Everything tends to wear out and get dirty, so a brand new stretch ceiling will eventually become covered with dust, soot and lose its original appearance. But if you wash it in a timely manner, then the aging process can be postponed indefinitely. However, it should be noted that this process is not easy. You need to know exactly how to wash stretch ceilings so that there are no stains left, and the work does not seem so difficult.
What is it made of
In the manufacture of stretch ceilings, PVC film material and a polyester base are usually used. They are durable and resistant to external influences. In addition, their lifespan can be extended with proper material care.
What is the frequency of washing stretch ceilings
If the stretch ceiling is purchased from a reputable manufacturer, this is an indicator that it has been pre-treated with special compounds that prevent dust and grease from settling. But even they sometimes do not save from pollution, especially if such a ceiling in the kitchen. The curtain should be cleaned twice a year on average. This can be done during the off-season, at the same time wiping all doors and windows. For the first time, general cleaning may be needed only 4-5 months after installation. After the repair, the surface of the tension mounting must be wiped. Since construction dust may accumulate on the ceiling during the repair. To do this, it will be enough to take a dry cloth.

Basic cleaning methods will depend on the type of material:
When the hostess conducts a weekly general cleaning, it is enough to wipe off the dust from the ceiling surface with a soft dry cloth or walk on the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner. But if it has marks from dyes, rust from leaks or other damage, which is usually characteristic of fabric ceilings, then it is better to paint it or replace it if possible. If this is not possible, or the owner wants to keep the structure in its original form, first you need to try to cope on your own.

Ceiling washing process
Is it possible to wash a ceiling made of stretched material? The answer is obvious: if the owner is sure that these substances are not able to pass moisture. This raises the next question: how to do it right?

Due to meticulousness and delicacy, the process of washing stretch ceilings must have a strict sequence, be carried out in compliance with certain rules. If you apply the wrong approach, the material will lose its color, decrease in size. Any deformation can, in fact, occur. When cleaning the surface of a stretch ceiling, it is better to follow these recommendations:
Washing methods and means for this
A good assistant in cleaning the surface of the ceiling is a mop with a special attachment Mop, which has a telescopic handle. Its advantage is that you do not need to constantly move the ladder in order to reach all corners of the tensioning system. The handle of such a mop is sliding, this allows you to quickly clean and even wipe the top of the cabinets without making any special efforts.
Asking the question of how to properly wash a stretch ceiling, it is worth remembering that such materials can be especially susceptible to pressure. To exclude marks and scratches, you need to use only soft fabrics that do not fade and do not leave lint.
These fabrics include microfiber.
It acts gently on dirty surfaces, absorbs water well, cleans streak-free and collects dirt. Good and foam rubber wide sponges without an abrasive surface.
The vacuum cleaner with a steam generator can be used for all types of ceilings. To do this, a microfiber nozzle is put on the vacuum cleaner brush. It is just intended for these purposes, since, collecting dust from the surface, the nozzle is not able to damage it.

There are steam generators for professional cleaning. They reliably clean dirt, remove soot and greasy formations. From exposure to steam, the material of the stretch ceiling can sag, but you should not be afraid of this, since after a while it will return to its original state.
How can you wash a matte stretch ceiling? A matte surface is not much different from a smooth one, so you can use the same products. With a little dust, the ceiling is wiped with a dry cloth, if the surface is heavily soiled, wet cleaning is carried out.
The better to wash the stretch glossy ceiling?
The difficulty of cleaning such surfaces is the likelihood of stains, and they are clearly visible on a smooth surface. Therefore, it is best to use a microfiber cloth for wiping. A vinegar solution copes well with the task of cleaning. 1 part vinegar will need 9 parts water. But this remedy leaves behind a pungent odor that disappears for a long time. Therefore, if there are children or allergy sufferers in the house, it is worth using other methods. It can be glass cleaner or hypoallergenic laundry detergent.

Shop cleaning products for stretch ceilings
Most often, the instructions for the purchased products indicate how to care for the material. But there are universal remedies that can be applied to many tension products. It is worth finding out what detergent can be used to clean the ceiling surface:
Improvised means:

It should be borne in mind that frequent use of household chemicals can lead to rapid wear of the product. If you regularly dry-clean the ceiling, then a thorough washing will not be needed for a long time. But when dirty spots can no longer be cleaned with a dry cloth, you should resort to store-bought products. First, you need to check how it affects the material of the tension base. For this, a weak solution is made from this tool. A cloth or sponge is moistened in it and in a distant corner of the ceiling the composition is applied to the surface. Next, you need to wait a few minutes. If, after this time, no changes have occurred on the ceiling, and the composition is easily washed off, using this tool, you can clean the entire surface of the material.
So, knowing the methods of cleaning a ceiling with a stretch material, you can easily get rid of dirt on it.
You should always use mild acting agents for this. This will not damage the surface of the ceiling, and it will last for many years. With proper care, cleaning may not be necessary at all. It is enough to periodically brush away dust from the ceiling surface and wash it with soapy water a couple of times a year.