Not only in a private house, designed by order of the owner, but also in a typical apartment of a multi-storey building, you can decorate a bathroom in the laconic and restrained style of the Japanese Islands. Calmness, closeness to nature, laconicism - these characteristic style features have been developed over centuries of Japanese life and help to restore strength, calm the nervous system and harmonize thoughts during bath procedures.
A Japanese-style bathroom is not just a series of design techniques, it is an understanding of the interior as part of your personality, a place of strength and peace

A Japanese-style bathroom is not just a series of design techniques, it is an understanding of the interior as part of your personality, a place of strength and peace.
A special attitude to nature and a deep philosophical perception of life determined the external features of the Japanese style in the interior. But do not blindly follow all the advice of designers when planning to design your bathroom in a new way. The main thing is to choose the right one that is suitable for a particular person and his habits!

Visually, the Japanese style differs in 5 main features, these are:
And now more about this.
Bathroom in modern Japanese style: how to match the color
Important! The main rule when choosing a color palette is to use no more than 2-3 colors, while you should immediately abandon bright, juicy and even more neon shades.
The bathroom interior should be based on neutral pastel colors:

It is the pacifying calmness of these tones that creates a special atmosphere of relaxation in the bathroom. The following are used to enhance the color gamut:
It is always appropriate to use such combinations as:

Of course, modern design trends have not spared the Japanese style, so sometimes you can find bathrooms interspersed with purple, red, plum tones. But traditionally, warm pastel shades are used, gloss and shine are absent, and this creates the impression of a room where priority is not given to brightness and a large number of colors, but their naturalness.
Space planning
Important! It is not in Japanese tradition to combine a bathroom and a bath in one room.
If all the plumbing is concentrated on one area, it is necessary to visually distinguish between the toilet and the bath using screens, partitions, stylized plasterboard structures or open shelves.

Shoji partitions move apart horizontally, most often they are decorated with a wooden crate. Such screens easily contribute to the creation of style, but in a small area they are inappropriate.
Usually the bathtub is placed in the center of the room, but if there is a window, then the bathtub should be located directly next to it.

When creating a Japanese interior, many designers create rectangular niches in which you can place a mirror or a hanger, towel racks or a washing machine. Functional niches help to win additional space and compactly place the necessary things.
The stylish zoning of the bathroom space is helped by the podiums, on which you can place a shower compartment, a bathtub or a sink.
Natural materials in a modern Japanese bathroom

. In the design of the bathroom, such finishing materials as plastic, chrome-plated metal or glass are absolutely unacceptable.
For wall covering, designers advise using:

It is preferable to select tiles of those dimensions that are elongated horizontally.
Interesting! The Japanese bathroom is characterized by a laconic ceiling design, complex designs are inappropriate. Usually it is either painted in a neutral light color or covered with a stretch film.
However, there is another interesting option that can be applied both to the entire ceiling of the bathroom, and thus highlighting a certain area: a wooden crate is attached to the ceiling. In addition, you can focus on the ceiling by painting it black.

For flooring use:
The meaning of a Japanese-style bathroom is the right plumbing
A whole philosophy accompanies hygiene procedures in the Japanese way. Usually, before taking a relaxing bath, the Japanese go to the shower, where they cleanse the body.

Therefore, a Japanese-style bathroom must be equipped with:
The Japanese-style shower cubicle necessarily has strict rectangular shapes. It is good if in the decoration of the booth, in addition to glass or acrylic canvas, parts made of specially treated wood are used.

In the bathroom, the Japanese relax, receive a tonic charge of vivacity, and are charged with health. Therefore, the bathtub is a central element in the toilet room, a lot depends on its choice.
It can be a usual bath for Europeans or a classic Japanese ofuro barrel. In any case, in the tradition of the Japanese islands, the bath is set in one of two ways:
Whichever method is chosen, it is important to understand that these design techniques correspond to the Japanese approach to cleansing the body, because historically it happened that it was customary to immerse into the ofuro barrel, descending, and not climb over the board.
Consider the features of each of the options:

The choice of the sink should support the Japanese theme, therefore, the purchase of glass or chrome products should be abandoned. Which sink is better to choose:
Organization of lighting
The general principle is simple: lighting should be diffused, soft, calm and warm. In the photos suggested in the article, the Japanese-style bathroom is lit in different ways:

Laconic Japanese style requires the presence of a minimum of things in the bathroom. However, there are items that are difficult to do without:

Furniture products will easily fit into the style if they are made of natural wood or high-quality imitation for it. The main color of the furniture is dark, black or brown. Facades - no decor, straight geometric shapes.

In Japanese tradition, it is customary to keep the towels rolled up in rolls on open wide shelves. However, the presence of a variety of detergents and cosmetics on the shelves will harm the interior style, so it is advisable to put a closed cabinet where you keep bright tubes and bottles.
A wooden molding is selected for the mirror.

Japanese style requires no accessories or embellishments. The only exception is for ikebana. If space permits, you can put a low table in the bathroom and place a bonsai or ikebana on it. Such greens will add a touch of natural energy.