In addition to the traditional building material from which residential buildings are built, recently they began to use for this purpose a more economical and affordable material - aerated concrete.
At the same time, the interior decoration of a house made of aerated concrete is simply necessary in it. It is carried out with various materials, taking into account their small individual nuances and general characteristics.
Interior decoration of aerated concrete houseThus, unlike such materials for houses as brick or wood, aerated concrete buildings are in dire need of interior decoration, because it absorbs moisture very strongly and is subject to rapid destruction. In order to avoid such troubles, it is necessary to competently and competently carry out in such a house not only hydro, vapor barrier, insulation, but also, accordingly, interior decoration.
Diagram of a house made of aerated concrete blocksIn general terms about what aerated concrete is
Before you start to make the interior decoration of a small house (in most cases, suburban) from aerated concrete, you need to familiarize yourself in general terms with what is aerated concrete.
Characteristics of aerated concrete blocksOutwardly, it is a white, rough, with a relief coating, artificial stone of the correct parallelepid shape. This building material belongs to aerated concrete, in which there are small pores. At the same time, the formation of characteristic pores in it is facilitated by a special additive from gas-forming agents mixed into the main composition of aerated concrete.
Advantages of aerated concrete blocksIn this regard, of all the parameters declared by the manufacturer, positive ones can be distinguished, namely:

In addition, aerated concrete has good thermal insulation qualities, although its composition is still concrete. It should be noted that these qualities are enough to maintain the required temperature regime throughout the structure.

The composition of high-quality and real aerated concrete includes components such as cement, water, lime, quartz sand and, most importantly, aluminum paste. It is believed that pure aluminum paste is harmful to humans.

However, due to the fact that these particles dissolve in the production process on high-tech factory equipment, aerated concrete can be safely considered a completely environmentally friendly building material.

Perhaps its only drawback (of aerated concrete) can be called increased vapor permeability, but this is not such a big minus of aerated concrete. To solve this problem, simply thoroughly thought out and then made with the clever steam and thermal insulation of external surfaces, as well as the interior decoration of the suburban

Modifications of interior finishes of aerated concrete houses
Today, the main options for interior decoration of aerated concrete houses that are in demand and recommended by construction specialists are as follows:
Scheme of interior decoration of a wall with clapboard

In addition, lesser-known building materials such as siding, block house, natural or artificial stones are used for interior decoration of premises in a house built of aerated concrete.
Do not lose sight of another such important point as plaster mortar, which in any case is applied to the surface of the walls, regardless of the choice of material for interior decoration of the house made of aerated concrete. Since a prerequisite when working with these materials is a smooth surface of walls, ceilings, etc. with a sufficient level of thermal insulation.d.
Drywall installation diagramThe specifics of finishing work in a house made of aerated concrete
For those who decided that the interior decoration of a house made of aerated concrete with drywall is optimal and acceptable for him, it is necessary at least in general terms to know what list of works it includes.

So this:

To view the various possible options for how the interior decoration of a house made of aerated concrete with plasterboard looks like, the video below will help.
Types of plasters by compositionUnlike working with drywall, the interior decoration of a house made of aerated concrete with wood looks much easier in stages, but it also costs several times more. Wood trimming does not include a difficult, but in any case, a deliberate action, such as the usual fixing of wooden elements with the help of profiles or nails on the primed surfaces of the premises inside the building.

The main thing to remember is that when working with drywall or wood, however, and any other facing material in a house made of aerated concrete, vapor-permeable elements used inside the room should be similarly applied from the outside of the building. Since for aerated concrete, two-sided vapor and moisture resistant protection is very important. Only in this case, the building will serve its owner for a long time and with maximum efficiency. Good luck!