Modern classics are perfect for those people who value practicality and comfort above all else, love the functionality of the interior and its simplicity. The majority of such people in a modern city. Many people prefer to decorate a room from a photo of a bedroom in a modern style. At the moment, this style of interior design is gaining more and more fans.
At the same time, when decorating a bedroom in a classic style, it is necessary to adhere to the main idea and canons of the design style. The fact is that there are several varieties of modern classical design, which are all based on a combination of the rigor of geometry with straight lines and wavy bends. This design option can be implemented even in the interior of small bedrooms.
At the moment, this style of interior design is gaining more and more fans

The modern interior of the bedroom does not accept colorful elements, draperies and a large amount of furniture in the room. The elements of furniture, textiles and premises themselves should be made as simple as possible. Windows are decorated with light-colored curtains made of loose fabric. They can be made of textiles or linen.

Contemporary style design has several features that distinguish it from other styles in room design. These features include the following points:

A modern-style bedroom is usually not austerely furnished, since the following bright details are necessarily used here when decorating:

In any case, a bedroom decorated in a modern style should be large. So, experienced interior designers are advised to create such a style in a bedroom with an area of at least 16 square meters.
Advice! If this is not possible, you will have to apply special design techniques or try to combine several rooms in one.
The best option would be the case when the bedroom will be located in a country house. This is where there is usually enough space for the most daring design fantasies to come true.

Bedroom interior in modern style
The modern bedroom in the photo looks so original because its design is created using elements of several other interior design styles. Among these elements are the features of modernity, minimalism and techno. Sometimes design techniques from the arsenal of industrial constructivism and vintage are used.

In this room it will be necessary to leave as much free space as possible by getting rid of excess furniture. You will get a chic bedroom only if the impression from it is bright. Thus, it will be necessary to visually enlarge your bedroom, fill it with light as much as possible and get rid of unnecessary details and draperies.
The interior of a bedroom decorated in a classic style is characterized by a restrained color scheme. The best option would be to use only three primary colors. As for additional shades, they can be brown, gray, white, green and gray. An example of this shade is dark chocolate.

The design of the bedroom in a modern style provides for simple lines, they can be wavy or straight. Fantasy or geometric style ornaments are welcome. If you decide to use geometric shapes in the design of the room, try to use them in limited areas of the room space.
Walls and furniture in a classic-style bedroom usually have a corrugated surface. At the same time, interior designers advise to combine them with a smooth surface. In this way, it will be possible to select some functional areas in the room. In this case, both wallpaper on one or another section of the wall, and a carpet lying on the floor, or the surface of niches can be corrugated.

The rhythm of the repetition of such design elements is extremely important. At the same time, the danger of copying them should be avoided by using paired objects to decorate the room. This trend was fashionable in 2016, it remains popular now. So, for example, you can install a bed with a wrought-iron headboard indoors. At the same time, a framed poster is hung on the wall, which depicts a fireplace with a forged grate, similar to the headboard. At the same time, decorative elements must be used with caution here, since their excessive abundance can ruin the whole impression of the room, since the classics prefers rigor in design.

Contemporary bedroom ceilings
Ceilings in a bedroom decorated in a classic style of interior design are usually multi-tiered. It can be two- or three-tier drywall structures with built-in lighting. If the bedroom has a low ceiling, then in this case, you can simply paint it with white paint or mount stretch canvases. At the same time, laconic decorative moldings around the perimeter are used to decorate the ceiling. In this case, it is necessary to avoid the use of massive "stucco molding" made of polyurethane.
Attention! It should be noted that the ceiling in a classic bedroom does not have strict canons and mandatory design requirements.
The fact is that its decoration pursues the goal of reflecting new and fashionable trends in the field of interior design, which gives a wide scope for imagination. This circumstance provides ample opportunities to save money when decorating a room.

The main requirement when decorating the ceiling in a classic bedroom is the convenience of using the entire room as a whole. This requirement applies to both the lighting built into the ceiling and its design elements, which must overlap with its general image. Moreover, in any case, in such a bedroom, multi-level ceilings should not be performed if the ceiling height does not exceed 2.5 m.

Despite the fact that modern classics provide a wide scope for creativity, there are some restrictions that must be observed in order for the ceilings to be beautiful. For example, they should not be finished with plaster. The fact is that plaster visually ages the room, and this is unacceptable in the modern style of interior design.

It is forbidden to use foam tiles, which are cheap but not modern. Despite the fact that the classics welcomes economy, they do not encourage cheapness. This must always be remembered, otherwise it will not work to decorate the bedroom in a classic style.

Frame and rack ceilings are prohibited. They are all great for an office or utility room, but not a bedroom. The rest of the ceiling designs can be used to decorate a bedroom in a classic style without restrictions.
How to decorate a modern bedroom?
If you liked a bedroom in a modern style, then for its design you will first need to choose the right finishing material. In a standard apartment, it would be quite appropriate to look at finishing from such natural materials as leather, wood, painted metal. If artificial materials are used, they should mimic natural.

For the design of the floor, materials such as laminate, parquet, tiles and linoleum are usually used to be "leather or wood". In this case, the floor can have muted or light colors. It is important not to use too bright colors here.
Breathable finishing materials are usually mounted on the walls in a classic-style bedroom. It can be non-woven wallpaper for painting, textile wallpaper and bamboo canvas.
Idea! You can highlight one wall or part of it for decoration with a separate color, pattern or for the installation of special decorative elements. At the same time, for the visual expansion of a small bedroom (if it does not exceed an area of 12 sq. m) it is necessary to use wallpaper with horizontal and vertical stripes, which allows you to visually "raise" the ceiling and "expand" the walls.

As for the furnishings of the bedroom in a modern style, the furnishings here are minimized. Usually, a chest of drawers, a bed, a wardrobe and a bedside table are installed in this room. When the bedroom combines the functions of a study, a desk is required. It must have a large number of closed shelves and drawers in order to free its surface. This requirement applies to the dressing table.

In a room decorated in this style, it is not recommended to have a large amount of chrome and mirrors. On the contrary, natural wood or stylization under it will look great. In this case, glossy surfaces should contrast with matte.
White bedroom in a modern style photo
A bedroom made in a modern classic style, in any case, should be spacious and bright. Even in the case of a small. In this regard, the design option for a white bedroom always remains relevant. The thing is that white tends to visually increase the area of the room and add light to it.

That being said, it is always worth remembering that a pure white bedroom can cause a feeling of emptiness in the room. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to "dilute" the pure white color with various shades. So, for example, it can be beige, milky or olive. In this case, the use of additional colors is allowed, for example, gray, blue or red.

A bright room is unthinkable without furniture of the same color. But it goes well with design elements made in gray or black. At the same time, they must be placed in the room correctly and not create dark corners. To this end, you can select a specific, functional area in the bedroom and try to highlight it by applying a play of colors.

By the way, a white bedroom is expensive. The fact is that white surfaces get dirty quickly enough and they have to be cleaned or replaced. In this regard, it is worth thinking about another interior design option if you have a child, or a teenager will live in such a bedroom. For a children's or teenage bedroom, you will need to choose less soiled tones.
Interior of a bedroom for a girl in a modern style
A modern-style bedroom for a girl is usually performed according to the general canons of this style, but taking into account some of its characteristic features. So, for example, the room should not be perceived as cold and overly strict. It is worth adding a touch of romanticism to its design, so if you do not know how to decorate a bedroom for a girl, it makes sense to select certain design options in advance using specialized Internet resources.
Idea! For example, you can select one of the walls and decorate it in a romantic style. Pink colored elements can be placed here, photos can be posted.
On the furniture, standing next to such a wall, various accessories are laid out and placed. As a result, it will be possible to decorate the bedroom in the style of modern classics and maintain a romantic mood in it, which is very typical for girls.

It is worth noting the fact that in the modern style of interior design, it would be very appropriate to have a computer desk in the girl's bedroom. The fact is that, in addition to being used for its intended purpose, such a table allows you to place a wide variety of things inside without cluttering up the space of the room. You can arrange a work area located near the window. It can include the table itself, book shelves and a lamp.

Design project of a bedroom in a modern style
In order to properly arrange a room in the described style of interior design, it is necessary to develop its design project in advance. Its presence will significantly reduce the time for repair work and will significantly reduce the amount of payment for them. A beautiful interior is created only when all design elements are collected into a single harmonious ensemble, which is almost impossible to do without a project.
A beautiful project can be ordered in a specialized design bureau. It can be developed by an experienced designer of the company that will carry out repair work for you. In this case, you will only have to choose the project you like or pay the cost of its creation.

A design project can be found on the Internet. Here you have a wide field for imagination, but you should always remember that you need to adhere to certain frameworks. The project you like will have to be shown to the designer and builders, so that they would suggest whether it can, in principle, be implemented.

The third option for choosing a design project is the choice of the method of decorating a bedroom that your friends and acquaintances have implemented and recommend. In this case, you can be convinced of the positive and negative properties of this or that project. Your friends can transfer the finishing materials remaining from the decoration of the room to you, and this will significantly reduce the cost of performing work on the design of the room in the described style.