Modern as a fashionable trend appeared in the distant 1880, when complete chaos reigned in the world of interior. The then designers created interiors from individual elements of the styles that existed at that time - baroque, empire, classicism, rococo. They were suffocating, screaming, weighed down by excessive gilding and a lot of sometimes completely unnecessary items.
The emergence of minimalism was received with a bang and today, despite a lot of new design solutions, the modern bathroom confidently holds the palm in the design of the interiors of apartments, cottages, fitness clubs, chalets, baths, summer cottages.
Modern as a fashionable trend appeared in the distant 1880, when complete chaos reigned in the world of interior

Due to the softness of the lines in calm gentle tones (and this is the hallmark of this style), the space does not look pretentious, intrusive. On the contrary, a harmonious bathroom ambience is created that promotes relaxation and comfort.
Minimalism in Art Nouveau makes it possible to design the tiniest bathroom in this manner, which will especially delight residents of apartment buildings, where the bathroom area, alas, leaves much to be desired.

What modern designers have brought new is the combination of white and black in modern. Of course, the black and white palette cannot be called soft, nevertheless, these two colors are natural, natural. Therefore, such a classic combination is quite acceptable for arranging the modern style of a bathroom, which in black and white looks elegant, rich and noble, which can be seen in the interior photo below.
Colors and shades in modern
Consider gold first. This passed on to us as a greeting from the past, when in one style or another they decorated the interiors only in rich houses. Then gilding symbolized the wealth of the owners and their importance.

Today, you won't surprise anyone with gilding, and designers recommend using it in small quantities. Especially in modern. Here, in general, it should be only an blotch, complementing the main colors, and in no case should it dominate.
Important! In modernism, flower arrangements, light graphics, plant outlines, etc.e. everything that is as close to naturalness as possible.

At the same time, pastel colors are used more:
In a word, all colors of nature are acceptable.
Modern bathroom decoration
The key feature is a combination of two extremes: constructivism (avant-garde direction) and decorativeness. If constructivism presupposes uncomplicated forms and a minimum of furnishings, then decorativeness is the presence of asymmetry (furniture, fittings, plumbing) and floral ornaments.

With the skillful combination of these two trends and the achievement of the golden mean, you get a bathroom decorated in the Art Nouveau style.
The specifics of modernity presupposes:

Also, certain requirements are imposed on facing materials. For example, ordinary tiles for plywood walls and floors will not work here. But a ceramic panel with a plant or geometric pattern will be the very thing. Experienced designers will create the miracle of modernism from plastic and fiberglass. Therefore, they advise those who equip a modern bathroom on their own to take a closer look at these cladding materials.

There are no special complaints about the ceiling. Ideally, use suspended structures or moisture resistant drywall. It can be used to make a multi-tiered ceiling covering. Paints will do too. They are the most moisture resistant, unpretentious to thermal vibrations and match the style as much as possible.
The floor can be covered again with ceramic tiles imitating the old wood, which looks so natural that it is difficult to distinguish it from real parquet. Or make colored self-leveling floors and create the most incredible patterns. The color of the floors should combine the darkest and lightest ranges of shades used in the interior.
Wall cladding in this style is carried out in several stages. On the first, a background is created (paint, plaster, ceramics, tiles), on the second, decoration - colored mosaic, patterns with acrylic paint, which should be at least two tones lighter than the background.
Bathroom lighting in modern style
The primary component of lighting, of course, is the window and preferably the entire wall. But this is not yet very common, so you can replace it with a large mirror in a wooden frame or several mirrors. The window should be curtained with tulle or light draperies. If only they pass light well and are made of natural material.
Important! Santetics in modernity is unacceptable.
You can immediately forget about typical lamps and lampshades. They absolutely do not fit the style. Soffits with diffused light, mounted in the ceiling or walls (which is much more original), will look much more appropriate in a modern bathroom. Well, if, after all, the lamps are small, with dim light in the form of flowers, leaves, shoots.

You can decorate the bathroom with floor vases and fittings. The same hooks for towels and clothes should not be ordinary, but with a twist, forged for example. The same goes for a heated towel rail that curls like ivy. Soap dish, bath curtain, brush cup and other attributes - everything should be special, unique.
Important! The main thing is to achieve a natural environment in the bathroom, where all the components harmoniously complement each other.
Modern bathroom furniture: choosing the best
The Art Nouveau style is distinguished primarily by the absence of sharp corners and minimalism. The same applies to furniture. There should be a little of it: a chair or armchair, a floor stand (but preferably hanging) or a pencil case, a cosmetic table, if space permits. This is, in principle, quite enough.

All furniture should be functional and, if possible, be one set. Non-standard shapes, intricate bends are welcome. A simple stool in the bathroom, for example, can be made in the shape of a flower bud.
To choose the right furniture for a modern bathroom, you need very little - adhere to two criteria:
Choose furniture with legs whenever possible. Easier to clean and closer to style.

Wood furniture is a timeless classic that suits all styles. And for modern including. But today there are so many new materials (natural, environmentally friendly) that you should not get hung up on one tree. Gypsum, granite, marble ... And why not.
Advice! But the best option, perhaps, would be furniture made of MDF, covered with glossy white waterproof enamel, or wicker furniture made of vines, rattan, bamboo, walnut twigs and even newspapers.
Yes, it was plaited from newspapers and then varnished. Though it's hard to believe. Of course, you cannot buy such furniture in stores, but you can always order from home craftsmen, and, having a weaving pattern, make it yourself.

Wicker furniture is not too expensive, comfortable, lightweight, unusual and simply beautiful. Made by hand, it will give a modern bathroom a fresh touch, emphasize the originality and taste of the owners. With such furniture, your bathroom will certainly not go unnoticed.
Bathroom fixtures modern
It is better to install plumbing fixtures suspended if possible, since in this case the pipes will be hidden. It is more expensive, but will quickly pay off with admiring glances from your guests. But the floor is also suitable, the main thing is that asymmetry and smoothness of forms are present in it.

Ceramic snow-white claw-foot bathtub with faucets in chrome, bronze, gold will add a special chic to the entire interior.
Don't be afraid to experiment. This style offers a wide scope for imagination. And if you adhere to the main criteria of this direction, then the modern bathroom will become the pearl of any home, emphasizing the exquisite taste of its owners.