Choosing a chandelier for a kitchen in a modern style from a photo is a rather difficult task that requires solving several issues at the same time.
In addition to the appearance of the chandelier, when choosing a device for lighting a kitchen room, you should pay attention to a number of key points.
The modern lighting market allows you to choose a chandelier for a kitchen of any size, shape and style, it all depends on the preferences and characteristics of the roomThe main ones among these are the following:

Any homeowner is worried about how to choose the right chandelier for the kitchen in a modern style so that the room is cozy and well-lit. In addition, when choosing a lighting device, special attention should be paid to ensuring that the chosen chandelier looks harmonious, has an attractive appearance and does not lose it over a long period of its service.
Choosing a chandelier design
In order to choose a chandelier for a kitchen in a modern style, you need to think about its design and practicality.
The form factor, dimensions, ease of installation and regular maintenance depend on the design features of the lighting device. Of particular importance is the issue of ease of installation work on the installation of the chandelier, if these works are carried out independently, without the involvement of specialists.

There are two main types of chandelier designs for lighting a kitchen space. These constructive types are:
Each design type of chandeliers has its own characteristic features.

Suspended lighting fixtures have a housing that is attached to a suspension. A chain or strong cord can be used as a suspension. The hanger is attached to the ceiling hook. The sizes of such structures range from medium to large. This type of lighting fixture is characterized by ease of installation and maintenance, and the length of the suspension in many models has an adjustable function. Examples of such designs are classic chandeliers used to illuminate the dining area in the kitchen.

Ceiling structures consist of a plafond body, which is connected by mounting special elements close to the ceiling plane. These structures typically range in size from small to medium. The disadvantage of such a lighting device is the need for almost complete dismantling during maintenance.

Examples of such appliances are small chandeliers made in a laconic modern style.
Important! Pendant-style chandeliers for the kitchen in a modern style should not be chosen if the room is small and with a low ceiling.
This is due to the fact that a large chandelier emphasizes its limitations in a small room. When the chandelier is located low, a person has a feeling of discomfort.

Choosing a chandelier for the kitchen depending on the light source
In modern lighting devices, several types of lamps are used, which have their own design features.
The main types of lamps used in kitchen chandeliers are as follows:
Incandescent lamps are the most common light sources used in chandeliers.

Light sources based on LEDs have a higher cost, but their advantage is lower energy consumption compared to incandescent lamps.

Halogen bulbs are capable of producing very bright light and have a long lifespan. The disadvantage of these lamps is their higher heating compared to incandescent lamps. Also, the disadvantage of these light sources is their high cost and the need for special disposal measures.

On a note! It is recommended to choose chandeliers that do not use lamps of rare dimensions, form factor and type of base.
In addition, it is not recommended to use sources with unpopular power parameters.
The choice of a lighting device for rooms of different sizes
The owners of apartments with a small kitchen area are wondering which chandelier can be chosen for such a room.
For a small room, it will be enough to use one powerful light source located in the center of the ceiling. If necessary, such a source is equipped with additional illumination that illuminates individual zones.
In a spacious kitchen, it is better to place the chandelier above the dining table.
When choosing a lighting device, you should select a model that is able to provide sufficient illumination.

Space lighting should not be bright or dim and should contribute to creating a comfortable atmosphere in the kitchen.
For example, for normal lighting of a kitchen with an area of 10 sq. m you will need a chandelier in which at least two LED bulbs are installed. The power of these lamps should be about 15W.

When choosing a chandelier, the following rule should be adhered to: the darker the colors used when decorating the interior of the room, the brighter lighting should be given by light sources.
When choosing a chandelier for a kitchen decorated in a modern style, you should pay attention to the device, which provides for adjusting the light intensity. This will save a significant amount of electricity.

Choosing a lighting fixture style
Before deciding on the style of the chandelier, you should think about what role the device will play in the kitchen.
In order to choose a chandelier of a certain style, you need to know initially whether it will be the main source of light or make up an element of decor.

An Art Nouveau chandelier made of modern materials is perfect for the kitchen.
Such lighting devices can be laconic and functional devices in the form of balls, cubes, cylinders or individually designed chandeliers.

On a note! When choosing a lighting style, you can play on contrasts. This option is absolutely win-win and is able to decorate the interior of a kitchen with any area.
A kitchen with a chandelier made of modern high-tech materials will look stylish and modern.
Such lighting fixtures look great indoors and are highly functional, and also allow you to achieve very unusual decorative effects.

When choosing devices for lighting the kitchen-dining room, you should pay attention to devices that have two groups of lamps with autonomous switching on of each of the groups.
In such designs, horns and shades are used to direct the flow of light from one group of lamps to certain zones, and the second group of lamps is responsible for general lighting.

Choosing a lighting fixture manufacturer
The most popular among consumers are lighting devices made by European manufacturers.
Most experts agree that the products of European manufacturers are of excellent quality and have a stylish design.

Chandeliers made by manufacturers in Italy, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Austria, USA and Finland enjoy an excellent reputation.
Choosing a chandelier for the kitchen, you should not stop your choice on pretentious models.
It is best to pay attention to inexpensive fixtures.

If you do not have enough funds, you can choose a chandelier model made by manufacturers in Turkey and China. Such lighting devices are slightly inferior in quality, but have a lower cost compared to the products of European manufacturers.

The most popular brands are Blitz, Favorite, Mw-light, Maytoni, Wunderlicht (all - Germany), ArteLamp, IDLamp, Lightstar (Italy), Massive (Belgium), Elite Bohemia and Preciosa (Czech Republic), Mantra (Spain), Omnilux, Eurosvet, LuceSolara (China).
The choice of a lighting device largely depends on the type of finishing of the ceiling plane. When using a stretch ceiling in the kitchen, you should not purchase lighting devices equipped with halogen bulbs. This is due to the fact that such lamps emit a large amount of heat that can damage the stretch ceiling film.