First of all, you need to decide for yourself at what time you can make repairs, imagine its size, nature of work and what types of materials to use in work. If you only want to glue the wallpaper, then this can be done whenever you want. If you are not limited to this and you need to replace door or window openings, replace floors, make a screed, then it is better to do this when it is warm and dry. However, due to the fact that progress does not stand still, there are a lot of the latest technologies that are carried out between December and February. As a result, in order to decide at what time repairs can be made, it directly depends on the repair specialist who will perform it.
Neighbor complaints about noise during renovationA sufficiently large number of materials can only be used at relatively high temperatures. Compositions of paints, glue, cement, at high humidity and low temperatures, lose their properties, chemical composition, which affects the quality of work.

The specifics of external construction work
The only drawback in carrying out construction work from December to February is, first of all, the observance of the temperature regime, which affects the material and, in fact, the finishing of the facade of the building and the roof. If the installation technology is violated, which leads to a change in the properties of the material, then this entails poor-quality work and additional financial costs.

Therefore, the question of what time it is possible to repair the facade of a building or the roof leads to one answer - when it is warm and dry. The temperature regime must be observed so that the building material is better stored. For example, water-based paints freeze in winter, and after defrosting they lose their qualities.

The specifics of internal construction work
Repair in an apartment is a laborious process, which, in addition to financial costs, also requires time to prepare.
Compliance with temperature conditions during repairThe time must be chosen carefully, since the possibility that some
When planning your time, you need to analyze each stage of the work and plan it in the necessary sequence.

To all this is added time for rework, since in practice this often happens.
When is it planned to make repairs in the apartment?
Since the repair is a noisy and rather lengthy event that covers a lot of time and effort, the legislation of the Russian Federation establishes certain rules and regulations. All citizens living on its territory are obliged to adhere to them. The corresponding rules, which we describe below, are sometimes not followed out of ignorance or are neglected by certain persons.

Nevertheless, failure to comply with these rules gives neighbors who are disturbed by noise or other work that create inconvenience to complain to the appropriate authorities to protect their rights. Therefore, a citizen of the Russian Federation, before starting any construction work, must ask himself a question, namely, at what time of day it is possible to make repairs?
According to the current legislation, repair work must be carried out strictly at a certain time in compliance with certain rules. Renovation should not interfere with the tranquility and comfort of your neighbors. After all, ignorance of the laws has never been excused from responsibility. Knowledgeable means armed.

Legislation and regulations
For the entire Russian Federation there is no single rule about the time when it is possible to do

Let's highlight the main requirements that will be mandatory in most cities of the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that in some regions of Russia Saturday is considered the day when it is allowed to make repairs and perform noisy construction work.

You need to ask yourself one more question, and until what time of day can you make repairs?? The answer is that the duration of noisy repair work should not be more than 3 months.

No less important indicators for repairing an apartment
The question of what time it is possible to make repairs, as well as when to carry out work in an apartment building, is worth considering in more detail.

There are requirements that apply to areas in the entrance and elevators. It is impossible to obstruct the passage on the staircase with various debris and building materials, since in the event of an emergency it will be impossible to pass. Building materials and waste that do not have packaging material must not be taken out in elevator lifting cabins.

According to legal norms, it has become problematic to carry out repair work not only for the residents of the house, but also for the repairmen. It is necessary to reckon with the people who live behind the wall. This is also your moral character for a successful renovation.

If you go through an apartment building and collect signatures from tenants with a request not to set time limits on how long you can make repairs, then, in all likelihood, you will succeed. That is, your work can begin earlier than 8 in the morning, and end after 8 in the evening.

Also, be prepared for rejection. After all, families have small children, seriously ill people, people of retirement age, or someone, due to their work, should rest during the day, and not listen to the hammering. In these cases, there is nothing left to do but to do the work according to the strictly allotted time, otherwise expect trouble. And no one liked this yet, especially since there is no need to spoil friendly relations with neighbors.

In apartment buildings, noisy work can start at 7 am and end at 11 pm on weekdays and weekends. It is forbidden to make noise only at night. However, noise is only permitted for repair or similar work. An important factor is that strong construction noise is prohibited from 1 to 3 pm.

In conclusion, we note that in order to carry out repair work, the time for which is limited, it is advisable to choose the period of your vacation. In order not to quarrel with neighbors, you can reduce the noise during the renovation. Clearly plan all the stages in the work so as not to prolong the repair and those works that are quite noisy, do it in 1-2 times, without delaying.

Three-hour noise is usually much easier to perceive than repeated repetition of it throughout the day.