A plasterboard ceiling is a great way to improve the appearance of a room and make it more stylish.
You can make a plasterboard ceiling with your own hands, having some experience in repair work.
Thanks to the modular structure, the structure can be updated at any timeA relatively simple installation procedure for a one- or two-level structure allows you to make the perfect ceiling, and give the interior originality. Thanks to the modular structure, the structure can be updated at any time.

Drywall is a very flexible material, so it can be used to create a variety of shapes that will look very aesthetically pleasing. The material is completely safe for human health, environmentally friendly, it does not contain harmful impurities. All this makes drywall ideal for creating a false ceiling.
Plasterboard ceiling structures in the bedroom
Two-level and single-level ceilings allow you to correct various disadvantages - both too low and too high a ceiling. You can choose the right model on the photo of plasterboard ceilings for the bedroom, although you need to take into account the characteristics of the room in any case.

On a note! It is known that the bedroom is the place where a person rests after a hard day, gains strength for the next.
And therefore, in this room you need to create the most comfortable and calm atmosphere. The shape of the ceiling can be absolutely any. Due to the flexibility of the material, any idea can be realized. If you need to decide what the ceiling should be in the bedroom, then you can look at different design ideas on the Internet and choose the one you like the most.

At the same time, there is only one recommendation regarding the shape of the structure: it is worth choosing round or oval, with smooth bends. Irregularly shaped ceilings with undulating bends look best. In this case, it is very important that the structure does not seem "overloaded".

As for the color, here, too, precise recommendations cannot be given, since everyone has different preferences. The furnishings in the room also require a certain color of the ceiling. But it is important to consider the effect of color on the body:

Materials and tools for ceiling mounting
To install the ceiling, you will have to purchase a number of tools; it is easy to find them in a hardware store:

If any of these tools are already there, the rest can be quickly purchased. If you plan to make a plasterboard ceiling with lighting with your own hands, you will additionally have to buy lamps, wires and special fixtures.
Before starting work, it is worth deciding on the type of construction: single-level, two-level or multi-level. This is determined by the desire and vision of the interior, but to a greater extent by the conditions of the room. Each level of construction takes no less than 4 cm. Therefore, in a bedroom with a low ceiling, it is not recommended to make a two-level ceiling, it will only make the room even smaller. And if the ceiling is too high, then, on the contrary, a single-level one will not be the best solution. If the room is small and the ceiling is high, then multilevel ceilings will not work either - they will look too massive, and they will not add comfort to the room.

Preparing for the installation of a plasterboard ceiling
First of all, you need to mark the ceiling - make marks where the profiles will be located. For work, you will also need a plumb line to correctly calculate the distance.

This must be done, since a tight fit of the structure to the ceiling should not be allowed. In addition, you need to leave space for communications if you plan to make a ceiling of plasterboard with lighting. The correctness of the resulting markings can be checked using the water level. It can be used to determine whether the end line converges with the start line.

In addition to the markup, it is necessary to think in advance what shape the structure will be. It is advisable to draw a diagram in advance on which you can note the change in height, the location of the decor and spotlights, etc. The scheme will be especially useful if you plan to make a complex two-level or even more multi-level ceiling. With its help, it will be possible to see exactly how to correctly make a plasterboard ceiling. If it is decided to do with a single-level, even ceiling, then the stage of drawing up a plan can be skipped.

In accordance with the markings made, metal profiles are fixed on the ceiling. It is better to fix them with self-tapping screws.
If thresholds are provided in the design, they can be made using vertical posts installed every 35-40 cm. Rounded corners are not as difficult as they might seem. For this, there are special profiles that can be easily bent to the desired radius.
Plasterboard ceilings are often complemented by spotlights. On the one hand, this makes the ceiling look even more impressive, on the other, it creates an additional source of illumination. If you need to install ceiling lights, then the cable is wired first. At the same time, different devices can be made for different groups of lamps. Then it will be possible to turn on the backlight in any one area and adjust the lighting in the room. The cable is hidden behind sheets of drywall, so it must be laid before starting the installation of sheets of material.
Installation diagram of spotlightsSetting the ceiling material
There are several rules for installing drywall sheets. Profiles should move - this will help to give the structure the desired shape. The joints of the sheets must be installed so that they coincide with the transverse profiles. When installing sheets, do not cut the material once again - then there will be too many joints and seams. This will not only worsen the appearance of the ceiling, but also make the consumption of material uneconomical. It is better to install drywall with whole large sheets.
Box diagram without illuminationSo that the drywall does not sag over time, it is fixed with screws so that they are not visible from the outside. It is better to fix them to the ceiling by 2-3 cm. Then they will be invisible, and the structure will remain solid. After installation, cover the screws with a layer of putty so that they cannot be seen. The sheets of material themselves should be processed with a rasp - a special material that will allow you to get a solid, even surface. If it is not clear how to do this, you can watch a video on how to make a plasterboard ceiling with your own hands.

When the whole structure is assembled, it is sheathed first along the edges, then from below. Plasterboard sheets can be slightly rounded to make the ceiling look more aesthetically pleasing. In order not to break the drywall, you can first moisten it a little with water, and then make cuts according to the scheme.
Important! The place where the drywall sheets converge must be marked parallel to the fold and cut the sheet along this line.
The result is an edge that can be bent, as required by the scheme, close the slot with plaster mortar.
When the installation of the ceiling is over, it must be treated with putty. If everything is done correctly, the surface will be flat and the seams are invisible. Next, you need to wait until the putty on the seams dries up, glue it with paper tape and apply another layer of putty. After complete drying, lightly sand.
Layout of drywall sheets on the ceilingSimilarly, you need to mount more complex ceiling options. It is worth noting that the most complex structures are made according to the same principle, so it is quite possible to do all the work yourself. To better understand how to assemble a two-level plasterboard ceiling with your own hands, you can watch the video instruction.

There are several ways now. For example, fix the second level to the frame of the first. But this method is the most material-intensive, moreover, less reliable. It is much wiser to do it differently: fix both levels on building structures to the ceiling. At the same time, on vertical surfaces, you need to make guides that will not give a load, but they will set a plane.

Plasterboard ceiling decoration
It is better to think over the design of a plasterboard ceiling as carefully as possible, because this material provides a wide scope for imagination. Stylish and original solutions can be selected for different interiors and so that they fit the interior.

Even an ordinary structure from one level can be easily turned into a real masterpiece if you correctly decorate the ceiling, for example, paint it in an unusual color, make an unusual pattern or drawing (imitation of the starry sky).
Another popular way to decorate the ceiling is with the help of lighting. Here, too, you should not limit your imagination to only spotlights - although they can also give an interesting effect. The most modern option is LED strip of different colors. It will not be difficult to install it, but the result will certainly please.

For those who like more traditional options, the best solution would be a flat single-level ceiling, but with a beautiful chandelier in the center. It will become the main decorative element.
On two-level and multi-level ceilings, volumetric chandeliers and lamps will not look very aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, it is better to purchase a beautiful small lamp.

If the height of the ceilings allows, then many apartment owners prefer to mount a multi-level ceiling, each level of which has a different shape. For example, a popular solution is an oval second level on a square base.

At the same time, the ceiling can be painted in different colors, draw interesting patterns. There are special patterns and templates for painting, they can be purchased in the store. Another technique is equally popular: paint and decorate only one of the levels, and paint the rest in white or other neutral colors.