Stretch ceiling can be considered one of the most durable finishing methods. If you follow all the rules for care and take good care of him, he can serve for more than a dozen years. However, it so happens that the canvas is damaged. In this case, you need to repair the stretch ceiling, which you can do yourself. However, this should be done in compliance with all the rules and very carefully, otherwise everything may end up with a complete replacement of the structure.
How to avoid repairs
In order to prevent a situation in which it will be necessary to repair a stretch matte or glossy ceiling, you need to understand what it is.
The structure consists of a PVC sheet without a seam. During operation, it is imperative to follow some rules:

When repairs are required
As a rule, if a stretch ceiling is damaged, it must be completely replaced. However, in some cases, if you take timely measures, you can eliminate the defect.
The main reasons for the repair are:
Repairing a stretch ceiling after a cut on your own is possible only if its basis is fabric. For repairs, you will need either fiberglass or fabric tape. You need to glue the damaged area with a small piece of material, and then paint it in the same color as the ceiling. With a slight cut, you can sew it up using nylon threads. After that, you should also paint the seam so that it does not attract attention.

If there is a significant leakage of water, then most often the baguettes come off the walls. The reason for this is their incorrect installation.
If we talk about the rupture of the web, then it is worth noting that there are several reasons for this, ranging from poor-quality welding to poor quality material. Repairing the hole in this case, most likely, will not save, you will have to resort to replacing.
How does the repair work
As a rule, they resort to repairing a stretch ceiling when the damage is minor. For example, a small incision can be eliminated exclusively on a seamless fabric.

The main methods for eliminating defects:
Repair after flooding
The main advantage of such a ceiling is that when flooding occurs, everything in the room remains dry: walls, floor, furniture. Water is trapped in the gap between the canvas and the main ceiling. The canvas can stretch quite strongly, thereby holding back large volumes of liquid. To remove it, you need to make a small hole.

When flooding, it is important what temperature the water was at the time of flooding, since if it was hot, then the canvas cannot be returned to its previous state. If the liquid was cold, then you can dry the ceiling, after which it will return to its original shape.
However, if this happened in a room where there is no heating and the temperature is from zero and below, then the canvas is also severely damaged. It crystallizes and loses its properties, which leads to its rupture.
How to maintain your ceiling
Even if we take into account that each manufacturer has a ceiling with its own shelf life, the average indicators are around 15 years.
However, provided that it is properly cared for, the structure can last much longer than about 30 years. Most often, the web is damaged during the first time after installation, at the moment of its maximum tension. Do not try to clean the ceiling during this period.
The tensioning structures are quite durable and do not need any special maintenance. However, despite this, they still require constant attention. The ceiling needs to be inspected periodically. Clean the surface with a sponge and a mild cleaning agent that does not contain solvents or other aggressive ingredients.

As for cleaning, like repairs, the need for it arises quite rarely, since the canvas has anti-static properties and does not attract dust. To clean, just use the vacuum cleaner once a month.
A stretch ceiling installed in a kitchen, where something is constantly being prepared, is subject to great risks. Oily stains may periodically appear on it. You can deal with them with the help of a dishwashing detergent. It easily cleans away such dirt.
In addition to regularly inspecting the tensioning structure itself, it is important to monitor the state of the space between it and the main ceiling. However, this often does not have to be done if the ceiling is installed in accordance with all the rules, and communications are laid in accordance with the norms.