Stretch ceiling is one of the most popular types of finishes today. It is installed both in the bedroom and in the living room with a nursery. Its popularity is largely due to the fact that it can be used to hide existing irregularities. Many are mistaken, thinking that in this case it will certainly be necessary to abandon the usual method of lighting, that is, chandeliers. However, this is not at all the case, since this type of ceiling also provides for the use of similar lighting. But before purchasing a chandelier for a stretch ceiling, you need to take into account the requirements for this device.
Features of lighting fixtures
Stretch ceiling consists of PVC sheets, and this material is quite sensitive to high temperatures. At critical temperature marks, the canvas stretches. If it is a polyester material, from which false ceilings are also made, then it reacts to high temperatures with a color change.
Therefore, in the question of which devices are suitable and which are not, it is worth considering some requirements, namely:

Types of chandeliers
To illuminate the room in which the PVC ceiling is installed, you can use an ordinary chandelier.
For a room of about 12 square meters, one lighting fixture will be enough. The cheapest option is to install the chandelier on a stretch ceiling using a hook.
If the area of the room is more than 20 square meters, then you will have to install two chandeliers. It is best that they are equally distant from the walls. If the light still does not reach some parts of the room, then several additional spotlights can be installed.
Chandeliers are divided into 2 types:
As for the cost, it depends on the shape, size, design of the chandelier, as well as the materials that were used to make it. It is better to give preference to chandeliers whose shades are not directed towards the canvas. In this case, there is a risk of surface heating.

They can be decorated with various details, for example, beads, glass pendants, lampshade. This will create beautiful highlights.
Chandeliers made of crystal also remain popular, thanks to the glowing edges, the light is evenly scattered around the entire perimeter of the room.
In addition, today there is a wide selection of chandeliers for large buildings such as museums, restaurants, hotels, theaters. As a rule, the size of the chandelier, its shape are selected taking into account the functionality of the room.
A classic-type chandelier with candle-shaped bulbs is best used in rooms where stretch ceilings with a matte surface are installed; the gloss will make the lighting uncomfortable.
In the latter case, a hemispherical lighting fixture is ideal, since the reflective surface will create the effect of a whole ball .This will make the room visually larger and higher. Equally good in both cases looks multi-track devices, "Spider" chandeliers.

When installing a glossy ceiling, it is worth considering that the upper part of the chandelier should also look good, since its reflection is always in sight. It should be free of protruding wires and other unattractive parts. The bowl located in the place where the appliance is attached to the ceiling must be appropriate, hiding the connection area.
Do not use devices with horns pointing upwards, without reflectors or without shades. This can cause stubborn black spots to appear. It is worth noting that such unwanted stains can appear not only on stretch ceilings, but also on ordinary. This is the result of the fact that the dust settling on the bulbs starts to burn, and when a draft appears, the ash falls on the ceiling, settles there, eventually gets inside. If it is impossible to refuse this type of lighting, you can replace ordinary bulbs with LED or energy-saving ones, since they heat up less.
Incandescent appliances
This type of light source is considered one of the cheapest, however, due to the fact that its efficiency is very low, preference is most often given to other types. Only 3% of 100 energy is spent on the formation of light, everything else is converted into heat. That is why it is rather dangerous to use them with tensioning structures. It is allowed to use bulbs with a power not exceeding 60 W for a vertical chandelier and 40 W for a horizontal one. With upward-facing lamps, the permissible distance to the ceiling is at least 40 cm. If the bulbs are directed downward, this figure is 20 cm.

Halogen chandeliers
If we compare these lamps with the previous ones, then their efficiency is also not at the highest level. Their only plus is that the emitted light is as close to the effect of daylight as possible. As for heating, they even surpass the previous ones in this parameter. The wattage allowed for this light source should be 35W maximum.
Another nuance associated with the operation of halogen lamps: you can touch them only with gloves, since the sebum left on the glass burns out, and then uneven heating occurs, the device breaks down.
It is not allowed to install them in chandeliers, the branches of which are directed upwards. Except when the lighting fixture itself is at a sufficient distance from the ceiling of at least 20 cm.
Chandeliers with fluorescent lamps
Energy-saving lamps have two main advantages: high efficiency and low heating. Minus - the presence of mercury inside the lamp. If the flask is damaged, appropriate safety measures will have to be taken (people and pets will be forced to urgently leave the room, and the special services will have to eliminate mercury gases). In addition, after the expiration date, the lamp must be handed over to a specialized point that receives potentially dangerous items.

In this case, the power does not play any role, as does the distance to the ceiling. These lamps can be used in both horizontal and vertical appliances. But they are not suitable for rooms with high humidity. The power supply in this case will fail much faster.
LED chandeliers
This type is ideal for use in chandeliers installed on stretch ceilings. They have high efficiency, do not heat up and last much longer, about 10,000 hours, which is about 4 years. It is worth noting that this parameter does not depend on how often the light is turned on. Lamps do not need additional reflectors or reflectors as the light they emit is diffused. Also, there are no restrictions on the location of the chandelier and the power of the bulbs.

When installing, it is better to use single-voltage lamps with one power supply, which should be installed in a place that is well ventilated. LED lighting fixtures look so original that they will become a highlight and decoration of any interior.
How does the attachment take place?
As for how to hang a chandelier on a stretch ceiling, this process depends on the type of device.

Hanging options that are hung on a metal hook in a concrete slab. This option is usually found in old-style apartments. If the installation is carried out indoors for the first time, it is better to install the chandelier hook on the anchors.
There is an option to install a ceiling chandelier, which is usually attached to the ceiling, so it is usually sold complete with brackets.
Not very heavy chandelier comes with a mounting plate with fixing pins. It has holes and a threaded clamp on the sides. If the tension structure is 5-6 cm below the main ceiling, then the bar is installed at the same level. It is necessary to put something in the space between the plank and the ceiling, for example, a block of wood. It should be 5-10 mm thinner.
The cross bar is used with heavy chandeliers that are round, square, rectangular or oval. In this case, plywood is taken, a piece is cut out, somewhat larger than the cross, and a hole is drilled. Wires will be dragged through it. After that, it must be fixed with dowels on concrete to the ceiling. Through it, you need to attach the mounting plate to the concrete.
Almost every chandelier comes with an I-beam. Its attachment is similar to the previous method.
It should be borne in mind that when installing a chandelier using the last two strips in the tensioning structure, you have to make quite a few holes, which can make the ceiling less attractive.

Is it possible to build a chandelier into the ceiling
Recently, Chinese lighting fixtures are very popular, which are equipped with a square or round transformer. In this regard, the question becomes relevant as to how to drown a chandelier into the ceiling and whether it can be done. It is worth noting that a device of any diameter can be built into a tensile structure, but if its diameter is no more than 30 cm. Otherwise, after a certain time, the canvas may simply break, unable to withstand overheating from the transformer and strong tension. In addition, if you do something wrong, you can simply ruin the stretch ceiling. It is better to entrust this work to specialists.
Not a single home can do without a chandelier or lamp, however, when purchasing a lighting device, you should also take into account the color, pattern and texture of the stretch ceiling, since the wrong choice can ruin not only the impression of the interior, but also the ceiling structure itself.