If we take into account all possible finishing options, then the Starry sky stretch ceiling is the most spectacular and spectacular. Most often it is installed in the children's room and bedroom. It can be done in several ways, each of which is easily carried out without the help of professionals.
Materials for creating a ceiling
Before delving into the technology of how to make such a finish, it is worth considering what materials will be useful for work. It is worth noting that the starry sky with 3D effects is installed on absolutely any suspended ceiling.

The first thing that is often used to create this effect is an optical fiber that can conduct light. In addition, it has such unique properties as:
In order to create the effect of a starry sky, the fiber is cut into pieces and then connected into bundles.
Ready-made kits are available for sale, which include up to 500 pieces. They can be different both in the location of the fiber in relation to the projector, and in the area.
As a rule, in order to make 1 square meter of the starry sky, at least 10-150 fiber beams are required. In this case, the brightness of the star depends on their number, which can be 1-700.
The second element in the starry sky system is the light source, which is the projector.
Its installation takes place in a special method, while to obtain the effect of a starry ceiling, the rays must be directed perpendicular to the fiber and parallel to the canvas. The projector itself can be positioned in another room or hidden under the stretch ceiling itself.

Types of projectors:
Ventilation is provided to any of the listed generators, and ventilation must be sufficient to cool the projector during critical heating.
How to get the intended effect
For those who want to install a starry sky stretch ceiling at home, a photo of which can be found just below, you need to take into account that this structure is quite expensive, from 12 to 50 thousand per square meter. It is worth noting that such a high price does not depend on materials, it is the result of very painstaking work of specialists who know all the nuances to obtain the desired effect.

The main technologies for making the starry sky:
Light from a projector illuminates the fiber along its entire length. As a result, the fabric glow with lights, and the effect of the starry sky on the ceiling is obtained. In this case, crystal attachments are also used to scatter light. In order to fix them, it is necessary to install embedded parts, the same as for spotlights. Each fiber is connected to each other, the amount of which determines the brightness of the glow.

Installation of a stretch ceiling Starry sky begins with the fact that a blank is made with stars, milky ways, constellations and other cosmic elements painted on it.
Next, there is a piercing or punching holes in the web in accordance with the pattern and pulling through them of the optical fiber. They need to be cut and glued. Their length should be 20-100 cm.
Installation features
When creating a ceiling, it is necessary to prevent the fiber from kinking or twisting, to avoid mechanical damage. In addition, you need to exclude contact with an aggressive environment and try to provide heating to a maximum of 70 degrees C.

For the installation of the light source, a niche prepared in the wall and above the ceiling are used, as a rule. It is necessary to leave a supply of fibers so that you can pull them out of the niche and put the device back, without causing harm to the bundles. To install such a structure, the ceiling of the room must be high enough.
The completion of the tensioning structure installation process is the installation of a fine matte or glossy ceiling. In order to enhance the effect of the starry sky, you can use a canvas with photo printing, which is made after the fibers are trimmed and the baguette is installed.
This option provides for a two-level ceiling, consisting of a structure with the effect of a starry sky and a canvas that is not related to this topic and which can be changed.
Star ceilings are quite original with the use of static or moving special effects that make the picture more realistic.

It is worth noting that such designs are used not only in apartments, namely in the bedroom or nursery, but also in establishments such as bars, restaurants, cinemas. In each case, the design is original and exclusive.
As for the care of such a ceiling, it does not cause any particular difficulties.
Provided that the fibers are not located on the surface, wiping with a cloth and detergent is sufficient.