Many homeowners want to mount a plasterboard suspended ceiling on their own.
This method of arranging the ceiling has become very popular due to the ease of installation and low cost. Also, this technique allows you to do without leveling the rough surface, even if there are significant irregularities on it.
This technique allows you to do without leveling the rough surface, even if there are significant irregularities on itAdvantages and disadvantages of a plasterboard ceiling
If you decide to mount a plasterboard suspended ceiling with your own hands, before starting work, you should familiarize yourself with the existing advantages and disadvantages of the design.

So, the positive aspects of this method of finishing the ceiling include:

At the same time, drywall fits perfectly into almost any room design options, which can be easily checked by examining the suspended plasterboard ceilings, photos in the bedroom, posted on the corresponding profile design resources on the Internet.
Separately, it is worth mentioning the issue of the cost of such a ceiling. So, if we compare it with the cost of stretch ceilings made of polymers, then the savings will be very significant, and the appearance of drywall will not yield to a polymer film.

As for the disadvantages of such ceilings, they are as follows:
Despite the presence of disadvantages, drywall is quite readily used for the arrangement of premises.

On a note! Of course, polymer stretch ceilings are much more beautiful and easier to install, but they are clearly more expensive than drywall. Therefore, with an average income, it makes sense to consider the option of installing a ceiling from this material.
Selection of tools and drywall for work
If you do not understand well how to make a suspended ceiling out of plasterboard, you are advised to first study the technology of work in more detail. In addition, in preparation for installation work, it is worthwhile to engage in the selection and purchase of the necessary tools and building material.
Plasterboard False Ceiling Installation ToolsThis will help you quickly mount a suspended ceiling structure without being distracted by additional purchases.

So, for example, to mount the ceiling structure in the most common way - in one level using straight hangers - you will need the following tools:

In addition to the tools, before starting the installation work on the assembly of the structure, it will be necessary to purchase frame elements, as well as the drywall plates themselves. If the structural elements are typical and for their purchase you just need to know the distance between the suspensions on the plasterboard ceiling - they acquire the necessary size elements.

As for the drywall itself, there are 2 main types: standard and moisture resistant. Moisture-resistant, however, it is used in rooms with high humidity, such as a bathroom or kitchen. Such material, due to the use of hydrophobic additives, has a reduced level of moisture absorption. These materials can be distinguished by their color: standard drywall is gray, and moisture-resistant is greenish.

In terms of appearance, the drywall sheet is a slab of standard length and width of 1200 mm, with a thickness of 12.5 and 9.5 mm. For decoration of living quarters, it would be best to use sheets with a thickness of 9.5 mm. There are moisture- and fire-resistant varieties of it, as well as reinforced gypsum fiber sheets.
In addition to the tool and the drywall itself, you will need a sealing tape to carry out the work. It is self-adhesive, made of polymer material and has a width of up to 30 mm. Such a tape is used in order to protect drywall from cracks, as well as to increase the degree of sound protection, it qualitatively seals the joints of drywall sheets.

Ceiling plane marking
If you have never installed a drywall suspended ceiling with your own hands, the photo of this process should be studied carefully, this will facilitate your work in the future. First determine the low angle of the ceiling. It will be necessary to step back from it 5-8 cm and put a mark from which it will be necessary to postpone the horizontal line to all other corners with the hydraulic level.
Ceiling marking scheme for fixing the main profile of the plasterboard systemFurther, all the marks obtained are connected using a skip. To do this, an assistant is attracted, who must pull the cord so that he, hitting the wall, painted it, thereby creating a horizontal. After that, you can proceed to fixing the profiles on the walls.

To do this, they are applied to the wall along the beating line and marked out according to the holes available in them for fasteners. After that, using a perforator, they drill holes in the ceiling. The next operation will be gluing a sealing tape to the profile, then it is pressed and fixed on the wall with dowels. At the same time, at least 3 fasteners will have to fall on each profile.
On a note! Guides drawn up on how to make a suspended ceiling from drywall sheets advise further to mark the axes of the main profiles, that is, those that will be attached directly to the base.
They are usually placed across the rough ceiling in 40 cm increments. The structure of the bearing profiles will be fixed on the main ones with a step of 50 cm.
Lighting arrangement for suspended plasterboard ceilingsThe marking is ready, a perforator is taken and holes for anchors are drilled. Calculation of 2 wedges per profile.
Installation of the frame of the suspended structure
Having drilled the holes for the wedges, you can attach the suspensions themselves to them, after which the installation of the main profiles will begin. It is produced by installing them on guides so that the profile is shorter than the size of the room by at least 1 cm. At the same time, the connections of the profiles should not build a single line.

Fastening profiles to suspensions usually begin from the corners of the room. This operation is performed using 4 self-tapping screws. We mount the second profile in the same way and go to the opposite side of the room. Next, we follow the established order of installation on other walls of the room.

After mounting the profile, you need to install CRABs in the docking points. This is done using 4 self-tapping screws - 2 on one side. It should be remembered that CRABS must be inserted into the main profiles prior to their installation. At the same stage, insulation and sound insulation are installed, if necessary.

Installation of sheets on the frame
Do-it-yourself installation of a plasterboard suspended ceiling after installing the frame should be continued by attaching plasterboard sheets to it, which must first undergo an acclimatization procedure for 2 days. Before mounting the sheets, you need to chamfer them with a knife. The very same their fastening to the frame is performed from the corner of the room with a self-tapping step of 17 cm, while on adjacent sheets they are twisted apart.

Important! When tightening self-tapping screws, you need to try so that they are recessed by the head into the material.
During installation, it is necessary to leave a gap of about 2 mm between the sheets, the same gap is left between the drywall sheets and the walls. In the case when the self-tapping screw cannot pierce the sheet, it must be unscrewed and another screw must be screwed about 5 cm away from it.

It is worth checking separately that the joints of the sheets are not made near the outer corner. The fact is that the joint must be at least 10 cm away from it. If this rule is violated, a crack will necessarily form in the drywall sheet.

After you complete the installation of drywall sheets, you will need to seal the seams. To do this, they need to be primed. In this case, it is forbidden to tear off the protective layer of cardboard at the seams, and it is recommended to use especially strong putties for sealing the seams.
The putty must be kneaded according to the instructions on its packaging. The first layer must be used to cover all the seams, as well as the grooves left over from the self-tapping screws. A wide spatula is used for this.

After the putty is applied, you need to wait for it to dry. In order for the joints to be of high quality, it is necessary to glue them with special paper tape before applying the leveling layer. If there is a possibility of cracking, use glass paint. It is used for gluing an already plastered surface, but it can be putty and painted again.
The final stage in the installation of a suspended plasterboard ceiling is its finishing. So, for example, it can be painted or PVC plates with a pattern can be glued to it. In addition, lamps are mounted at the final stage.

Savings when installing a false ceiling
After we have figured out how to install a plasterboard suspended ceiling, it makes sense to calculate the savings that self-installation will give you. So, for example, in the case when you need to finish the ceiling of a room with an area of about 20 sq. m, your savings (subject to the cost of 1 sq. meter 450 rubles.) will be 9 360 rubles.

Naturally, with such savings, it makes sense to do the plasterboard ceiling yourself.