Nowadays, the interior is quite popular, which assumes the presence of various styles in the design of the room. So, for example, a Greek-style bathroom is often found. True, it is important to understand here that in this case we do not mean the modern state and its culture, but the period of antiquity.
It should be noted that Greece is a state with a thousand-year history and culture. During the entire existence of the country, the leading figures of the state have done a lot in the field of science, and also reached heights in other industries. Let's say, if we talk about the construction of premises and the improvement, then the Greek architects and designers managed to surpass all the hopes that were placed on them.
Nowadays, the interior is quite popular, which assumes the presence of various styles in the design of the room

It is no secret that the ancient Greeks greatly appreciated art and all the beautiful things that surround them. They were directly involved in the formation of individual styles and design innovations. This served as a huge impetus for the development of a common global design direction. Based on the foregoing, it is quite logical that today in many interiors it is precisely the Greek style that is present.

The era of the origin of this style is considered the last century. It was during this period that the peak of the popularity of the Greek style in the interior falls. But, fortunately, to this day, it also has not lost its popularity and is still actively used in premises for various purposes.

What is the peculiarity of this style?
It should be noted that this style of interior has its own characteristics, thanks to which, the room, decorated according to the rules, stands out significantly among the rooms that were decorated differently. True, there are people who are sure that the main feature of a room in this style is the luxury that came from the Roman interior. Of course, the similarity is visually present, because the long history of these states is closely intertwined with each other, but still there are differences between them, by which it is quite easy to determine whether the room is made in the Roman style or in the Greek. The point is that the interior in the Roman style is characterized by pomp and pretentiousness, but for the Greek, on the contrary, restraint and notes of elegance.

So, if we talk about how a bathroom in the Greek style should look like, then first of all we are talking about the presence of such decorative details as:

These are only the main features of this style, which must be paid attention to. In addition, it is always important to understand that a room made in this style should have high ceilings, it is better that the room is spacious and well lit.
What designers pay attention to?
When decorating a bathroom in the Greek style, a photo of which is very easy to find on the site, you always need to consider what color the finish should be. In this case, it is better to completely abandon gilding on anything, as well as excessive shine.
Important! Only pastel shades should be present, which are harmoniously combined with materials of natural origin.
It is also allowed to use copies of famous works of art that were created by ancient Greek artists and sculptors.

It should be noted that the Greek style is a separate direction in the classic interior. It is often used in the design of country houses and large apartments. If we talk specifically about the bathroom, then, of course, it is important to understand that such a room should have considerable dimensions, high ceilings and, in general, correspond in its characteristics to this style in the interior.
Usually this type of design is chosen by lovers of the classics. Those who prefer comfort and practicality to excessive luxury. And, of course, who does not pursue the latest innovations in the interior design of the premises, but trusts the proven ways to make their home beautiful and comfortable.

With regard to the color scheme of the bathroom, preference should be given to extremely light shades. Indeed, when decorating this room, it is assumed that all surfaces in it are made of marble. Even if the marble was not used, you should still imitate this stone. Based on this, designers recommend using finishing materials in white, cream colors, as well as shades of blue or ivory.
Attention! It must be remembered that in nature there is practically no pure white marble, so it is better to select finishing materials with a certain shade.

The choice of finishing material?
As mentioned above, most often a Greek-style bathroom, a photo of which can be easily found in special prints dedicated to interiors, is decorated in light colors that imitate a marble surface.
Also recently, the combination of this direction with the Mediterranean style has been very popular. As a result, it is quite acceptable to add a little turquoise or coral, olive, green and yellow to the above colors. This design technique helps to make the room brighter and more modern.

Of the finishing materials, as mentioned above, you should pay attention to marble. But if, based on the material capabilities of the owner, it is impossible to use this particular material, then you can use ceramic tiles that will imitate marble.
Thanks to the modern capabilities that are used in the production of ceramic or porcelain tiles, marble chips are added to its composition. As a result, the surface of the wall becomes even more similar to marble and as close as possible to the natural finish.
It is also important to always pay attention to what kind of surface will be formed. For example, if we talk about a field or a wall, it is better to choose large tiles. It is also very popular to use such a laying technique, which, as a result, will make it possible to make a mosaic or border. For example, a meander pattern is often used along the edge of the floor, as well as on the walls, which imitates a sea wave.

It has already been said above that it is customary to use frescoes in this style. But taking into account the characteristics of a particular room, the frescoes will deteriorate very soon. They can be replaced with a special tile panel. It looks no less beautiful and imitates the aforementioned frescoes very well. And, of course, it does not lend itself so much to the negative effects of steam, high temperatures and humidity, which are constantly present in this room. Its price is also much lower than real frescoes.
What is important to remember when developing a design?
After you have finished with the choice of finishing materials and colors of the room, you need to decide what kind of lighting should be present in this room.

If we talk about an ideal room, then it should have large windows through which a lot of light enters the room. Moreover, it is best that the view from the eye be on the sea surface. But if there is no such possibility, then you need to use special artificial devices that will make the room very bright and as spacious as possible.

It is very important that artificial lights do not emit too bright a beam of light that will dazzle and irritate visitors to the room. It is better to use several wall chandeliers, as well as various kinds of lamps that are placed on each wall. Moreover, the light emanating from them should be slightly muffled. Of course, it is better to give preference to energy-saving lamps.
Advice! It is also important to consider that the shape of the luminaire should correspond to the Greek theme of the room.
If the height of the ceilings allows, then you can use a classic sconce, which is placed on the ceiling in the middle of the room. In the case of arranging a large room, there may be several such sconces. Then they are placed parallel to each other.

If the room is not large or has a low ceiling, then only spotlights should be used.
A room in the Greek style, and even more so a bathroom, is highly practical and characterizes the owner of the room as a person with a good sense of taste. Indeed, in this room there is no excessive pretentiousness or luxury, but at the same time imitation marbled and the presence of panels speak of a high financial condition of a person.

This style in the interior allows you to equip an apartment or house with minimal investment, but at the same time does not make the room too primitive or tasteless.
Of course, all this is possible only if, during the repair, the designer will take into account the tips, as well as a number of other rules for decorating premises in the Greek style.