In the hustle and bustle of urban everyday life, more and more often there is a lack of silence, peace, serenity. Some, in search of all this, go far out of town to hide within the walls of a cozy house. But you can get the desired rest without leaving the city limits. One of the ways is known to designers. Living room in Japanese style, decorated and furnished according to the laws of oriental philosophy, true Japanese minimalism - this is the solution to the question. Balance and harmony, simplicity and functionality, unique aesthetics and poetry of the interior will immerse you in a special world of peace, physical and mental recovery after office stress and the noise of highways, and will recharge you for future labor exploits.
Living room in Japanese style, decorated and furnished according to the laws of oriental philosophy, true Japanese minimalism - this is the solution to the question

General principles and characteristics
Japanese traditions in interior design are rich in techniques and methods of creating a unique atmosphere, where light, free space and a neutral color palette are the "whales" on which the unique Japanese perception of the world rests. This design can be called modern, suitable for both cottages, houses and city apartments.

The basic characteristics of the Japanese style are:

The living room in Japanese style is incredibly spacious, laconic, not overloaded with bulky furniture sets and many accessories. It is light, comfortable and comfortable for both body and mind. And the absence of bright colors, large-sized items, pretentious decoration, everything that is distracting and annoying contributes to complete physical and mental relaxation.
Colors and materials
As mentioned above, there should not be any bright contrasts, flashy, acidic shades, as well as floral diversity in the Japanese living room. Ideal - a completely black and white interior with some splashes of gray. But in modern realities, everything may not be so categorical. The base - ceiling, walls, floor - can be made monochromatic (white, beige). But the colors of the room filling (furniture, accessories) can be made more juicy, saturated, deep. But no frills and excesses.

The palette of the room should include only light, delicate shades - milky, cream, white, beige, gray. Red, purple, black, green, burgundy may appear in furniture and accessories.
Attention! Living room in Japanese style, as required by Japanese traditions, welcomes the presence of colors that repeat natural materials - malachite, dark brown, amber, mustard, sand, ivory, mahogany. In the photo you can see how restrained, but very impressive they look!
Hence, the following law of the design of the living room follows - only natural materials. Plastic, synthetics, substitutes, composite materials should be completely absent in Japanese interiors. This room is the dream of connoisseurs of everything natural and environmentally friendly. Therefore, preference is given here:

Natural fabrics are suitable for curtains, mats, upholstery. Wood, rattan, bamboo for furniture, clay for accessories, glass for souvenir decorations, countertops, rice paper for traditional partitions and screens. In some regions with difficult climates, you may not be able to use paper or grass, such as. Therefore, it will be necessary to look for some more practical, but exceptionally high-quality analogs. It is better to put a laminate on the floor or natural boards made of wood, bamboo, walls, ceiling - paint or plaster.

Japanese curtains, as can be seen from the presented photos, in the interior of the living room are a vivid example of how the philosophy of the Japanese manifested itself in the decor of their homes. They are consonant in design with the traditional sliding screen screens that are present in rooms as tools not only for interior decoration, but also for zoning space. And if the screens are pasted over exclusively with plain white rice paper, then the curtains-panels, reminiscent of blinds, are made of light, light-transmitting white fabric, which is usually stretched over the finished frame. If a denser fabric is chosen for screen curtains, always in the form of rectangular panels, completely flat without folds, it is additionally weighted down below in order to reliably fix their correct geometry.

Accessory content
The decor in the living room, if you want it to be similar to the traditional room of any inhabitant of Japan, there should be a minimum. When designers think over such an interior, they take each item and its location very seriously. Again, ideally, objects do not stand separately, but "hide" in special niches, which in color and finish usually merge with the main wall.

First, you should list those items that absolutely should not be. Namely: photographs, paintings in thick gilded frames, lush, multi-layered curtains, souvenirs that contradict the theme of style, sconces and chandeliers with complex ornate designs, gilding, rhinestones, sparkles.
And these are the items that can fulfill the function of accessories in the Japanese living room:

The style that came to us from Japan rightfully belongs to ethnic. That is why in such an interior there should be a lot of traditional symbols, patterns, hieroglyphic writing. Therefore, preference should be given to handicrafts brought from the Land of the Rising Sun or made by those who are familiar with the crafts of this country.
In general, the design of the living room in the Japanese style is extremely restrained, sometimes ascetic, like the Japanese themselves in character, but there is a lot of national dignity and philosophical harmony in it.
Advice! You should carefully study all the photos in order to feel the spirit and comprehend all the canons in order to avoid gross design mistakes.
Traditional Japanese furniture
When choosing furniture for a Japanese living room, it is important to once again remember national minimalism with a touch of asceticism. In the room of a true Japanese, there may be no furniture at all, and if it does exist, then the minimum size, often with missing armrests, legs and even backs.

If this is a table, then it should be low, because the Japanese do not sit on chairs, but exclusively on the floor, using pillows, mats. Therefore, the ideal option for furniture is as follows: a low small sofa without legs, the same low table, niche shelves in the walls or small folding structures.

The presence of a wardrobe is possible, but, again, it should be hidden as much as possible, "embedded" into the wall, so as not to give out its direct purpose.
Furniture material - wood, palette - plain, surfaces - smooth, simple with right angles, upholstery - natural. Nothing heavy, big, pretentious.