Bedroom in modern style: photo in the interior

Modern style bedroom

The Art Nouveau bedroom is an English invention, so it bears the second name - ar (art) noir. Translated into Russian, this word means "modern", and interior design for this term implies a whole range of different directions in the design of premises, which are characterized by a high degree of minimalism and functionality.

Thus, in contrast to the classical style, Art Nouveau denies luxury and opposes functionality and simplicity to it.

Art Nouveau emerged as an independent design style at the end of the 19th century, when a group of young English artists opposed embellishment in defense of functionality. It was then that a new kind of design appeared in the houses of the British, emphasizing with the help of high functionality the aesthetics of natural materials and patterns.

Art Nouveau bedroom design photo

The novelty denied the redundancy of styles such as Rococo and Baroque, and also ridiculed the classic interiors of bourgeois houses. In return, Art Nouveau offered renovation and improvement of living space.

Modern style

This design style has changed several times over its long history, so it became possible to use it to decorate not only the bedroom, but almost any room, taking into account its features and architecture. It should be noted that the main ideas of this style formed the basis for several other styles of interior design.

Modern bedroom design

It is also worth noting the fact that right angles and corner joints are unacceptable here.

Interior and design of the bedroom in modern style

For example, if it is planned to install a bed on a podium in a bedroom decorated in this style, it should be rounded, like arches, door and window openings. The same requirement applies to furniture

Bedroom with panoramic windows

Art Nouveau design style has its origins in antiquity. So, in the original version, its creators proclaimed precisely antique interiors as an example of modern interior design. As a result, modern modern bedrooms have some antique features.

These elements include the presence of semi-columns, as well as the use of a decorative rosette for a chandelier.

Bedroom photo

As for the rebellious spirit, modernity in the 19th century rebelled against strict pragmatism as an established rule of that century. As a result, this mood was expressed in the selection of asymmetric details inherent in modern modernity. In addition, paired decorative panels and furniture, drop-shaped forms, as well as decorative elements of various heights are actively used.


Modern bedroom design

Since the design of a bedroom in the Art Nouveau style is rather complicated, a photo of a room decorated in this style must be selected in advance. The fact is that modernity is characterized by the use of a large number of design elements and details developed both in the 19th century and in our time.

Bedroom design photo

As a result, the design made in this style will always take into account the national traditions of the country where the room being designed is located.

A great example of an Art Nouveau bedroom

At the same time, there are several main features that are characteristic of Art Nouveau bedrooms in all countries. So, for example, the following colors are the most popular in this style:

  • silver;
  • golden;
  • Modern bedroom interior

    • chocolate;
    • white and gray.
    • Separately, it is worth mentioning such a room design option as a bedroom in beige tones. The fact is that such a color scheme in the Art Nouveau style is the most common, while it is performed using extremely smooth lines, often of an S-shaped configuration. Designers advise using this technique even in the design of window and door openings in order to give them some curvature.

      Bedroom in art nouveau style photo

      Lighting in an Art Nouveau bedroom should be dim. For this, they usually use built-in lamps, as well as lamps with frosted or colored glass shades.

      Art Nouveau bedroom interior photo

      As for the materials used in the Art Nouveau style, they must be exclusively of natural origin. For example, the use of glass and marble, natural textiles, ceramics is encouraged. If you study the modern design already used in modern rooms, its photo may also indicate the use of forged elements in the design of the bedroom.

      Moreover, such elements should not be bulky, on the contrary, they are required to be light and airy.

      Modern style in bedroom design

      One of the most unusual elements used in this room design option is stained glass. The fact is that in modern style they are widely used when decorating doors, windows, lighting fixtures and other surfaces made of glass. Of the drawings, the floral theme is widely used, as well as images of various insects.

      We decorate the bedroom in modern style

      Modern bedroom interior

      An Art Nouveau bedroom with a photo helps to determine in advance, even before the start of the renovation, what kind of interior will be in this room. So, for example, only plain materials are usually used for wall decoration. For example, you can paste wallpaper or leave it for painting. At the same time, the main task in a modern style is to create a basic, non-eye-catching background.

      Bedroom in grayscale

      Experienced designers, when decorating a bedroom, advise the upper part of the walls to be painted or upholstered with fabric, and the lower one should be reveted with a plinth made of ceramics or wood. As for the ceiling, in the described style, it is assigned the role of that element in the design of which it will be possible to show imagination. So, for example, beams, original stucco molding, stained-glass windows located on the ceiling can become the hallmark of your bedroom. If you are not sure how your bedroom will look like, a photo of such elements should be found in advance on the Internet.

      Round bed in the bedroom

      Important! It is worth noting that Art Nouveau does not tolerate abrupt transitions, so here the transition between the ceiling and walls is usually smoothed out with the help of cornices.

      Designers again advise to paint the bedroom in one color to give originality to the bedroom. Pink, cream, blue or pale green colors are ideal for walls and ceilings in Art Nouveau style.

      Cozy bedroom

      The third element, the decoration of which is important when decorating the interior of a bedroom, is the floor. The fact is that the Art Nouveau style, together with the traditional version - the use of herringbone parquet - you can use its original version in the form of a pattern in a floral or marine style.

      At the same time, modern technologies make it possible to make such drawings from marble or other natural stone.

      Modern bedroom decor option

      The final element of the bedroom interior in the described style can be considered lighting. Since the Art Nouveau style is characterized by a romantic mood, it is necessary to achieve the effect of dim lighting. At the same time, the interior of the bedroom will only benefit from the fact that the chandelier will not shine too much, as well as from the use of frosted or colored glass decorative lamps as additional sources of illumination. It will be great if they begin to resemble a flower bouquet or a rose bush from afar.

      Bedroom in gray tones

      Modern bedroom furniture

      The "modern" bedroom has special requirements for the furniture that will be placed in it. The main requirement for her is maximum comfort. In this case, the use of original fittings will be advantageous.

      Modern bedroom furniture

      A bedroom in the described style usually has a rounded bed as a central element. After all, this style does not recognize straight lines and only curved lines are organic for it. By the way, if you need to choose furniture for studio apartments in the Art Nouveau style, it makes sense to pay attention to the transforming bed, since it is best suited for installation in rooms with small dimensions.

      Black and white bedroom

      Furniture made in this style can be made from almost any material. The only condition is that such materials should not demonstrate a lack of funds for the owner of the bedroom.

      Warm tones of the modern style bedroom

      In addition to the bed, a chest of drawers and cabinets can be installed in the room. A large wardrobe, as well as a mirror, will not hurt. In this case, furniture of different styles can be combined.

      Bright bedroom

      Important! When choosing furniture for a bedroom in the Art Nouveau style, do not get carried away, you must take into account the size of the room.

      Only in this case it is possible to ensure that all objects in the room are combined with each other. An excellent way to decorate the appearance of furniture will be a floral pattern placed on the facade.

      Bedroom in dark colors

      The design and configuration of cabinets, as well as other furniture made in the Art Nouveau style, is selected depending on the location of other decorative elements in the room. At the same time, it is not recommended to purchase excessively luxurious or overly elaborate furniture. It will be best if its design is carried out in strict and concise colors.

      Art Nouveau bedroom decor

      This rule applies not only to furniture, but also to the entire interior of the room. Various accessories will help to bring an original touch to the bedroom interior. In addition, in the modern style, displaying household appliances and electronics is not very welcome, so try to place them on closed shelves and in cabinets.

      Beautiful bedroom

      Bedroom zoning

      Separately, it should be mentioned that Art Nouveau bedrooms must be zoned in order to preserve space in a large room without creating a feeling of emptiness. To do this, it is worthwhile to find in advance on the Internet a photo of a suitable bedroom interior and in accordance with it, perform all the work. For zoning, it is preferable to use such design techniques as the use of a multi-level floor and ceiling.

      Bedroom zoning

      In the same case, when a particular zone needs to be highlighted more clearly, use a screen to match the walls. In addition, it will be just wonderful when a floral-style ornament is applied to its walls. In this case, the screen will make it possible to change the size of a particular working area, as well as its location.

      Arrangement of a room in modern style

      On a note! The individuality of the bedroom can be given by the use of various decorative elements.

      It should be borne in mind that it is necessary to adhere to some very strict restrictions. So, for example, it is strictly forbidden to use excessively bright and abundant accessories, because this directly contradicts the basic principles of modernity, which consists in laconicism and minimalism.

      Modern and minimalism in the interior

      If we talk about the accessories themselves, then it can be figurines, figurines and other crafts made of wood, porcelain, glass and stone. So, for example, you can insert a mirror into a carved wooden frame or place a photo panel on the wall.

      Remember that modern style involves a combination of elements of different styles, so if things from the arsenal of the same classics appear in your modern bedroom, they will look very appropriate in such an interior.

      White bedroom in art nouveau style

      Specialists in the field of interior design argue that the modern style is very close to the high-tech style. But it is better not to combine these styles in the same room, as in this case the effect of mixing them will appear and it will be very difficult to decide what style is inherent in your bedroom.

