bizarre styles appeared in art. An art deco hallway (photo attached) introduces the originality of the most perfect of them. Art Deco style combines sensuality and rationalism, traditions of past centuries and the search for new expressive means, Eastern and Western cultures.
Origins and characteristics of the art deco style
The main feature of the art deco style is syncretism. The style that emerged in the 1910s absorbed the artistic practices of numerous directions in painting, architecture, music, sculpture, design, reworking them into an eclectic unity, striking with the richness of forms, luxurious and sophisticated at the same time.
An art deco hallway (photo attached) introduces the originality of the most perfect of them

Among the sources of art deco are the search for modernism, the culture of ancient civilizations, primitive art, the cultures of the countries of the East, European classics, folk traditions and industrial design of the first third of the XX century. The greatest influence on the formation of the style was exerted by the design associated with the production of new equipment - cars, locomotives, sea liners.
This style can be seen as a transitional period from modern to minimalism. Art Deco inherited such favorite themes and motifs from Art Nouveau as:

On the other hand, in the art deco style, there are tendencies inherent in minimalism:
In general, the art deco style is characterized by:
Interesting! The recognizability of the Art Deco style, its complex and contradictory unity, revives interest in it again and again.

Short-term oblivion in the post-war period was replaced in the 1980s by a surge in fashion for the 1920s and 1930s, caused largely by the resurrection of interest in the cinematic noir genre, graphic design of those years. Modern incarnations of the Art Deco style in interior design are very interesting.
The specifics of art deco interior design
Art Deco interiors are distinguished by:
The splendor of Art Deco does not mean that this style is not suitable for the decoration of the premises of a typical apartment. The main thing is to observe proportions and adhere to a sense of proportion when choosing furniture and decor items.

Art Deco interiors are suitable for all those who:

Typical signs of style in the interior:
Important! When decorating a room, saturated colors need to be balanced with calmer colors. The secret of the attractiveness of this style is in the harmonious combination of opposites. You can't do without a sense of proportion and taste. The only mistake can deprive the interior of any elegance and turn it into a vulgar decoration of a primitive television series about the "life of the rich".
When arranging small rooms in the art deco style, materials of natural light tones are most often used. When finishing the floor, it can be earth-colored carpet. Light parquet board is also allowed.
When finishing the ceiling, it is again important that the proportions are respected and there is no feeling of pressure from the ceiling structures. The ceiling can be decorated when the height of the room reaches 3 meters. In other cases, it is better to paint it cream or milky. In general, the room should give the impression of a light and harmonious space.

Walls are best done in solid colors, large decorative panels are allowed. Wall decoration depends to a large extent on the purpose of the room. They can also be:
The color scheme for this style is characterized by color unity. The showiness and splendor of the interior is achieved by combining light and darker shades of brown:

Interior and decor items
The shape of the furniture in the art deco style resembles the classic, but it should not give the impression of a rarity, let alone old. It is good if the furniture is varnished.
When decorating small spaces, it is important to adhere to a sense of proportion. With a complex and rich chandelier and expressive furniture, the rest of the decor elements should be modest. If the general space is decorated with restraint, then bright and catchy details will be appropriate.
Among the accessories, an important role is played by:
Advice! Curtains and curtains for windows are best made from fabrics of the same color, but with a difference in several tones.
Hallway design in art deco style
By the interior of the hallway, one can judge the tastes and aesthetic preferences of the owners of the house, their lifestyle and level of well-being. An art deco entrance hall - a loud declaration of the artistic preferences of the apartment owners, a demonstration of their wealth and self-confidence.

Not everyone can afford to decorate a hallway in this style. It is especially important here to adhere to a sense of proportion, to find an appropriate place for every detail, to create a harmonious and holistic space.
In addition to the implementation of the general principles of interior design in the art deco style, you can use in the decoration of the hallway:
An art deco hallway can be decorated:

Furniture in the hallway should be made of expensive varieties of wood, decorated with ethnic or floral patterns. Possible inlay from metal, glass or mother-of-pearl.
Among the compulsory pieces of furniture, it should be noted:
If size allows, you can put a small sofa or armchairs in the hallway.
The magnificent art deco style immerses you in an atmosphere of luxury and wealth, but its inherent elegance and harmony allows you to stay within boundaries and remain the embodiment of good taste and a sense of proportion. Such a paradoxical combination is the main secret of the popularity of this style.