Electric warm skirting board has become widespread in our country relatively recently, although in Western Europe it has been used for more than 20 years. This is due to the fact that this auxiliary heating system has some features in installation and operation that restrain its widespread use.
At the same time, the efficiency of a warm skirting board is 30% higher compared to a conventional classic radiator.
The efficiency of a warm skirting board is 30% higher than a conventional classic radiatorBasic principles of work
Electric warm skirting board has a principle of operation, similar to the principle of functioning of a warm floor.

Moreover, he, unlike such a floor, has its own characteristics in work:
Electric warm skirting board has an operating temperature range from +40 to + 70 ° C, which allows you to have a wide range of temperature control in the room. By the way, such regulation can occur automatically without human intervention. As a result, the microclimate in the room will be optimal, and the homeowner will not be distracted by switching the thermostat positions.

It is also worth noting that a warm electric skirting board, per one section, emits 190 W of heat. This is approximately equal to the amount of heat generated by one section of the underfloor heating, while the baseboard consumes 30% less electricity for its operation. This indicator illustrates the savings opportunities with this heating system.

From a technical point of view, this heater looks like an aluminum plate approximately 3 cm wide. The height of such a heating element can range from 10 to 24 cm. As for the color and shape, they can change from model to model.
As for the interior of the premises, in which it would be preferable to mount such a plinth, it will suit almost any type of it. From practice, we can conclude that the electric skirting board is best suited for rooms with panoramic windows. The fact is that heating radiators cannot be mounted under them, and thermal skirting boards are quite capable of creating a thermal curtain. Moreover, such elements will fit perfectly into most interiors.
The "heart" of this system is a thermostat that regulates the temperature in the room where it is installed. The temperature itself is monitored using wall-mounted temperature sensors.

Pros and cons of electric skirting boards
Electric warm skirting board has both pros and cons. So, for example, it, unlike radiators, does not work according to the convection principle, due to which the air flows in the room do not actively circulate. As a result, the zones of unstable temperature conditions in the room disappear, and it begins to warm up evenly.

In addition, this heating system can be used on balconies. This is due to the fact that this device can simultaneously heat the floor and walls, which eliminates the likelihood of fungus and mold in the room. Other heating systems do not have this effect.

As for the question of how much a warm plinth costs, then usually it has a price in the region of 870-1500 rubles per meter. At the same time, if you mount a warm electric skirting board with your own hands, you can get additional savings. Such a heating system is accessible to most people.
Important! A warm plinth in the course of its operation can show the greatest efficiency when it is used in those rooms that have high ceilings, as well as a large number of windows.
She also showed herself perfectly in rooms with an arched or wide entrance. This is due to the ability of a warm skirting board to create a thermal curtain.

In addition, such a heating system allows you to quickly make adjustments to the temperature regime of the room. At the same time, the skirting board fits perfectly into any interior and can be made discreetly. It is compatible with underfloor heating, does not dry out the air in the room and can be easily assembled and disassembled on site.

As for the disadvantages of this method of additional heating, during the installation of the electric skirting board, it will be necessary to consult a specialist in order not to disturb the uniform heat transfer in the room. Also, the device can spoil the wallpaper in the places of its attachment, and the overlays on it have a limited choice of colors.

Well, and, perhaps, the main disadvantage of an electric warm skirting board is the fact that it has a high level of energy consumption. As a result, its active use can create a rather serious hole in your budget. This is also worth keeping in mind when installing it in your home.If everything is in order with your finances, the choice of a warm skirting board will be an ideal option for arranging an additional heating system in the room.

Electrical skirting board installation basics
Compared to an underfloor heating, an electric warm skirting board is easier to install, since its installation does not require a significant amount of capital construction work. It is performed without the use of a special tool. In this case, if necessary, a warm plinth can be simply hung on plywood or plasterboard partitions.

On a note! Usually, a perforator is used to mount the electric skirting board, it is needed in order to drill holes in the floor and walls for self-tapping screws and brackets that come with it.
In this case, there can be 2 options for installing heating elements: in a continuous way and in sections - in those places of the room where it is necessary. If you choose the second option, then the gaps between the electric skirting board can be filled with an ordinary decorative skirting board.

Usually, when installing an electric underfloor heating, heating elements are installed in one row, maintaining a height of 1 cm from the floor surface, as well as at a distance of 15 cm from the wall. This allows air convection to be created, which prevents overheating of the elements of the warm skirting board.

When installing a warm skirting board, remember that its power will directly depend on the power of the heating elements used in it, while try not to overload the electrical network, which may simply not withstand too much load. In addition, the power output by the system is directly affected by the correct installation of the thermostat.

So, according to the rules, it should be mounted next to an outlet or switches away from furniture or decor items. The height of its placement is approximately 1.5 meters above the floor level. At the same time, electrical wiring should not pass next to it.

Typically, the thermostat is attached to the wall through the back panel using a special mounting hole for a dowel with a diameter of 6 mm. To do this, using a punch, the required hole is drilled in the wall, after which a dowel is inserted into it and the device is attached to it with self-tapping screws. After that, the power and sensor wires are connected to the device, after which it is put into operation and the mode is calibrated on it.
Stages of installation work
As for the stages of installation of other elements of a warm electric skirting board, they are as follows:
In this case, during the installation process, it will be necessary to pay special attention to 2 points:
By the way, it is worth calculating in advance the number of elements of the warm plinth installed in the room. This calculation depends entirely on the heat transfer rates of each heating element. At the same time, due to the fact that the size of the equipment in each case will be different, such indicators will differ.
Docking warm floor skirting boardsUsually the ratio is taken as 1.0 kW of thermal energy per 10 m² of heated floor area. Moreover, it will only be relevant if the ceiling height in the room does not exceed 3.8 meters.
Combination with underfloor heating
Separately, it is worth calculating the compatibility of a warm skirting board with a warm floor. The fact is that sometimes such a scheme is used to turn on heating devices as needed, for example, first warm up the room with an electric skirting board and only then connect the warm floor.

It should be noted here that each heating system has its own air circulation pattern in the room. This must be taken into account when using them in order not to destroy the microclimate created in the room.

In any case, it is worth remembering that the electric skirting board, like the underfloor heating, is just additional heating systems that are designed to heat the room in those places that the main heat pipe does not warm up. Therefore, their use should be focused primarily on working together with conventional classic radiators.