One of the most used components in the landscape design process is decorative stone. At the moment, there are a large number of types of such stones, modern decorative stones for landscape design fit perfectly into a variety of compositions and allow you to create an incredible atmosphere for a particular landscape project.
Terrace with artificial pond and decorative stones
Let's take a closer look at what decorative stones for landscape design are, and what their varieties are.
Decorative stones for landscape design
Sizes of decorative stones
The first criterion by which you can classify decorative stones for landscape design, photos of which you will find in large numbers in this article, is the size. Very often stones of different sizes are used in the same project, which makes it possible to especially highlight certain design features.
By size, decorative stones are of the following types:
Stone chips. Stone chips are one of the most popular types of decorative stones, as they are great for even the most difficult and uneven surfaces that can be found in parks, home gardens and other places.
Types of stone chips
Stone chips are produced by crushing rocks, while using a variety of rocks, for example, such as: marble, serpentine, quartz, dolomite, jasper, etc. Stone chips are considered to be one of the most inexpensive and demanded materials for landscape design; there is a large assortment of such stones on sale, which have different colors and almost always have high strength and reliability.
Making a flower garden with stone chips at their summer cottage
Pebbles and pellets. Pebbles are a consequence of the work of water, which over long years creates stones with a smooth surface from ordinary stones. Most often in landscape design, pebbles are used to decorate ponds, pools, fountains and other similar elements in which water is involved.
Flat river pebbles
There is a large selection of pebbles in different sizes and colors on the market. Larger pebbles are called pellets; they also find their use in completely different compositions.
Pebbles in landscape design
Lumps and boulders. Decorative stones for landscape design, such as boulders and boulders, are also very popular and are often used in a variety of compositions.
Boulders and granite tiles in landscaping
Their advantage lies in the fact that they actively attract attention to themselves, the use of such stones near ponds and fountains can look very elegant and beautiful, as it emphasizes all the power and strength that nature possesses, as well as the importance of people for whom such a landscape design.
Lumps and boulders for the design of a reservoir at a summer cottage
Rubble stone. Another variety that combines a number of different types of stones is the so-called rubble stone. Rubble stone usually refers to natural stones that are mined from sedimentary rocks.
Rubble stone in landscape design
Such stones are usually inexpensive and have extremely useful properties for any landscape designer (water resistance, strength, frost resistance, etc.). Most often, such stones are used in the construction of various hydraulic structures, fences or walls.
The use of large pebbles in landscape design
Types of decorative stones
In nature, there are a huge number of the most unusual and incredible stones that differ in their structure, color and other parameters.
Stone slab paths decorated with pebbles
Over time and development
landscape design, as well as other similar fields of activity, each of these stones had their own names. There are a lot of stones that are used in landscape design, the most common of them are the following:
Artificial decorative stone in landscape design
Probably, sandstone can be safely called the most popular decorative stone in landscape design.
Making a waterfall with sandstone at a summer cottage
One of the main advantages of sandstone is its price, it is very cheap, while it looks very good and presentable, which makes it so popular. What is sandstone?
Alpine slide at a summer cottage using sandstone
Sandstone: Most often it is quartz combined with some impurities such as carbonate or silica. The presence of impurities is very important for sandstone, since it is they who are able to provide it with various shades. The range of application of sandstone is the widest; it is customary to use it in construction, cladding, paving, decoration and in a number of other areas.
Sandstone path at their summer cottage
Limestone. It is also a very popular mineral, one of the main advantages of which is that it is very fond of all kinds of lichens and mosses, which make its appearance even more mysterious. For designers, this property of theirs is extremely useful, as it serves as an excellent tool with which you can realize your wildest and most unusual fantasies.
Popular limestone for landscape design
Tuff. This stone has a porous structure, which allows it to absorb liquid very easily and quickly. This property of tuff determined its scope of application, most often it is used in conjunction with plants that love moisture very much.
Tuff has a porous structure
Slate. Slate is one of the most exquisite minerals, which has a purple-bluish color and is used in a variety of and sometimes even unexpected cases, most often it is used in the design of garden paths. Polished slate looks amazing and can become a real decoration.
Polished slate for decorating a summer cottage
Marble. Marble is a material that needs no introduction, as its popularity dates back to the days of Ancient Greece, where it was used everywhere. Marble, like some other decorative stones for landscape design, photos of which you can always find in this article, can become not only a real decoration of any composition, but also an indicator of status and prestige.
Red marble with white veins for landscaping
Granite, basalt, porphyry. These minerals are most often usually combined into one group, since they are identical in terms of density and hardness, the only difference is their color. It should be noted that such stones most often have a considerable price, since their processing is a very complex and time-consuming process. Most often, these minerals are used to create all kinds of crafts, such as garden benches, stairs, etc.
Granite bench in landscaping
Now you know what decorative plastic stones exist for landscape design, how they can be classified, and for what purposes it is customary to use them.