The corner bath curtain with a bar is the most common among this type of design. This is due to both its simplicity and versatility, while many more modern and complex designs lose to it in these indicators. Therefore, if you are renovating a bathroom and want to finish it at the highest level, take a look at this option for attaching curtains.
Why choose a corner curtain?
A structure of any shape can be made on an individual orderThe curtains in the bathroom are hung in order to protect the room from splashes and excessive exposure to moisture. At the same time, soft curtains, widely used since Soviet times, quickly deteriorate, become ugly and allow water to get on the floor. Usually, the frequency of replacing such curtains is once a year, so it makes sense to purchase a hard curtain for the bathroom, made of glass, for example.

At the same time, the corner design is great for this room in the case when you need to place the bath in the corner. In this case, the bowl itself is usually made in the form of a triangle or hydrobox, and as options, a mixer is usually used that has a waterfall effect. This option for installing curtains is also well suited for performing an additional shower cabin in the bathroom.

Like all products, bathroom curtains have their own advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of this type of design include the following:

As for the disadvantages of this design, they are as follows:
At the same time, experts argue that all the listed disadvantages of these products do not outweigh their advantages. The only thing that should be borne in mind when choosing them is their compatibility with one or another layout of the room. The fact is that in recent years, a large number of rooms with an unusual layout have appeared on the real estate market. This also applies to the bathroom, when purchasing curtains for it, you must first make sure that you can mount them.

At the same time, you should not discount the usual soft curtains, mounted with a bar. You may need them to complete a temporary bathroom layout. It makes sense to use such curtains when more serious structures cannot be installed in a small bathroom.

Types of curtains for bathrooms
The modern market is filled with curtains of a wide variety of types and types, differing in design, construction, and material of manufacture. In this case, corner systems are divided into soft and hard. Soft curtains are usually cheaper and easier to buy, but they are short-lived. As for the second option, it is more durable, practical and reliable. Moreover, such structures are very convenient to operate.

If flexible curtains are usually made of polyethylene or fabric, rigid ones have several options for materials for manufacturing. These include:
Both plastic curtains for the bathroom and curtains made of other materials are able to withstand a fairly serious pressure of water created by a jet directed at them. Moreover, such structures are easy enough to clean and quickly take on their original appearance. In addition to materials, hard curtains differ in quality, cost, and ease of cleaning.
The most expensive are glass curtains for the bathroom. They look great in almost any interior and do not rot, but such curtains can be broken very easily, and glass replacement is quite expensive. As for plastic curtains, they are also not subject to decay. They wash well and have a great design. Which option to prefer depends only on your tastes and well-being.

As for fabric curtains, they are an affordable budget solution for arranging. Such curtains are attractive, can be of any size, unlike polyethylene curtains, fabric curtains can last much longer. By the way, you can sew them yourself, and rigid structures, which have a rather complex device, cannot be made by hand.
Today, the following types of such curtains can be distinguished:
The choice of shutters depends entirely on the design you want to choose. Therefore, choose in advance the options for their use, for this, the curtains for the bathroom should be shown in the photo so that you can present them in relation to the conditions of your bathroom. At the same time, try to choose a fabric that is not afraid of moisture and does not rot, otherwise you will have to change your curtains several times a year.
Options for attaching curtains
As for the fastening mechanism of the described products, fabric bathroom curtains can be hung in a fairly simple way, namely using a corner profile attached to the walls. In this case, the profile can be made from a pipe or replaced with a string. The carrying bar can be sliding, telescopic. In this case, the pipe ends are attached to opposite walls.

On a note! To prevent the pipe from folding, a threaded connection is provided, as well as a special spring device.
The pipes themselves are made of plastic and metal. Considered separately, the plastic rod is used much less often than metal products. This should be borne in mind when choosing curtains for the bathroom.
If we take corner curtains, then they perfectly protect the room from splashes and water, so they have a special design. For example, there are:

If we talk about unusual designs, then we can mention such a product as a roller blind for a bathroom, which has recently become quite actively used. It should be noted that only a high-quality rubber seal can protect the joints of such curtains from leaks. In addition, careful selection of the model of certain curtains can protect against this scourge, because there are now a large number of cheap Chinese fakes on the market that cannot provide high-quality joints between the shutters. As a result, such devices do not provide reliable protection against splashing on the floor.

In addition, there are combined curtains, photos of which can be found on thematic resources dedicated to interior design. They use several variants of open / close mechanisms at the same time. This allows you to make, for example, the front side of the bathtub sliding, and the side ones are roll-type. As a result, the level of convenience and comfort in the bathroom will increase dramatically.

The subtleties of installing curtains
As for the installation of curtains, it is carried out depending on their type. For example, rigid corner structures are mounted exactly as indicated in the instructions, although usually most structures require their own fastening to the wall. Usually this procedure is performed by attaching the ends of the corner profile to the walls and hanging elements to the ceiling at the places where the corners are made.

The rod of soft curtains is also attached to the walls or ceiling, while such work is much easier and simpler, since their design itself does not have complex elements. In this case, you will need to be sure to choose the length of the rod correctly, otherwise it simply will not fit in the room. A way out of this situation can be the use of telescopic rods, which can be of arbitrary length.
The operation itself is performed according to the following rules:

This, in principle, is all, since the installation procedure for the rod is simple, by the way, this is how the corner profile for hard curtains is mounted. If their design assumes the presence of support posts, then the sashes are attached to them. In this case, you do not have to attach anything to the walls or ceiling, which will greatly facilitate the installation of the entire product.

Original solutions for corner cornices
There are also original solutions for corner cornices that do not fit into standard frames. They are used for installation in unusual places in the bathroom. Usually these are products of a non-standard figured design, and they can be installed, for example, in the center of the room if it has a sufficient area.

If your bathtub does not fit into the standard configuration, you can make your own corner cornice of the shape you need. In this case, you must have a special device that allows you to bend the profile. If you do not have it, then it would be better to turn to specialists, since bending the profile with improvised means will only spoil its appearance.

If we talk about the mechanism for attaching the curtains, then it can be of two types: clamping, and also non-removable. The first consists of crocodile clips, the second is based on the use of rings that are threaded through special holes in the curtains. Naturally, the first option allows you to quickly change one curtain to another, but the reliability of their fastening leaves much to be desired.
On a note! The option with rings allows you to hang fairly heavy curtains, while the rod itself or the cornice must be designed for such a weight.

note! When you use a roll or swing structure, you will no longer need to think about how to hang the curtains on the bar, since in this case the doors of such a "curtain" will play their role. Rigid structures perfectly hold water pressure, unlike polyethylene or fabric.

By the way, it is worth talking separately about attracting a specialist to the installation of racks on the bathroom. The fact is that if the simplest barbell is easy to mount, then not everyone can assemble such complex structures as an "accordion". A professional will be able to "fit" it into the interior of your premises as much as possible.

The best option would be to contact the designer at the stage of planning the premises. At the design stage, you can make adjustments to the room plan, expanding, for example, the usable area by combining the bathroom and toilet. In any case, a professional will be able to give you good advice, so do not spare money to pay for his services.