Decorative crushed stone is a fairly new material in the Russian Federation. Designers are beginning to introduce decorative rubble into their practice and use it in landscape design, showing a variety of photos on their websites.
If the crushed stone is properly arranged and painted in different colors, then it will look good, for example, on
flowerbed in the garden. Black crushed stone is a good option for using it in the road industry during construction work. Crushed stone decorative elements in landscape designWhat is crushed stone used in the decoration of garden plots
The answer is simple:
crushed stone with an unusual color is decorative. It can be colored with any binder of your choice. Garden decoration with rubbleIn the photo below you can see decorative crushed stone for landscape design. If you look at it more closely, you can see that the sizes of crushed stone are not the same. This is due to the fact that such crushed stone can be prepared from unused concrete, which is crushed into pieces, and then painted in the desired color.
Types of color coloring of decorative crushed stoneHow to make decorative crushed stone:
Keep in mind that the better the dye, the longer the crushed stone will not lose its color and remain as bright and saturated.
Flower bed decoration with decorative crushed stoneWhere decorative crushed stone is used:
Measures when laying decorative crushed stone:
Where is crushed stone used in the garden
Where there is a lot of shade, wetlands, where flowers are problematic to grow because of the bright scorching sun, this is the place for a rocky landscape.
Artificial river from decorative rubbleIn decorative ponds and streams, crushed stone also has its place and looks quite beautiful against the background of fish.
In the composition of design
alpine slides rubble is a must. It is laid at the base of the slide and in free places they fill the space with it. This makes it possible to make the alpine landscape more natural, similar to a natural mountain slope. Decorative rubble letteringOn sites you can often see photos of landscape design in the Japanese style, where you can't do without decorative rubble at all. A special feature of such a garden is the use of stones of various sizes and shapes.
Landscaping in Japanese style with decorative rubbleLarge stones serve as islands and mountains, while small rubble is scattered over the entire free area, imitating the water element. They take care of such a garden using a special tool. With a rake, you can create grooves in the rubble that resemble flowing water.
Laying decorative chips at their summer cottageTechnical characteristics of black crushed stone
Black crushed stone with a fine fraction is usually used for decoration, and medium and large - as a technological layer in drainage or capillary work. Medium and large crushed stone is placed directly on the road without any additional processing.
Technical characteristics of black crushed stoneThe most important quality for black crushed stone is its adhesion properties. It should be noted that this building material will withstand any heavy loads.
Its proper indicators are:
Strength properties
As we remember from school, the indicator of the resistance of the material can be determined by pressing on it or squeezing. The tensile strength of black crushed stone is 20MPa. When processing crushed stone, bitumen will not worsen its strength properties. Therefore, if the initial material is of low strength, then after processing the black crushed stone will become stronger.
Frost resistance
The frost resistance index is determined by placing crushed stone in a solution of sodium sulfate, followed by drying. The service life of crushed stone is calculated from 15 years to 400 years.
Decorative crushed stone is frost-resistantDensity
Quite an important indicator, which depends on the configuration of the stone in it. If the percentage of lamellar and cuboidal forms in crushed stone is minimal, therefore, the density and quality characteristics of crushed stone are high.
Decorative crushed stone is very durableRadioactive indicators
According to sanitary standards, crushed stone and other building materials must have a certificate indicating the class of radioactivity. The first class of radioactivity is suitable for the refinement of garden paths and grounds, and the second class is intended for construction work.
Crushed stone radioactivityWhere is black crushed stone used?
It can be applied:
With a fine fraction, black crushed stone is used:
Landscaping will give any corner an unusual beauty, uniqueness, create coziness. And colored rubble in landscape design will bring harmony and bring you closer to nature on your garden plot.