The Baroque style, which originated in the late 16th - early 17th centuries in Italy, quickly spread throughout Western Europe. Literally translated from Italian. barocco - strange, prone to excess and / or quirky, and translated from Portuguese - "pearl with vice". Some style features are still relevant today. Thus, a Baroque kitchen is an opportunity to recreate a piece of European life of the late Renaissance.
The Baroque style, which originated in the late 16th - early 17th centuries in Italy, quickly spread throughout Western Europe

History and features of the style direction
By the end of the 16th century, the economic and political life of Italy began to weaken noticeably. New players appeared on the European political arena - the French and the Spaniards. To maintain their leadership as the cultural center of Europe, Italians turned to art and architecture. The power and greatness of the nation, which did not have sufficient funds to build rich palaces and churches, began to be recreated by imitation of luxury. Aristocrats and high church officials of Italy, in order to prove their prosperity, equip the dwelling in a stately and pompous style.

Outside and inside the premises, decorative elements are used from expensive types of wood, gilding and other expensive materials. In France, an ardent adherent of the Baroque style was Louis XIV, who furnished his apartments with special chic. The splendor of forms and grandeur of that time can be seen in the priceless paintings of Rubens or Caravaggio, and you can enjoy the Baroque architectural style by visiting St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome or the Palace of Versailles in France. In Russia, the Baroque style began to appear at the beginning of the 18th century under Peter the Great. A striking example of European Baroque is the imperial residence in Peterhof, which surpassed the famous Versailles in its architectural pretentiousness.
The luxury and splendor of style is reflected in the design of the modern design of living and kitchen areas. From now on, not only the upper classes and royal dynasties have baroque and rococo kitchens. If you apply creative thinking, then you can reproduce the Renaissance in your own house or apartment. All that is needed is to strictly adhere to the philosophy of style, and add additional elements to it based on modern living conditions.

Modern baroque kitchens (photo) - this is the dominance of expensive coatings with a natural base. All building structures, from the floor to the ceiling, must be kept in the same stylistic direction. Floor, kitchen tables and countertops are made from natural stone such as onyx, marble or malachite. The high cost of natural components should emphasize the social status of the owner of the kitchen.
On a note! The Baroque style does not imply strict lines and regular geometric shapes.
Baroque kitchen design (photo)
To correctly design a room requires a certain skill and taste. The entire color scheme of the kitchen should be in the same style. The most common kitchen colors are beige, cream or sand. The designer color scheme, made in contrasting combinations of black and white colors, looks luxurious. The accentuation of the sharp corners with gilding will give a special chic to the atmosphere, and the carved design is an indispensable component of good quality. After agreeing on these highlights, the next task is to decorate the walls, ceiling, floor, window and door openings.

The hallmark of style is splendor and luxury. The floors in the kitchen must also correspond to the chosen direction and involve finishing from natural building components. The ideal floor covering is natural stone. However, an imitation of finishing is acceptable when the floor is covered with laminate or parquet that contrasts in color with the general color background of the room. There are several options for wall decoration. According to the classic style, the walls of the kitchen were usually covered with expensive textiles.
Advice! However, in modern conditions this is not very practical, so it is better to opt for decorative finishes. For these purposes, artistic plaster or ordinary surface painting is suitable.
Ceiling decoration is a separate topic for any designer. At the request of the owners of the premises, the ceiling can be decorated in a different style. The so-called stretch ceilings have gained particular popularity, which give the kitchen room more volume and living space.

The next option is a multi-level, or cascading ceiling, which is assembled from aluminum profiles and covered with plasterboard. Both options are budget friendly. Artistic modeling, which can only be performed by a highly qualified specialist, can add luxury to a Baroque kitchen. Entrance doors and windows of the room should correspond to the general style. Therefore, traditional plastic will be completely out of place.

Baroque kitchen interior decoration (photo)
Designing a luxurious kitchen interior is not an easy task. In some cases, you need to resort to the services of professional designers. In modern small-sized apartments, it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve the ideal style design. However, true lovers of the French and / or Italian architectural style of the 16th-18th centuries manage to achieve this by combining kitchen and living space. After architectural approvals and certain building manipulations, the result is a beautiful baroque kitchen-dining room.

What is a properly designed kitchen room in the European style of the last century?? Of particular importance is the appearance of the kitchen furniture, which should be given the greatest attention. To create a unique baroque chic in your own kitchen will help "noble" wood species:

Classic room decoration - wooden kitchens. The Baroque style cannot do without massive wardrobes, tables and chairs as the main luxury items and sophistication in the interior. The front of the kitchen cabinet should be decorated with beautiful carvings, and on the sides - well-made pilasters. Baroque classics are wooden supports (legs), reminiscent of flattened spheres. The stability of the table, made of precious wood, is given by powerful decorative legs, which are skillfully decorated with carvings or made in the form of twisted columns.

Chairs and / or armchairs of a kitchen set differ from modern seating furniture in their large size and elaborate decorative carvings. Openwork armrests are required. The back and seat are usually upholstered in tapestry. All pieces of furniture set do not exclude the presence of decorative gilding, which gives them grandeur and charm. Baroque cuisine is grace and pathos. Therefore, a special place in the classic design of the style should be occupied by a fireplace - as the personification of prosperity, family warmth and comfort. This heat source is made from natural stone.

The working area of the kitchen is covered with a marble worktop, which comfortably accommodates a sink and a hob. All modern household kitchen appliances, including the refrigerator, are hidden inside the furniture set.
Optional accessories
Various decorative elements will help to give the kitchen an exquisite charm and attractiveness. The walls of the kitchen are traditionally decorated with various objects of artistic value, such as paintings by great artists, old photographs of family members or modern art posters.

The classic baroque kitchen design is the presence of wall candlesticks, which add a certain mystery and charm. In modern realities, such a lighting item can be replaced with spotlights, and a massive chandelier made of crystal will help add luxury to the atmosphere.

The choice of dishes plays an important role. A baroque porcelain service framed with a gilding thread looks spectacular in the kitchen. A set of silver dining set will further characterize the pretentiousness and dynamism of the storyline of the kitchen.
Idea! Grace and luxury will be emphasized by various pots, pans and teapots with carved patterns and curled handles, creating a "royal" atmosphere in the kitchen.
Special attention should be paid to the choice of curtains and tablecloths in the Baroque style. It is preferable to choose a monochromatic material close in color to the overall design. It is impossible to symbolize luxury and grace without various little details of decoration. Successfully placed baroque vases with an original pattern stylized as the 17th-19th centuries will look very sophisticated in a luxurious room. Antique clock on the kitchen wall is a sleek addition.

The baroque style of Louis XIV is interesting and attractive. However, the kitchen space should not be oversaturated with various souvenirs and other "trinkets" that do not belong to the thematic style. Everything should be elegant, expensive and noble. Having arranged your kitchen beautifully and correctly, you can enjoy the "royal" life without moving in time.